Continuous Join As You Go: Master Post
I love this join so much that it I decided to dedicate a complete post to it. Where can I learn it? Find the YouTube tutorial here (by Crochet Cabana). It would be easiest to get some granny squares that you need to join and actually follow along with the video. When I learned it I had to pause and rewind a bunch! See a flat braid version here (by my YouTube crochet idol – Bethintx1). ***** I made 2 tutorials so far whilst using the join on 2 projects. See the original tutorial here (pink Sunburst Granny). See my second *most popular!* tutorial here (green cushion cover). See my Partial CJAYG for Squares HERE See the Hexagon version of the Partial CJAYG HERE ***** Why should I love it? CJAYG is a no-sew join with a ton of integrity. Without all the fastening off and re-joining of the yarn, you have a neat, durable, and professional join. I have increased my speed with this join because it’s more of an over-all completion process versus a one-at-a-time process. …