PaintedHexagons– это узор красивого дизайна, который позволит вам чувствовать себя художником каждый раз, когда вы его создаете. Если вы хотите захватить свой проект с собой, можно сначала связать отдельные мотивы, а уже потом, дома, соединить их все в одеяло. Затем добавьте простую кайму – и ваше новое одеяло из «бабушкиных шестиугольников» готово. Поистине шедевр!
Размер одного мотива – около 6.5 дюймов (16.5см) в самом широком месте.
Размер готового изделия около 36х36 дюймов (92х92 см), но его легко изменить.
Крючок 3.75мм
Гобеленовая игла для заделки концов ниток
ВК выполнить кольцо:3вп, затем сс в третью вп от крючка
вп воздушная петля, цепочка из воздушных петель
инт. интервал, арка – промежуток из одной или нескольких вп предыдущего ряда
н накид
нач. начальный
нач.с1н вязать сбн, 1вп – считается, как 1 с1н
нач.с2н вязать сбн, 2вп – считается, как 1 с2н
п петля
проп. пропустить
с1н столбик с одним накидом
с2н столбик с двумя накидами
сбн столбик без накида
сс соединительный столбик
Схема расположения мотивов
Описание работы
Примечание: используйте 14 цветов (кроме цвета 105) в произвольном порядке
для всех круговых рядов/рядов для всех мотивов, за исключением последнего
кругового ряда/ряда.
мотив (выполнить 38 штук)
Ряд 1 ВК, нач.с1н, 1вп,
(2с1н, 1вп) 5 раз, с1н, сс в нач.с1н, обрежьте нить и заделайте
концы. [12 с1н, 6 инт.]
Ряд 2 Присоедините новую нить при помощи сс в любой инт., нач.с1н в инт., (1вп, 2с1н в тот же инт., 2с1н в следующий инт.) 6 раз за исключением последнего с1н, сс в нач.с1н, обрежьте нить и заделайте концы. [24с1н, 6 инт.]
Ряды 3-7 Присоедините новую нить в любой инт., нач.с1н в инт., * 1вп, 2с1н в тот же инт., (проп. 2п, 2с1н в промежуток между последним пропущенным и следующим с1н) вяжите так до следующего инт., 2с1н в инт., повторяйте от * 5 раз за исключением последнего с1н, сс в нач.с1н, обрежьте нить и заделайте концы. [84 с1н, 6 инт.]
Ряд 8 Присоедините нить цвета 105 в
любой инт., (3сбн в инт., сбн во все
петли до следующего инт.) 6 раз, сс в первый сбн, обрежьте нить, оставив конец
длиной 24 дюйма (примерно 60см) для последующего соединения мотивов . [102 сбн]
Примечание: я добавила в свое одеяло также
несколько одноцветных шестиугольников. Следуйте той же инструкции, но не
прерывайте нить в круговых рядах 1 – 6.
Make surgeon’s knot to fasten ends if desired as below:
First step:
Second step (note the extra pass for securing the knot). When tightening, make sure it is seated properly:
Cut ends short or weave. Do not wait until your blanket is finished to weave the ends, or you may cry real tears. I know we have all been there!
шестиугольный мотив (выполнить 8 штук)
Примечание: не поворачивайте работу после каждого
ряда. Обрежьте нить и вернитесь к началу ряда, чтобы присоединить новую нить.
Ряд 1 ВК, нач.с1н, 1вп,
(2с1н, 1вп) 3 раза, с1н, обрежьте нить и заделайте концы. [8 с1н, 4
Ряд 2 Присоедините новую нить при помощи сс в первый инт., нач.с1н в тот же инт., (1вп, 2с1н в
тот же инт., 2с1н в следующий инт.) 3 раза, 1вп, с1н в тот же инт.,
обрежьте нить и заделайте концы. [14 с1н, 4 инт.]
Ряды 3-7 Присоедините
новую нить при помощи сс в первый инт., нач.с1н в тот же инт., * 1вп, 2с1н в
тот же инт., (проп. 2п, 2с1н в промежуток между последним пропущенным и
следующим с1н) вяжите так до следующего инт., 2с1н в инт., повторяйте от * 2
раза, 1вп, с1н в тот же инт., обрежьте нить и заделайте концы. [44 с1н, 4 инт.]
Ряд 8 Присоедините нить цвета 105 при
помощи сс в первый инт., 2сбн в тот же инт., (сбн во все петли до следующего инт., 3сбн в инт.) 3 раза за исключением последнего сбн, обрежьте нить,
оставив конец длиной 24 дюйма (примерно 60см)
для последующего соединения мотивов. [52 сбн]
Треугольный заполняющий мотив (выполнить 12
Ряд 1
ВК, нач.с2н, с2н, 2с1н, 1вп, 2с1н, 2с2н, обрежьте нить и заделайте концы. [4
с2н, 4 с1н, 1 инт.]
Ряд 2 Присоедините
новую нить при помощи сс в нач.с2н, (нач.с2н, с2н, 2с1н) в ту же п, проп. 1п,
2с1н в промежуток между последним пропущенным и следующим с1н, (2с1н, 1вп,
2с1н) в инт., проп. 2п, 2с1н между петлями, как указано ранее, проп. 1п, (2с1н,
2с2н) в последнюю п, обрежьте нить и заделайте концы. [4 с2н, 12 с1н, 1 инт.]
Ряды 3 и 4 Присоедините
новую нить при помощи сс в нач.с2н, (нач.с2н, с2н, 2с1н) в ту же п, 2с1н между
петлями, вяжите так до инт., (2с1н, 1вп, 2с1н) в инт., 2с1н между петлями, вяжите так до последней п, (2с1н, 2с2н) в
последнюю п, обрежьте нить и заделайте концы. [4 с2н, 28 с1н, 1 инт.]
Ряд 5 Присоедините
нить цвета 105 при помощи сс в первую п, 2сбн в ту же п, сбн во все петли до инт., 3сбн
в инт., сбн во все петли до последней п, 2сбн в последнюю п, обрежьте нить,
оставив конец длиной 15 дюймов (примерно 40см) для последующего соединения
мотивов. [35 сбн]
Соединение мотивов
Соедините мотивы согласно схеме с помощью обметочных стежков следующим образом:
Сложите 2
мотива изнаночными сторонами друг к другу и используйте длинный конец нити
одного из мотивов.
длинный конец нити через центральный сбн угла обоих мотивов в направлении к
крючок в направлении от себя в обе дужки следующей (двигаемся влево) петли
обоих мотивов.
длинный конец нити и вытяните ее на переднюю сторону, протянув через петли на
крючке, и оставьте получившуюся обметочную петлю свободно лежать по верхнему
краю мотивов.
