Hello lovely crafter! I can’t believe the Colour Lab CAL is already over, but there is a way to ride the wave for a little while longer. With every Scheepjes CAL there is a small bonus pattern, and today I want to share mine with you. I wrote the Rosalind Motif just for you all, and I hope you enjoy it!
This motif is a great way to use up leftover remnants of your Scrumptious Kit if you got one, or just add it to your pattern collection as a freebie on me.
The name comes from British chemist and X-ray crystallographer, Rosalind Franklin, whose work was central to the understanding of the molecular structures of DNA. Unfortunately, her discovery of the structure of DNA went largely unrecognized during her life, as others took credit for her works.
Note: I made a full blanket with this motif! That FO Post will be live next Wednesday for you to check out!
More Free Pattern Versions
- Click here for English Language US Terms
- Click here for English Language UK Terms
- Click here for German language version
- Video version: The video link is after the written/photo version
PDF Format
Coming soon!
The condensed PDF version of this pattern is available for convenient printing on Etsy and Ravelry, and the US Terms, UK Terms, German, and Dutch PDFs are included in the purchase.

Related Links
As these sites become live, I will hyperlink them.
- Main Page with yarny info, kit info, and more
- Colour Lab CAL Blog Posts UK Terms: Main Page, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 US/UK Terms, Part 8 US/UK Terms, Bonus Project
- Colour Lab CAL Blog Posts US Terms: Main Page, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 US/UK Terms, Part 8 US/UK Terms, Bonus Project
- The Scheepjes website page for the CAL
- Scheepjes official Tips and Tricks PDF
- My Tips and Tricks Post US Terms with some photo tutorials of tricky stitches
- My Tips and Tricks Post UK Terms with some photo tutorials of tricky stitches
- Scheepjes International Facebook Group
- Scheepjes Dutch Facebook Group
- YouTube videos for the CAL (Videos are in UK Terms): Right-Handed // Left-Handed
- Ravelry Pattern Page
- USA: Jimmy Beans Wool Metropolis Kit / Scrumptious Kit
- UK/Worldwide: WoolWarehouse Metropolis Kit / Scrumptious Kit
- View the Scheepjes Shops page to find a retailer near you!
Where to Find Me
- Instagram: @cypresstextiles
- Facebook Page: CypressTextiles
- YouTube Channel: Rachele Carmona
- Pinterest: CypressTextiles
- Tumblr: CypressTextiles
- Etsy: CypressTextiles
- Ravelry: Rachele Carmona
- Teachable: Creative Art Blanket Course
PDF Format
Coming soon!
The condensed PDF version of this pattern is available for convenient printing on Etsy and Ravelry, and the US Terms, UK Terms, German, and Dutch PDFs are included in the purchase.

Project Details
- Skill Level Adventurous Beginner
- Measurements Approximately 9x9in before blocking (Gauge is not necessary for this project)
- Materials Scheepjes Scrumptious Yarn, Size 3.5mm Crochet Hook
- Social Media Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Etsy, Ravelry: CypressTextiles
- Hashtags #RosalindBlanket #CypressTextiles
Yarn + Affiliate Links
Shopping through these links will gain me a small commission to support CypressTextiles, at no additional cost to you! Yarn amounts are given for Colour Crafter Yarn and Scrumptious Yarn. The Scrumptious Yarn is also an alternate colorway.
Scheepjes Scrumptious Yarn
Head to WoolWarehouse to shop Scrumptious through my affiliate link.
I used the remainder of my Scrumptious Kit to make my blanket, but you can use stash yarn or get yourself about 9 or 10 full balls in all different colors. Keep in mind, each motif uses 3 colors, so you want to be sure you can mix it up.

Repeat and Bracket Guide
Square brackets [ ] are used for small repeats: 4dc, [2dc, 3tr, 2dc] 2 times
Asterisks *are used for repeats that include small repeats: *5dc, [1ch, 1dc] 3 times in next ch, rep from * 3 times
Round brackets ( ) are used when a string of stitches are worked into the same spot: (3tr, 3ch, 3tr) in next st
Stitch Counts are given at the end of rows where necessary, in the following format: [12 dc, 3 sp]
Tips and Notes
- Weave your ends after each time you cut the yarn to avoid having to do them all at the end.
- Please read the stitch guide for any abbreviations.
- To get a neater result, I do not “chain up” for the first sc of the round/row. Jump straight into the first sc.

