Hello, lovely crafter! I absolutely cannot believe that the Colour Lab CAL is wrapping up! I had the best time with the CAL, and seeing everyone’s interpretations of the color layout made all of the hard work worthwhile. Today I decided to create a wrap-up post. This is mostly a show and tell post of lovely CAL WIP and FO images. Lots of eye candy!
First, let’s take a walk down memory lane to see all of the 8 CAL Parts, and then I want to show off a few of the many, many WIPs that you can find in the Scheepjes International Facebook Group.

Related Links
If you have not seen this project yet, here are all of the quick links so that you can see more and get started!
- The Scheepjes website page for the CAL
- Scheepjes official Tips and Tricks PDF
- My Tips and Tricks Post US Terms with some photo tutorials of tricky stitches
- My Tips and Tricks Post UK Terms with some photo tutorials of tricky stitches
- Scheepjes International Facebook Group
- Scheepjes Dutch Facebook Group
- YouTube videos for the CAL (Videos are in UK Terms): Right-Handed // Left-Handed
- Ravelry Pattern Page
- Colour Lab CAL Blog Posts UK Terms: Main Page, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 US/UK Terms, Part 8 US/UK Terms, Bonus Project
- Colour Lab CAL Blog Posts US Terms: Main Page, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 US/UK Terms, Part 8 US/UK Terms, Bonus Project
- USA: Jimmy Beans Wool Metropolis Kit / Scrumptious Kit
- UK/Worldwide: WoolWarehouse Metropolis Kit / Scrumptious Kit
- Find a Scheepjes Retailer near you!
Where to Find Me
- Instagram: @cypresstextiles
- Facebook Page: CypressTextiles
- YouTube Channel: Rachele Carmona
- Pinterest: CypressTextiles
- Tumblr: CypressTextiles
- Etsy: CypressTextiles
- Ravelry: Rachele Carmona
- Teachable: Creative Art Blanket Course
Looking Back at the Colour Lab CAL
The Colour Lab CAL projects have been so beautiful, and I am proud of how many people are participating. Everyone has given the project their own creative spin, and it has been lovely to see.
Instead of just showing the sample colorways, they have challenged everyone to create their own color layout, and I’ve been floored looking at all of the possibilities. Here are just a few of them, and it was so hard to choose just a few, but you should really check out the Facebook groups linked above to see them all!
Let’s kick off the trip to the past with a look at Part 1!
Part 1
I used Part 1 as a way to ease everyone into the CAL and familiarize themselves with my pattern terminology and methods. The simple squares are so neat and uniform.
This gorgeous rainbow caught my eye!

Part 2
During Part 2, we really sank our teeth in. This part was meant to let you know that the Colour Lab CAL oscillates between the simple and the complex. Some parts you can zen out to and some you have to pay attention.
I just loved the color combination of this project!

Part 3
For Part 3, I had to pay homage to the largest project that I host, which is the Vibrant Vintage CAL (VVCAL). Every 2 years, I have a new VVCAL with 33 unique squares that are all the same size to mix and match. I just had to include this aspect in my Scheepjes CAL pattern.
I really enjoyed the interesting collection of squares in this Part 3 example. The inspiration of the tiles really shows through!

Part 4
Part 4 was a continuation of Part 3, and allowed the panels to be joined together. I loved being able to split this section over the two parts, and it was fun to create a completely separate piece on Part 3 and then join it on Part 4.
This color fade is absolutely Scrumptious!

Part 5
Part 5 was another set of motifs that were not yet joined onto the blanket body. These motifs are the full version of the motifs in Part 2, which was one of the most fun parts of designing the blanket for me. I knew there would already be a lot going on in this blanket design, so I wanted to keep some elements identical.
The color scheme on this blanket is so pretty. I love the pops of bold color!

Part 6
During Part 6, you got somewhat of a break by following instruction to just work back and forth across the blanket. This part joined Part 5 to the blanket body as well.
This is a gorgeous piece, and I love the color combination.

Part 7
Again for Part 7, we worked motifs that were not yet connected together. These are little quarter motifs that you could just make piles of in no time.
I think you can agree that this project is a stunner! What a color riot!

Part 8
Some little motifs – triangle shapes and some squares that were identical to a portion of Part 1 – made up Part 8. This part brought it all together, including the border!
One of my favorite blankets to follow, this one makes me want to make my own Colour Lab CAL stash buster!

I hope you enjoyed that walk down memory lane! The CAL has been an absolute blast, and I hope you continue to share your WIPs, even if the CAL is long over. Go Team Sloth!
Crafter Showcase
The crafters showcase is going to be some works that are very nearly finished or all the way completed. These are projects that I especially enjoyed watching develop. They are so beautiful!
Everyone who participated in the CAL has been doing such great work. It’s made my week to see them rolling in!
Enjoy the showcase!

More FOs from the Facebook group!
Alison Hennig

Andrea Keightley

Anna Walther

Anu Jarve

Caroline Rabenius

Christie Bailey

Claire Reisis

Dea Magnusson-Luelmo

Diana Smith

Eva Horvathne Vass

Eva Maria Pardo

Fran Mundin

Gerty Moustaqir

Gina Philpott

Jan Webster

Jane Whitten

Janine Galligan

Jennifer Graham

Jenny Lynn

Katie Marie

Julia Brunner

Karen Marie

Karin Gibbons

Karin McKelvey

Karin Wagner

Kathy Gilmore

Kendra Adams Parry

Laura Polley

Linda Buckley

Lisa Vossler Clark

Lise Svensson

Lita Jonathans

Maria Ascensao Ferreira

Maria Vega Keller

Marina Connor

Marion Fitzsimons

Mary Alderton

Mary Jenkins

Michelle Lazo

Miep Scheurwater

Mirella Verheul

Natasha Horan

Rebecca Parnaby-Rooke

Rineke Rottine

Samvada Hilow

Saskia Everts-van Avendonk

Stephanie Segl

Su Veal Bisciotti

Suzanne Price

Sylvia Watkinson

Tania Lloyd

Tina Holst Hviid

Tine Skat Christiansen

Vanessa Amesbury

Vina Maya Ekaterina

And that wraps up the crafter Showcase! Aren’t all of the project just stunning?
The time has flown by; I still can’t believe it. I want to say thank you so much for checking out my Colour Lab CAL wrap-up post! I have enjoyed showing you, and hope you loved it.
Happy crafting!
Rachele C.
The Art of Crochet Blankets (affiliate)
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- Affiliate links – Shopping through my links supports me at no additional cost to you as I get a small commission through my affiliates. Jimmy Beans Wool // WoolWarehouse // Amazon.com
- Buy my pattern book – I wrote a super neat crochet blanket pattern book, published under Penguin Random House. You can buy it here!
- Browse my self-published patterns – I have over a hundred patterns on Etsy and Ravelry
- Creative Art Blanket Course – Check it out on Teachable
- My new Creative Clarity Blog Post Series