шаги 3 и 4, вводя крючок через оба мотива в направлении от себя в следующую
петлю (двигаемся влево), и вытягивая нить на переднюю сторону.
Дойдя до
очередного угла, после которого не осталось последующих свободных сторон для соединения,
закрепите оставшийся конец нити и обрежьте его, если необходимо.
Если еще имеются
несоединенные стороны мотива, выполните это, затем укоротите нить, если это
необходимо, и заделайте концы.
Важно: Не
стягивайте слишком сильно нить при выполнении обметочных стежков. Я
предпочитаю, чтобы обметочные стежки свободно лежали на одном уровне с соединяемым
краем. В этом случае, после того, как мотивы будут разложены в одной плоскости,
получатся красивые стежки.
Here is the link to my YouTube video for this join:
Ряд 1 Присоедините нить цвета 105 при помощи сс в любой угол, (3сбн в угловую
петлю, сбн равномерно по всей стороне до следующего угла) 4 раза. Убедитесь,
что вы делаете одинаковое количество сбн по противоположным сторонам изделия. Примечание:
Провязывайте 2 сбн вдоль кромочной петли, образованной с1н, и 3 сбн вдоль
кромочной петли, образованной с2н.
Ряд 2 Вязать сбн обратным ходом (рачий шаг) во все петли по кругу, сс в первую п
ряда, обрежьте нить и заделайте концы.
Информация об авторском праве
Запрещается копировать описания или любые другие материалы – механическим, электронным или любым иным способом, включая фотокопирование – без получения письменного разрешения Рэйчел Кармона (Rachele Carmona). Это касается всего контента на, и на всех иных веб-сайтах, созданных Rachele Carmona. Платные описания предназначены только для личного пользования. Разрешается продавать готовые вязаные изделия.
Hexágonos pintados es una pieza bellamente construida que le hará sentir como un artista cada vez que la haga. Si desea llevar su proyecto con usted, puede trabajar los motivos con anticipación y después unirlos en su casa. Luego agregue el borde simple y su manta hexagonal de abuelita actualizada estará completa. ¡Verdaderamente una obra maestra!
Los motivos miden alrededor de 6.5 pulgadas en el punto más ancho.
La pieza terminada mide alrededor de 36 x 36 pulgadas y es fácil de redimensionar.
Guía de Puntos
v de inicio pb, 1 cad – cuenta como 1 v
vd de inicio pb, 2 cad– cuenta como 1 vd
HP Trabajar sólo en la hebra posterior
cad cadena(s), cadeneta(s)
v vareta, punto alto, punto entero
Hacer Anillo Hacer Anillo: 3 cad y pd en la 3a cad desde el ganchillo
LD/LR Lado Derecho / Lado Revés de la labor
pb punto bajo, medio punto
sal. saltar
E espacio(s)
pd punto deslizado, punto raso, punto enano
pt(s). punto(s), puntada(s)
vd vareta doble, punto alto doble, punto entero doble
laz lazada
Nota: Use 14
colores (no el color 105) aleatoriamente para todas las vueltas / filas de
todos los motivos, excepto la última vuelta / fila.
Hexágono (Hacer 38)
Vuelta 1 Hacer Anillo, v de inicio, 1 cad, (2 v, 1 cad) 5 veces, v, pd en v de inicio, cortar el hilo y esconder los extremos. [12 v, 6 E]
Make surgeon’s knot to fasten ends if desired as below:
First step:
Second step (note the extra pass for securing the knot). When tightening, make sure it is seated properly:
Cut ends short or weave. Do not wait until your blanket is finished to weave the ends, or you may cry real tears. I know we have all been there!
Vuelta 2 Unir el hilo nuevo con pd en cualquier E, v de inicio en el E, (1 cad, 2 v en el mismo E, 2 v en el siguiente E) 6 veces omitiendo la última v, pd en v de inicio, cortar el hilo y esconder los extremos. [24 v, 6 E]
Vueltas 3-7 Unir
el hilo nuevo en cualquier E, v de inicio en el E, * 1 cad, 2 v en el mismo E,
(sal. 2, 2 v entre la última y la siguiente v) alrededor hasta el siguiente E, 2
v en el E, repetir desde * 5 veces omitiendo la última v, pd en v de inicio, cortar
el hilo y esconder los extremos. [84 v, 6 E]
Vuelta 8 Unir el hilo 105 en cualquier E, (3 pb en
el E, pb en todos los pts. alrededor hasta el siguiente E) 6 veces, pd en el
primer pb, cortar el hilo dejando un hebra de 24 pulgada para unir más adelante.
[102 pb]
Nota: También
agregué algunos hexágonos de color sólido en mi manta. Siga las mismas
instrucciones pero no corte el hilo en las vueltas 1-6.
Medio Hexágono (Hacer 8)
Nota: No girar después de cada fila. Cortar el hilo y volver al inicio
para unir el hilo nuevo.
Fila 1 Hacer Anillo, v de inicio, 1 cad, (2 v, 1 cad) 3 veces, v, cortar el hilo y esconder los extremos. [8 v, 4 E]
Fila 2 Unir el hilo nuevo con pd en el primer E, v de inicio en el mismo E, (1 cad, 2 v en el mismo E, 2 v en el siguiente E) 3 veces, 1 cad, v en el mismo E, cortar el hilo y esconder los extremos. [14 v, 4 E]
3-7 Unir
el hilo nuevo con pd en el primer E, v de inicio en el mismo E, * 1 cad, 2 v en
el mismo E, (sal. 2, 2 v entre la última y la siguiente v) alrededor hasta el
siguiente E, 2 v en el E, repetir desde * 2 veces, 1 cad, v en el mismo E, cortar
el hilo y esconder los extremos. [44 v, 4 E]
Fila 8 Unir el hilo 105 con pd en el primer E, 2 pb en el mismo E, (pb en todos los pts. alrededor hasta el siguiente E, 3 pb en el E) 3 veces omitiendo el último pb, cortar el hilo dejando un hebra de 24 pulgada para unir más adelante. [52 pb]
Triángulo (Hacer 12)
Fila 1 Hacer Anillo, vd de inicio, vd, 2 v, 1 cad, 2 v, 2 vd, cortar el hilo y esconder los extremos.[4 vd, 4 v, 1 E]
Fila 2 Unir el hilo nuevo con pd en la vd de inicio, (vd de inicio, vd, 2 v) en el mismo pt., sal. 1, 2 v entre la última y la siguiente v, (2 v, 1 cad, 2 v) en el E, sal. 2, 2 v entre los pts. como antes, sal. 1, (2 v, 2 vd) en el último pt., cortar el hilo y esconder los extremos. [4 vd, 12 v, 1 E]
Filas 3 y 4 Unir el hilo nuevo con pd en la vd de inicio, (vd de inicio, vd, 2 v) en el mismo pt., 2 v entre los pts. alrededor hasta el E, (2 v, 1 cad, 2 v) en el E, 2 v entre los pts. alrededor hasta el último pt., (2 v, 2 vd) en el último pt., cortar el hilo y esconder los extremos. [4 vd, 28 v, 1 E]
Fila 5 Unir el hilo 105 con pd en el primer pt., 2 pb en el mismo pt., pb en todos los pts. alrededor hasta el E, 3 pb en el E, pb en todos los pts. alrededor hasta el último pt., 2 pb en el último pt., cortar el hilo dejando un hebra de 15 pulgada para unir más adelante. [35 pb]
Unir los Motivos
Here is the link to my YouTube video for this join:
Unir los pts. de los motivos siguiendo el siguiente esquema:
Tomar 2 motivos con los lados del revés enfrentados, y usar la hebra larga de uno de los motivos.