- [ ] aantal stn in toer/rij staat tussen rechte haakjes
- 1l-open opening(en) van 1 losse (of aantal zoals aangegeven: 2l-open, etc.)
- 2st-cl cluster van 2 stokjes: (gon, steek naald in s/open, gon, haal lus op, gon, haal door 2 lussen) 2x in zelfde s/open (3 lussen op naald), gon, haal door alle lussen
- 2st smh 2 stokjes samen haken om 1 s te minderen: (gon, naald in volg s/open, gon, haal lus op, gon, haal door 2 lussen) 2x, gon, haal door alle lussen
- 3st-cl cluster van 3 stokjes: (gon, steek naald in s/open, gon, haal lus op, gon, haal door 2 lussen) 3x in zelfde s/open (4 lussen op naald), gon, haal door alle lussen
- 3st smh 3 stokjes samen haken om 2 stn te minderen: (gon, steek naald in volg s/open, gon, haal lus op, gon, haal door 2 lussen) 3x, gon, haal door alle lussen
- 4st-cl cluster van 4 stokjes: (gon, steek naald in s/open, gon, haal lus op, gon, haal door 2 lussen) 4x in zelfde s/open (5 lussen op naald), gon, haal door alle lussen
- AK achterkant
- beg 2st smh begin 2 stokjes samen haken om 1 s te minderen:beg st, 1st in volg s – sluit toer met hv in normale st
- beg 2st-cl begin cluster van 2 stokjes:(beg st, 1st) in aangegeven s/open – sluit toer met hv in normale st
- beg 3st smh begin 3 stokjes samen haken om 2 stn te minderen:beg st, (gon, steek naald in volg s/open, gon, haal lus op, gon, haal door 2 lussen) 2x, gon, haal door 3 lussen op naald – sluit toer met hv in bovenkant van beg 3st smh
- beg 4st-cl begin cluster van 4 stokjes: (beg st, 3st-cl) in zelfde s/open – telt als 1 4st-cl
- beg begin
- beg dst begin dubbel stokje: (1v, 2l) – telt als 1 dst
- beg st begin stokje: (1v, 1l) – telt als 1 st
- dst dubbel(e) stokje(s)
- GK goede kant
- gon garen om naald
- herh herhaal
- hv halve vaste
- l losse(n)
- l-open losse opening(en)
- st stokje(s)
- open opening(en)
- oversl overslaan
- pc popcorn(s): 4st in s/open, haal lus van naald, steek naald van voren naar achteren door eerste st, zet lus terug op naald, haal door lus op naald om s te sluiten
- RvV reliëfvaste(n) voor: steek naald van voren naar achteren en weer naar voren om aangegeven s, haak v
- s/stn steek/steken
- v vaste(n)
- volg volgende

*…….; herh vanaf * nog 2x/tot eind haak instructies na * en herhaal daarna zoals aangegeven
(…….) 2x/tot eind haak instructies tussen haakjes het totaal aantal keren zoals aangegeven
The following are written and photo instructions. Scroll down for Video Instruction link.
3l, hv in derde l vanaf naald om ring te maken.
Toer 1 (GK) Beg 4st-cl, (4l, 4st-cl) 3x, 4l, hv in beg 4st-cl om te sluiten. [4 4st-cl, 4 l-open]






Toer 2 (GK) Beg st in eerste l-open, 6st in zelfde l-open, 1l, (7st in volg l-open, 1l) 3x, hv in beg st. [28 st, 4 1l-open]


Toer 3 *1v in volg s, 3l, 1 s oversl, (1v, 5l, 1v) in volg s, 3l, 1 s oversl, 1v, 3l, pc in 1l-open, 3l, 1 s oversl; herh vanaf * nog 3x, hv in eerste v. [4 pc, 16 v, 20 l-open]


Toer 4 Hv in eerste l van l-open, 1v in zelfde l-open, *3l, (1v, 3l, 1v) in 5l-open, (3l, 1v in volg l-open) 4x; herh vanaf * nog 3x m.u.v. laatste v, hv in eerste v. [24 v, 24 l-open]



Toer 5 Hv in eerste l van l-open, beg st in zelfde l-open, *1st in zelfde open, (2st, 3l, 2st) in hoek open, 2st in volg 2l-open, 3st in volg l-open, 2st in volg l-open, 1st in volg l-open; herh vanaf * nog 3x m.u.v. laatste s, hv in beg st. [60 st, 4 l-open]



Toer 6 (3v, 5v in volg l-open, 12v) 4x, hv in eerste v. [80 v]


Knip draad af en hecht draadjes af.
Haak aan zijkanten van Basis Vierkant.
Rij 1 (GK) Hecht garen met hv aan in willekeurige hoek v van Basis Vierkant, beg st in zelfde s, *3 stn oversl, (2st-cl, 2l, 2st-cl) in volg s, 1l; herh vanaf * nog 3x m.u.v. laatste 1l, 1st in laatste s (de hoek s), keer. [8 2st-cl, 2 st, 7 l-open]


Rij 2 (AK) 3v in 2l-open, (1v in 1l-open, 3v in 2l-open) 3x, keer. [15 v]

Let op: dst stn van Rij 3 vormen kleine bobbels aan GK van werk; duw elk dst door werk naar GK.
Rij 3 (GK) 1v in volg s, (1dst, 1v) 6x, keer. [6 dst, 7 v]