Pasar la hebra larga por el punto del centro de la esquina de ambos motivos, desde atrás hacia adelante.
Insertar el ganchillo desde adelante hacia atrás a través de ambas hebras del pt. de la izquierda, en ambos motivos.
Tome la hebra larga y pásela hacia el frente de la pieza, permitiendo que el pt. quede al ras de la parte superior de los motivos.
Repita los pasos 3 y 4 alrededor, insertando el ganchillo a través de ambos motivos desde adelante hacia atrás en el siguiente pt. de la izquierda y luego pasando el hilo hacia el frente.
Cuando alcance la siguiente esquina, si no hay más lados que unir, puede esconder el hilo, cortándolo si es necesario.
Si hay más lados que unir hágalo, luego corte el hilo si es necesario y escóndalo.
Importante: No tire los pts. Prefiero dejar los pts. al ras y ajustados al borde de unión. Luego cuando abra los motivos para estirarlos, podrá ver los pts. limpios.
Vuelta 1 Unir el hilo 105 con pd en cualquier esquina,
(3 pb en la esquina, pb alrededor hasta la siguiente esquina) 4 veces. Asegúrese
de hacer la misma cantidad de pb en los lados opuestos de la pieza. Nota: Hacer
2 pb a lo largo de cada v, y 3 pb a lo largo de cada vd.
Vuelta 2 pb en reversa (pt. cangrejo) en todos los pts.
alrededor, pd en el primer pt., cortar el hilo y esconder los extremos.
Derechos de Autor
Ningún patrón u otro material puede ser
reproducido — ya sea mecánicamente, electrónicamente o por cualquier otro
medio, incluyendo fotocopias — sin el permiso por escrito de Rachele Carmona.
Esto se aplica a todo el contenido en, y
todas las demás URL utilizadas por Rachele Carmona. Los patrones pagados son
sólo para uso personal. Usted puede vender sus artículos de ganchillo
Hey, y’all! I do have a completed blanket to show you today (YAY!) but first, I have some hooky announcements to make, which features an exciting project from a talented crafter who you know and love, as well as a couple of things I’ve been working on. So dive in, and maybe you’ll see something that speaks to you. Hooks ready? Alrighty first up is the…
Trinity Mandala MAL
The Trinity Mandala MAL pattern was created by talented and generous Esther of It’s All in a Nutshell fame. The photos for this MAL look stunning, and I have a huge idea to use three hula hoops to make a larger version of the mandalas for a wall hanging. I’ll dive into my Scheepjes yarn stash and see what will work! The actual MAL version will use Catona. Here are the details..
If you’re wondering where you can get the full Trinity Mandala MAL yarn kit with just a few clicks, then wonder no more! Shopping through these affiliate links helps support CypressTextiles at no additional cost to you. Yay!
I’m super excited to release a blanket pattern that I have been working on behind the scenes. The Hyacinth blanket is made in the chunky yet featherweight Scheepjes Namaste yarn, but you can use any hook and yarn you fancy. The blanket is easy to resize and the lacy hexagon motifs look great at a large or small gauge.
Look out for the Hyacinth Crochet Blanket pattern tomorrow, March 25th on Ravelry and Etsy! I’ll be sure to make an announcement on my social media so you won’t miss it.
I’m honored to say that my Beach But blanket pattern is featured in the Summer 2019 issue of Crochet! Magazine. Woohoo! Check out the issue here: Summer 2019 issue of Crochet! Magazine.
I’ve been working on a blog post celebrating the evolution of the Beach Hut Blanket pattern – It’s one of my favorite designs, and I have some fun little behind-the-scenes Beach Hut tidbits that I’ve collected for y’all. Can’t wait to share!
And that’s it! That’s all the info I wanted to share – I never want to just bombard you all with a ton of blog posts, so there’s your neatly packaged preview section. Now for the main feature! My latest FO!
If you’ve been following me for any length of time, you know I love to mix motif shapes and designs in my crochet works.
BUT… there is always room in my heart for a patchwork blanket. Just a whole mess of squares joined together is like a hot cup of cocoa or a big scoop of mashed potatoes and gravy. The ultimate comfort!
Over the years, I have worked up loads of patchwork-style blankets, and since I happen to be releasing a granny square design very soon, I thought I’d share some patchy blasts from the past. Hope you enjoy this little walk down memory lane!
2016 VVCAL Demo
First up is a total classic. The 2016 #VVCAL blanket. I worked it up in a stash of greens, which you all really seemed to enjoy. There are some squares in this piece that didn’t actually make it into the final VVCAL pattern, since I used this as one of my demo blankets.
One thing I loved about the Vibrant Vintage Crochet-along was that it included some “pattern squares” so you wouldn’t get bored, and some plain squares so you could still rest your crochet brain and just crank out grannies if you needed a break.
I frogged and re-made the joining for this blanket like three times, trying to figure out what join I liked most. I ended up making up a new join and creating a tutorial on YouTube. I wasn’t really sure y’all would like it, but it seems like y’all did, because the video got some views!
Next up is the Unbothered Blanket. Honestly this was one of the most fun blankets I ever designed. It’s one of six Relaxghans, which are a set of patterns I wrote with peaceful vibes in mind. This one was all about the coze-factor.
Every aspect was meant to be comfy, cozy, and quirky, from the unexpected color choice (a bunch of 15g balls from the Scheepjes Cahlista Colour Pack) to the no-waste border. An absolute delight!
City Sunrise
Another super fun design – colorful and with varying quilt-look patches to replicate hand sewing and piecing. This is the one to combat boredom for sure. Find more info in my book CAL pages!
Here’s how City Sunrise looks when it’s (nearly!) all put together.
2016 #VVCAL Final Blanket
The VVCALs were a delight as it was so touching to see everyone making their own versions of the blanket pattern together. That’s kind of what a patchwork blanket represents to me – lots of different and unique folks coming together.
I’ve often said that fiber art feels so good for our souls because textiles are a parallel to community – like “the fabric of our community” and so forth. Find this pattern here – free!
Here’s a great shot of two blankets I put together when I made the 2016 VVCAL. I have to work up hundreds of squares just to make the 30-or-so patterns because it always takes a little tweaking to get it just right, and I never frog the dummy squares… I just put them all into blankets.
I have many other patchwork designs, like Modern Patchwork, Gelato, and the 2018 VVCAL blanket… check them all out and more on my new patterns list, right in the sidebar! (Scroll down on mobile!)
Hey, y’all! Today I have so much to share with you, but I’m just going to reveal a small snippet. The short of it is that I have two patterns to release, and I have done a ton of legwork in the background (videos, translations, step-by-step pics, and more!) and I found out recently that if I try to tell y’all all about everything at once, it all gets tied in knots and well… it’s a huge mess.
SO! I’ll be keeping my hand over my mouth to pace myself, and for today I’ll show y’all the beginnings of one of the patterns. The yarn selection! And if I can’t help myself, I’ll give you a sneak peek of the baby WIP at the end of the post. We’ll see where it goes as I write.
Softfun Yarn
First, I want to show my favorite baby blanket yarn, Scheepjes Softfun. If you’ve never used it, it’s a dream, and there are two really neat versions to accompany the solid colors – Softfun Aquarel and Softfun Denim. I like to use all three in my blankets because the slight tonal coloring in the Aquarel and Denim give the piece a ton of dimension.
Shop these yarns
Help support this site by shopping through these links. Affiliate links are better than guacamole – they don’t cost any extra!
Okay, now it’s time to get a little nostalgic over a couple of the times I’ve used these yarns.
I made a few blankets with this yarn (not nearly enough) – one of them was a pastel Amazon Blanket. The subtle differences in the three Softfun yarns really does it for me. I used a little floral square and some fun shapes to create the three blanket panels. This one is maybe my favorite blanket I’ve ever designed.
Some time after that, I hosted by second #VVCAL, and decided to use the fantastic yarn trio again. Here is the palette – a beautiful selection of warm neutrals. Very desert chic. I hosted the first #VVCAL in 2016, and who knows, I may even do it again in 2020!
And now let me finally present the palette I’ve pulled together for one of my upcoming patterns – I’m so excited! This is a sneak peek of a lovely and subtle baby blanket for a family friend’s new little wee one. It will become an expanded tutorial geared toward beginners with all the bells and whistles.
You may be surprised to know this is a granny square blanket. With all of the wild mixing and matching of motifs that I use in my designs, it seems crazy that I would make a blanket with the humble granny square, but I’ve said it a thousand times: the granny square is like mashed potatoes and gravy. It’s the comfort food of crochet!
And for me the perfect granny square is all in the details. In fact, I wrote a pattern called “The Perfect Granny” years ago, and this one isn’t even the same thing, and it’s also perfect. Every granny square is just absolutely perfect. They are such ne’er do wrongs, and you can fight me on that all you want, but even the wonky, twisty, uneven ones are amazing. Heart eyes.
Well, here’s the one I’ll be using for Mateo’s Granny Square blanket. Again, it’s all about the details, so this pattern will be for beginners who have learned some basics and want to learn some easy tricks to make their work look more polished. Can’t wait to release it!
Hope y’all enjoyed this yarn appreciation post as much as I enjoyed sharing it with you.
Now for my current WIP! This beauty will be for a brand new baby – the son of a family friend. Making a blanket for a loved one is so special, but especially so when a fresh new blanket flies off your hook, and lands on a precious newborn.
A handmade blanket is like a warm hug, and it’s one you can give over and over even when you aren’t there. I’m using my favorite blanket yarn here – Softfun – read all about it – and it will make a soft and squishy, classic design blanket.
Here I am weighing my first square, so I can see how many I can get from one ball. Super helpful!
Now you can see how the blanket looks when it’s coming together. This pattern will be perfect for beginners, as it is just a slight spin on the classic granny square, but it turns out looking so clean and neat, without any blocking, due to the design and joining method.
It’s a great way to make a polished blanket with only a few beginner skills. I’ll be releasing the free pattern very soon!
So there’s my walk down patchwork memory lane, and a peek at my current WIP, Mateo’s Granny Square Blanket. Hope y’all love this one! It’s a fun and soothing make.
Mateo’s Granny Square Blanket is a project I whipped up for a newborn li’l babe and of course I had to do some pics and video for the simple pattern so you can all enjoy it too.
It’s a great way for a beginner to make some super neat work with an easy and free pattern. Doesn’t it look so neat and clean? I do love a cozy traditional granny – I wrote a blog post about 7 fun ways to granny! – but sometimes a clean look is what you’re after.
Hope y’all enjoy this one!
I used a whip stitch join to make such straight seams, and very flat too. Plus, the whip stitch uses the tails, so fewer ends to weave!
My preference is to work through both loops of both motifs, and I don’t cinch the stitches because I think they look cute when you can see them on the seam. I know many folks like to whip st through back loops only to get that line around the square, and I do sometimes use that method. But mostly I like to go through all loops for a more hand-stitched look.
I can’t wait to share this free blanket with you all – keep a lookout for the announcement – I have videos, and the works for this easy pattern to gear it as much toward beginners as possible. Translations coming too!
Painted Hexagons is a beautifully constructed piece that will have you feeling like an artist every time you make it. If you want to take your project with you, you can work the motifs ahead of time, then join them all at home afterward. Then add the simple border and your updated granny hexagon blanket is complete. Truly a masterpiece!
NOTE: Pattern is free for beginners at links below. For a concise and convenient, easy-print, ad free PDF version, head to Ravelry.
The Painted Hexagons crochet blanket pattern is down below, in English and UK Terms. Looking for US Terms or another language?Note: Huge thank you to the amazing folks who provided translations – they are credited below.
US Size 3.75mm hook, Tapestry needle for weaving ends
Gauge Motif 1 measures about 16.5cm at widest point
Measurements Finished piece measures about 92x92cm and is easily resized
Stitch Guide (UK Terms)
beg beginning
beg tr dc, ch1 – counts as 1 tr
beg dtr dc, ch2 – counts as 1 dtr
BLO Back loop only
ch chain
dc double crochet
dtr double treble crochet
MR Make Ring:Ch3 and ss in third ch from hook
RS/WS Right Side/Wrong Side of work
sk skip
sp space
ss slip stitch
st stitch
tr treble crochet
yoh yarn over hook
Note: Use 14 colors (not color 105) randomly for all rnds/rows of all motifs except final rnd/row. Alternative option: work final dc round/row of all motifs through BLO for a cleaner look.