Rij 4 (AK) Hv in eerste dst, (1v in volg v, 2l) 4x, 1v in volg v, keer. [5 v, 4 l-open]

Rij 5 (GK) Hv in eerste l van l-open, beg st in zelfde l-open, (1l, 2st-cl in volg l-open) 2x, 1l, 1st in volg l-open, keer. [2 2st-cl, 2 st, 3 l-open]

Rij 6 (AK) 1v in volg l-open, 2v in volg l-open, 1v in volg l-open, keer. [4 v]

Rij 7 (GK) 1v in eerste st, 3l, 1v in laatste s, keer niet. [2 v, 1 l-open]

Knip draad af en hecht draadjes af.
Herh Binnenste Opvuldriehoek voor 3 resterende zijkanten van Basis Vierkant.

Rand toer (GK) Hecht garen met hv aan in willekeurige hoek open, (3v in hoek open, 2v in v, 2RvV om volg 2 st, 1v in volg 4 stn, 2v in volg st, 1v in hoek s van Basis Vierkant, 2v in volg st, 1v in volg 4 stn, 2v in volg 2 st, 2v in volg v) 4x, hv in eerste v om te sluiten. [112 v] Knip draad af en hecht draadjes af.



Haak aan zijkanten van Binnenste Opvuldriehoek.
Rij 1 (GK) Hecht garen met hv aan in willekeurige hoek v van een Binnenste Opvuldriehoek, 3st smh over eerste 3 stn, 23st, 3st smh, keer. [2 3st smh, 23 st]


Rij 2 (AK) 3st smh over eerste 3 stn, (1l, 1 s oversl, 1st) 9x, 1l, 1 s oversl, 3st smh, keer. [2 3st smh, 9 st, 10 open]

Rij 3 (GK) 3st smh over eerste 3 stn/open, (1l, pc in volg st, 1l, 1st in volg st) 4x m.u.v. laatste s, 3st smh over laatste 3 stn/open, keer. [2 3st smh, 4 pc, 3 st, 8 l-open]

Rij 4 (AK) Beg 2st smh over eerste s/open, 4st in volg 3 st, 2st smh over laatste s/open, keer. [2 2st smh, 12 st]

Rij 5 (GK) Beg st, (4st smh, 3l) 2x, 4st smh, 1st in laatste s, keer. [3 4st smh, 2 st, 2l-open]

Rij 6 (AK) (1v, 3v in l-open) 2x, 1v, keer. [9 v]

Rij 7 (GK) Beg st in volg s, 2 stn oversl, (2st-cl, 3l, 2st-cl) in volg s, 2 stn oversl, 1st, keer. [2 2st-cl, 2 st, 1 l-open]

Rij 8 (AK) 3v in l-open, keer. [3 v]

Knip draad af en hecht draadjes af.
Herh Buitenste Opvuldriehoek voor 3 resterende zijkanten van Binnenste Opvuldriehoek.
Rand toer (GK) Hecht garen met hv aan in willekeurige hoek v, (3v in hoek s, 1v, 2v in st, 1v in volg 2 stn, 2v in volg 2 st, 3v in buitenste ‘been’ van volg 2 3st smh, 2v in volg 3st smh, 1v in hoek s van vorige Rand toer, 2v in volg 3st smh, 3v in volg 2 3st smh, 2v in volg 2 st, 1v in volg 2 stn, 2v in volg st, 1v) 4x, hv in eerste v om te sluiten. [152 v]

Knip draad af en hecht draadjes af.
Yay! All done! Give yourself a fist bump!
Video Instruction
Video is spoken in English and in US Terms.
Copyright Information
No pattern or other material may be reproduced — mechanically, electronically, or by any other means, including photocopying — without written permission of Rachele Carmona. This applies to all content on CypressTextiles.net, BabyLoveBrand.net, and all other sites used by Rachele Carmona including social media. Paid patterns are for personal use only. You may sell your finished crocheted items, but do not use my photos to sell your items.
Crochet Designer & Fiber Artist
More Free Pattern Versions
- Click here for English Language US Terms
- Click here for English Language UK Terms
- Click here for German language version
PDF Version
Coming soon!
The condensed PDF version of this pattern is available for convenient printing on Etsy and Ravelry, and the US Terms, UK Terms, German, and Dutch PDFs are included in the purchase.
Happy crafting,
Rachele C.
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- Buy my pattern book – I wrote a super neat crochet blanket pattern book, published under Penguin Random House. You can buy it here!
- Browse my self-published patterns – I have over a hundred patterns on Etsy and Ravelry
- Creative Art Blanket Course – Check it out on Teachable
Where to Find Me
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- Facebook Page: CypressTextiles
- YouTube Channel: Rachele Carmona
- Pinterest: CypressTextiles
- Tumblr: CypressTextiles
- Etsy: CypressTextiles
- Ravelry: Rachele Carmona
- Teachable: Creative Art Blanket Course