Hexagon Motif (Make 38)
Rnd 1 MR, beg tr, ch1, (2tr, ch1) 5 times, tr, ss in beg tr, cut yarn and weave ends. [12 tr, 6 sp]
Make surgeon’s knot to fasten ends if desired as below:
First step:
Second step (note the extra pass for securing the knot). When tightening, make sure it is seated properly:
Cut ends short or weave. Do not wait until your blanket is finished to weave the ends, or you may cry real tears. I know we have all been there!
Rnd 2 Join new yarn with ss in any sp, beg tr in sp, (ch1, 2tr in same sp, 2tr in next sp) 6 times omitting final tr, ss in beg tr, cut yarn and weave ends. [24 tr, 6 sp]
Rnds 3-7 Join new yarn in any sp, beg tr in sp, * ch1, 2tr in same sp, (sk2, 2tr between last and next tr) across to next sp, 2tr in sp, rep from * 5 times omitting final tr, ss in beg tr, cut yarn and weave ends. [84 tr, 6 sp]
Rnd 8 Join yarn 105 in any sp, (3dc in sp, dc in all sts across to next sp) 6 times, ss in first dc, cut yarn leaving 24in tail for joining later. [102 dc]
Note: I also added a few solid color hexagons in my blanket. Follow the same instructions but do not break yarn for rounds 1-6.
Half Hexagon Motif (Make 8)
Note: Do not turn after each row. Cut yarn, and go back to beginning to join new yarn.
Row 1 MR, beg tr, ch1, (2tr, ch1) 3 times, tr, cut yarn and weave ends. [8 tr, 4 sp]
Row 2 Join new yarn with ss in first sp, beg tr in same sp, (ch1, 2tr in same sp,
2tr in next sp) 3 times, ch1, tr in same sp, cut yarn and weave ends. [14 tr, 4 sp]
Rows 3-7 Join new yarn with ss in first sp, beg tr in same sp, * ch1, 2tr in same sp, (sk2, 2tr between last and next tr) across to next sp, 2tr in sp, rep from * 2 times, ch1, tr in same sp, cut yarn and weave ends. [44 tr, 4 sp]
Row 8 Join yarn 105 with ss in first sp, 2dc in same sp, (dc in all sts across to next sp, 3dc in sp) 3 times omitting final dc, cut yarn leaving 24in tail for joining later. [52 dc]
Row 2 Join new yarn with ss in beg dtr, (beg dtr, dtr,
2tr) in same st, sk1, 2tr between last and next tr, (2tr, ch1, 2tr) in sp, sk2,
2tr between sts as before, sk1, (2tr, 2dtr) in final st, cut yarn and weave ends.
[4 dtr, 12 tr, 1 sp]
Rows 3 and 4 Join new yarn with ss in beg dtr, (beg dtr, dtr, 2tr) in same st, 2tr between sts across to sp, (2tr, ch1, 2tr) in sp, 2tr between sts across to final st, (2tr, 2dtr) in final st. cut yarn and weave ends. [4 dtr, 28 tr, 1 sp]
Row 5 Join yarn 105 with ss in first st, dc in same st, dc in all sts across to sp, 3dc in sp, dc in all sts across, cut yarn leaving 15in tail for joining later. [35 sc](photo not shown)
Layout Motifs and Join with Whip Stitch
Here is the link to my YouTube video for this join:
(Written instruction to follow)
Alternate join for this blanket
Continuous join as you go for hexagons
Whip st motifs together following schematic as follows:
Hold 2 motifs with wrong sides together, and use the long tail of one of the motifs.
Pull the long tail through the center corner sc of both motifs, back to front.
Insert the hook front to back through both loops of the next st to the left, on both motifs.
Grab the long tail and pull it all the way through to the front of the piece, allowing the whip st to rest flush against the top edge of the motifs.
Repeat steps 3 and 4 across, inserting the hook through both motifs from front to back in the next st to the left, and pulling the yarn through to the front.
When the next corner is reached, if there are no more subsequent sides to join, you can weave the excess tail, cutting it down if necessary.
If there are more sides to join, do so, then cut yarn shorter if needed and weave in.
Important: Do not pull yarn tail to tighten whip sts. I prefer to let the whip sts rest flush and snug against the joined edge. Then when you open the motifs flat, you can see the neat stitches.
Rnd 1 Join yarn 105 with ss in any corner, (3dc in corner, dc evenly across
to next corner) 4 times. Be sure to make the same amount of dc on opposing
sides of the piece. Note: Make 2 dc along the side of a tr stitch, and 3 dc
along the side of a dtr stitch.
Rnd 2 Reverse dc (crab st) in all sts around, ss in first st, cut yarn and
Yay! All done! Weave ends and give yourself a fist bump!
Copyright Information
No pattern or other material may be reproduced — mechanically, electronically, or by any other means, including photocopying — without written permission of Rachele Carmona. This applies to all content on,, and all other URLs and social media used by Rachele Carmona. Paid patterns are for personal use only.
Painted Hexagons is a beautifully constructed piece that will have you feeling like an artist every time you make it. If you want to take your project with you, you can work the motifs ahead of time, then join them all at home afterward. Then add the simple border and your updated granny hexagon blanket is complete. Truly a masterpiece!
Want the yarn kit to make this blanket? Click here to see it in my storefront! (affiliate link)Painted Hexagons Pattern is also featured on AND on Sign up for their free newsletter to get free patterns sent to you daily!
Pattern and Translations
NOTE: Pattern is free for beginners at links below. For a concise and convenient, easy-print, ad free PDF version, head to Ravelry.
The Painted Hexagons crochet blanket pattern is down below, in English and US Terms. Looking for UK Terms or another language?Note: Huge thank you to the amazing folks who provided translations – they are credited below.UK TermsTranslations will be posted shortly!
Français (French) – Christine Fazentieux (EssieMakes)
Español (Spanish) – Julia Veloso (JuliColores)
русский (Russian) – Ekaterina Havela
Nederlandse (Dutch) – Iris van Meer (EenMooiGebaar)
Deutsche (German) – Josephine Stemmer (Hine.Handmade)
Note: Paid PDF also available on Etsy (English, US/UK terms) and LoveCrochet – (only the English, US Terms version).
Scroll for free pattern in English and US Terms!
Yarny Links
To make this blanket, I am using Scheepjes | Catona in 14 colors (see below) x 1 ball each, and a background of color 105 x 5 balls each
Shop this yarn – shopping through these affiliate links is a great way to support CypressTextiles, and it doesn’t cost you any extra!
US Size 3.75mm hook, Tapestry needle for weaving ends
Gauge Motif 1 measures about 6.5in at widest point
Measurements Finished piece measures about 36x36in and is easily resized
Stitch Guide (US Terms)
beg beginning
beg dc sc, ch1 – counts as 1 dc
beg tr sc, ch2 – counts as 1 tr
BLO Back loop only
ch chain
dc double crochet
MR Make Ring: Ch3 and ss in third ch from hook
RS/WS Right Side/Wrong Side of work
sc single crochet
sk skip
sp space
ss slip stitch
st stitch
tr treble crochet
yoh yarn over hook
Note: Use 14 colors (not color 105) randomly for all rnds/rows of all motifs except final rnd/row. Alternative option: work final dc round/row of all motifs through BLO for a cleaner look.Hexagon Motif (Make 38)Rnd 1 MR, beg dc, ch1, (2dc, ch1) 5 times, dc, ss in beg dc, cut yarn and weave ends. [12 dc, 6 sp]
Make surgeon’s knot to fasten ends if desired as below:
First step:
Second step (note the extra pass for securing the knot). When tightening, make sure it is seated properly:
Cut ends short or weave. Do not wait until your blanket is finished to weave the ends, or you may cry real tears. I know we have all been there!
Rnd 2 Join new yarn with ss in any sp, beg dc in sp, (ch1, 2dc in same sp, 2dc in next sp) 6 times omitting final dc, ss in beg dc, cut yarn and weave ends. [24dc, 6 sp]
Rnds 3-7 Join new yarn in any sp, beg dc in sp, * ch1, 2dc in same sp, (sk2, 2dc between last and next dc) across to next sp, 2dc in sp, rep from * 5 times omitting final dc, ss in beg dc, cut yarn and weave ends. [84 dc, 6 sp]
Rnd 8 Join yarn 105 in any sp, (3sc in sp, sc in all sts across to next sp) 6 times, ss in first sc, cut yarn leaving 24in tail for joining later. [102 sc]
Note: I also added a few solid color hexagons in my blanket. Follow the same instructions but do not break yarn for rounds 1-6.
Half Hexagon Motif (Make 8)Note: Do not turn after each row. Cut yarn, and go back to beginning to join new yarn.Row 1 MR, beg dc, ch1, (2dc, ch1) 3 times, dc, cut yarn and weave ends. [8 dc, 4 sp]
Row 2 Join new yarn with ss in first sp, beg dc in same sp, (ch1, 2dc in same sp, 2dc in next sp) 3 times, ch1, dc in same sp, cut yarn and weave ends. [14 dc, 4 sp]
Rows 3-7 Join new yarn with ss in first sp, beg dc in same sp, * ch1, 2dc in same sp, (sk2, 2dc between last and next dc) across to next sp, 2dc in sp, rep from * 2 times, ch1, dc in same sp, cut yarn and weave ends. [44 dc, 4 sp]
Row 8 Join yarn 105 with ss in first sp, 2sc in same sp, (sc in all sts across to next sp, 3sc in sp) 3 times omitting final sc, cut yarn leaving 24in tail for joining later. [52 sc]
Triangle Fill Motif (Make 12)Row 1 MR, beg tr, tr, 2dc, ch1, 2dc, 2tr, cut yarn and weave ends. [4 tr, 4 dc, 1 sp]
Row 2 Join new yarn with ss in beg tr, (beg tr, tr, 2dc) in same st, sk1, 2dc between last and next dc, (2dc, ch1, 2dc) in sp, sk2, 2dc between sts as before, sk1, (2dc, 2tr) in final st, cut yarn and weave ends. [4 tr, 12 dc, 1 sp]
Rows 3 and 4 Join new yarn with ss in beg tr, (beg tr, tr, 2dc) in same st, 2dc between sts across to sp, (2dc, ch1, 2dc) in sp, 2dc between sts across to final st, (2dc, 2tr) in final st. cut yarn and weave ends. [4 tr, 28 dc, 1 sp]
Row 5 Join yarn 105 with ss in first st, sc in same st, sc in all sts across to sp, 3sc in sp, sc in all sts across to final st, sc in final st, cut yarn leaving 15in tail for joining later. [35 sc] (photo not shown)
Layout Motifs and Join with Whip Stitch
Here is the link to my YouTube video for this join: instruction to follow)
Hold 2 motifs with wrong sides together, and use the long tail of one of the motifs.
Pull the long tail through the center corner sc of both motifs, back to front.
Insert the hook front to back through both loops of the next st to the left, on both motifs.
Grab the long tail and pull it all the way through to the front of the piece, allowing the whip st to rest flush against the top edge of the motifs.
Repeat steps 3 and 4 across, inserting the hook through both motifs from front to back in the next st to the left, and pulling the yarn through to the front.
When the next corner is reached, if there are no more subsequent sides to join, you can weave the excess tail, cutting it down if necessary.
If there are more sides to join, do so, then cut yarn shorter if needed and weave in.
Important: Do not pull yarn tail to tighten whip sts. I prefer to let the whip sts rest flush and snug against the joined edge. Then when you open the motifs flat, you can see the neat stitches.
BorderRnd 1 Join yarn 105 with ss in any corner, (3sc in corner, sc evenly across to next corner) 4 times. Be sure to make the same amount of sc on opposing sides of the piece. Note: Make 2 sc along the side of a dc stitch, and 3 sc along the side of a tr stitch.
Rnd 2 Reverse sc (crab st) in all sts around, ss in first st, cut yarn and weave.
Yay! All done! Weave ends and give yourself a fist bump!
Copyright Information
No pattern or other material may be reproduced — mechanically, electronically, or by any other means, including photocopying — without written permission of Rachele Carmona. This applies to all content on,, and all other URLs and social media used by Rachele Carmona. Paid patterns are for personal use only.
Love y’all,
As always, Happy Crafting!
Rachele C.
Hey, y’all! I’m playing with crochet hexies today, and I know I’ve said it a million times, but this is my happy place. There’s just something about that six-sided shape that I love. And the half-hexie motif and filling in the little zig-zag sides really light my fire too. I love a design challenge!
Well, this Painted Hexagon Motif pattern has been written up by me in 2014, but I decided to give a nice make-over to my older patterns, one by one, and then re-release them with all sorts of fun stuff like step by step photos, videos, translations, and more – totally free! My first re-release was Geometric Lace – go check it out and come right back.
You back? Okay, so here’s what these beauties look like. Le sigh.. so dreamy. Called Painted Hexagons because I thought the little groups of 2 dc looked like the short paint strokes of impressionism.
Impressionism Inspiration
Why “painted” hexagons? Impressionist painters like Claude Monet inspired the name of my updated granny hexagons. Incredible the beauty that just short strokes of the paintbrush can produce. Visit to see more of his works – ones you have surely seen before and maybe some you haven’t.
The Artist’s Garden at Giverny, 1900 by Claude Monet –
Yarny Info
For this project update, I’m using Scheepjes | Catona (100% Cotton Mercerized, 50g/125m). Shop this yarn through my affiliate links. It helps support CypressTextiles and it doesn’t cost you any extra!
I hear everyone saying it already. The ends….. Well in this pattern update, I’ll guide you how to weave all your ends painlessly as you go. Of course if you’ve got a tried-and-true method, that will be great! But I know many of you avoid multi-color works just because you don’t like to weave all the ends when you’re done. It’s going to be epic! You, too, can make hypnotically gorgeous multi-color pieces like this one.
And look at the precious little zig-zag gap filler for this project. Eeeeeeep! Doesn’t it just melt your heart? I really do love this blanket.
Coming soon..
So stay tuned, y’all! You know I have to let you in on what I’m working on at all times, so I wanted to post real quick for a show and tell sesh…
Well now I have to put this project aside to work on something super top secret. But don’t worry! My amazing translators are sinking their teeth into this pattern as we speak, and I’ll be re-releasing it before you can say “sexy hexie” 🙂
Okay, before I go, I wanted to let you see a Painted Hexagon blanket that someone shared with me on Instagram. The IG username is @smygstrikk, and what a lovely account she has. Just look at this stunner of a blanket. Laid against the red, it just kills!!
Photo and blanket by Smyg @smygstrikk
I’ll talk to you lovely lot very soon. And as always, happy crafting, y’all!
Rachele C.
The Art of Crochet Blankets
Hey, y’all! Stopping in real quick to let y’all know that the free crochet blanket pattern, Soulful Sierra, that I wrote exclusively for for their generous participation in Project Linus is now available for me to share with you all.
Scroll down for the free pattern. I love this one because a deep chevron has always appealed to me, and you know that straight sides are a must for me. This is the best of both worlds!
As always, you can find an easy-print, ad free, convenient 3-page PDF on Ravelry / Etsy / and
Soulful Sierra Free Pattern
Soulful Sierra will become your go-to project any time
you need a quick make. It starts with large striped triangles and then the
stripes continue in a deep chevron pattern until desired length is reached.
Finally, top edge is squared off, and a simple border is added for the perfect
finishing touch. You will simply adore this gorgeous, modern blanket.
Join the
other crafters who have made Soulful Sierra!
dc2tog (yoh, insert hook in next st/sp, yoh, pull up loop, yoh, draw through 2 loops) twice, yoh, draw through all loops
dc3tog (yoh, insert hook in next st/sp, yoh, pull up loop, yoh, draw through 2 loops) 3 times, yoh, draw through all loops
dc5tog (yoh, insert hook in next st/sp, yoh, pull up loop, yoh, draw through 2 loops) 5 times, yoh, draw through all loops
lp(s) loop(s)
MR make ring: ch3, ss in third ch from hook
rep repeat
RS/WS right side/wrong side of work
sc single crochet
sk skip
sp space
ss slip stitch
st(s) stitch(es)
yoh yarn over hook
Photo credit to
Notes:Weave in
loose ends as work progresses. Do not make a turning chain when beginning the
row with a single crochet. This creates neater edges without rippling or
puckering. Consistently turn work
counter-clockwise for neater edges.
This blanket does not begin with a long chain like most chevron
blankets do; rather, it begins with three Base Triangles which are lined up end
to end, and the chevron portion is worked off of them.
Base Triangle (Make 3)
Row 1 (WS): Using any color, MR, (beg dc, 8dc), turn. (9dc)
Rows 2-12: (Beg dc, dc) in first st, dc in all sts to center st, 5dc in center st,
dc in all sts to final st, 2dc in final st, turn. (75dc after Row 12)
To make stripes as shown in photo:
Striped pattern
in sample blanket is worked by changing to a random new color at the beginning
of every odd row starting with Row 3. Cut previous color and weave tail. Join new color
with a slip stitch in first st of row. Begin working row as instructed in
pattern starting in this same stitch. Save second ball of Color 1722 for
Chevron portion of blanket
Row 1 (WS): Holding first Base Triangle with WS
facing, attach next color with ss in first dc, beg dc – does not count as a stfor
the chevron portion, dc2tog, make 34 dc, 5dc in next st, make 34 dc, *yo,
insert hook in next st, yo, pull up a lp, yo, pull yarn through 2 lps on hook**,
rep from * to ** 2 times, pick up next Base Triangle and holding WS facing, rep
from * to ** 3 times over first three sts of Base Triangle – special dc6tog made, yo, draw yarn
through all 7 lps on hook, make 34 dc, 5dc in next st, make 34 dc, join third
Base Triangle on with special dc6tog as before, make 34 dc, 5dc in next st,
make 34 dc, dc3tog, turn. (2 special
dc6tog, 1 dc3tog, 1 dc2tog, 219 dc)
Row 2: (Beg dc) in dc3tog, dc2tog, * make 34
dc, 5dc in next st, make 34 dc, dc5tog, rep from * 2 times omitting final
dc5tog, dc3tog, turn. (2 dc5tog, 1
dc3tog, 1 dc2tog, 219 dc)
Repeat Row
2 until blanket reaches desired length when measured from bottom edge to
tallest peak of chevron, changing color when necessary. Be sure to end with a
RS row.
Square off top edge
Note: There are four triangle gaps at the top
of the blanket. Each one will be filled in separately as follows.
First triangle gap – hold blanket with WS
Row 1 (WS): Attach new color with ss in dc2tog, beg
dc in same st – does not count as a st for the “Square off top edge” section,
dc2tog, make 34 dc, dc3tog placing last “leg” of decrease in the peak stitch of
the chevron, turn.
Rows 2-8: Beg dc in dc3tog, dc2tog, dc in all
sts to final 3 sts, dc3tog placing last “leg” of decrease in dc2tog, turn.
Row 9: Beg dc in dc3tog, dc2tog, dc3tog,
Row 10: Sk 1 st, sc in next st, cut yarn.
Second and third triangle gaps
Row 1 (WS): Attach new color with ss in center dc
of chevron peak (same st as ending of Row 1 on first triangle gap), beg dc in
same st, dc2tog, make 34 dc, dc5tog, make 34 dc, dc3tog placing last “leg” of
decrease in the next chevron peak st, turn.
Rows 2-8: Beg dc, dc2tog, dc in all sts down to
center 5 sts at valley of chevron pattern, dc5tog, dc in all sts across to
final 3 sts, dc3tog placing last “leg” of decrease in dc2tog, turn.
Row 9: Beg dc, dc2tog, dc5tog, dc3tog, turn.
Row 10: Sc, sk 1 st, sc in next st, cut yarn.
Fourth triangle gap
Work as
for first triangle gap, but begin at the top of the last chevron peak (same st
as ending of Row 1 on third triangle gap).
Rnd 1: Using color 1722, sl st in any
corner, (3sc in corner st, sc evenly to next corner placing 5 sc on the side of every 2 rows, being sure to work them into the dc sts, not around them for a neater edge) 4
times, being sure that opposing sides have the same amount of stitches, sl st
in first sc.
Rnd 2: Sc in all sts around, sl st in first
sc, cut yarn.
or Assembly
Weave remaining
ends and block if necessary.
No pattern or
other material may be reproduced — mechanically, electronically, or by any
other means, including photocopying — without written permission of Rachele
Carmona. This applies to all content on,,
and all other URLs and social media used by Rachele Carmona. Paid patterns are
for personal use only. You may sell finished items.
When I first started designing blankets in 2012, I had a chicken-scratch quasi-pattern scrawled in my notebook for a very deep chevron blanket. That design has lingered in the back of my mind just waiting for the right moment for me to finish it!
The Soulful Sierra Blanket is an extremely improved and updated version of that mock-up. The blanket needed to be a certain size (Soulful Sierra is 42x44in) and must have no little holes where fingers and toes can get through. So the solid chevron is perfect!
I’m so happy with this design and you all will love it too – such a fast and entertaining make. Your future go-to for baby blankets!
Social Media Tips
If you start making Soulful Sierra, please hashtag as follows on IG:
Project Linus Blanket Drive Info
I hope y’all will join me in making security blankets for sick and traumatized children who are so in need of warmth and comfort, especially around the holidays. This time of year reminds me to be grateful for all I have, and inspires me to reach out with compassion to those who don’t have enough. So let’s reach out together, work up some security blankets, and become “Blanketeers”! We can all use our hooks to help nourish the little hearts of needy children.
FromNovember 16 to December 17, 2018, AllFreeCrochetAfghanPatterns will be collecting your beautiful blankets to donate to Project Linus.
PLUS! When you send in a blanket, you’ll be entered to win a fabulous yarn bundle from Lorna’s Laces!
Just make sure your blanket measures at least 36 inches on its shortest sides, and that you wash it before you send it if in a home with pets.
Yarny Info
I used the soft and lush easy-care Scheepjes Colour Crafter to make the Soulful Sierra Blanket.
Thank you for everything y’all have done to support me and our crafty community! Your comments and love really inspire me to create more patterns and keep going, and most of all – to give back to the community and use my design power (the thing I’m best at!) for a great cause. Head to the site and check out the details – and my free Soulful Sierra pattern!
Happy crafting, y’all! Love you guys!
Rachele C.
Featured Pattern of the Day!
Photo by Carmen of New Leaf Designs
The Rainbow Sprinkles Clutch by Carmen of New Leaf Designs is so precious! I just love the bright colors – although you could make it in any palette – but isn’t it so very well suited to a candy-color mix like this one?
Het patroon voor de Geometric Lace deken (= Geometrische kant deken) is een heel simpel en eenvoudig ontwerp. Je maakt voor deze deken zeshoekige motieven, die je bij de laatste toer meteen aan elkaar zet. Daarna maak je de deken vierkant door halve zeshoeken toe te voegen en kleine opvulstukjes voor de zigzag kanten. Een eenvoudige kant rand maakt het ontwerp af. Het ontwerp is heel geschikt voor een baby shower of om een willekeurige kamer op te vrolijken. Je zult dit patroon steeds weer opnieuw willen maken. Hashtags: #GeometricLaceBlanket #CypressTextiles
Materialen en afmeting
Scheepjes River Washed (78% Cotton, 22% Acrylic; 50g/130m)
22 colors x 1 skein each
Scheepjes Stone Washed (78% Cotton, 22% Acrylic; 50g/130m)
3.75mm haaknaald (die gebruik je alleen voor de rand)
Stopnaald om de draadjes weg te werken
Elke zeshoek is ongeveer 12,5 centimeter op het breedste punt Als je de deken maakt met bovenstaande materialen, is het eindproduct ongeveer 180 bij 167 centimeter. Je kunt de deken makkelijk groter of kleiner maken.
Stitch Guide (US Terms)
2stokjescluster: (sla de draad om, steek de naald door de steek/ruimte, sla de draad om en haal een lusje op, sla de draad om en haal door 2 lusjes) 2 keer, sla de draad om en haal door alle lusjes.
Beginstokje: (vaste, 1 losse) – telt als stokje
Begindubbelstokje: (vaste, 2 lossen) – telt als dubbelstokje
Maak een ring: 3 lossen, halve vaste in derde losse vanaf de naald
Picot: 3 lossen, vaste in derde losse vanaf de naald
Let op: Maak alle motieven met 34 bollen – River Washed en Stone Washed.
Zeshoek motief
Let op: Maak 1 compleet zeshoek motief en ga vervolgens verder bij de “aan elkaar zet”-sectie om de overige zeshoek motieven te maken.
Toer 1: Gebruik de grotere haaknaald, maak een ring, (beginstokje, stokje) – telt als 2stokjescluster – (2 lossen, 2stokjescluster) 5 keer in de ring, 2 lossen, halve vaste in eerste stokje. [6 2stokjesclusters, 6 ruimtes]
Toer 2: Beginstokje in ruimte, (1 losse, 2 stokjes in dezelfde ruimte, 2 stokjes in volgende ruimte) 6 keer, sla laatste steek over, halve vaste in beginstokje. [24 stokjes, 6 ruimtes]
Toer 3 en 4: beginstokje in ruimte, (1 losse, stokje in dezelfde ruimte, stokje in elke steek tot volgende ruimte, stokje in volgende ruimte) 6 keer, laatste steek overslaan. Halve vaste in beginstokje. [48 stokjes, 6 ruimtes].
Toer 5: (Let op: gebruik deze instructies alleen voor het allereerste motief. Alle andere motieven hebben een andere toer 5, waarmee je ze aan elkaar zet.) (3 vasten in ruimte, vaste in elke steek tot volgende ruimte) 6 keer, halve vaste in eerste vaste. Hecht af. [66 vasten]
“Aan elkaar zet”-schema
Groene stip = begin/eind van toer 5
Blauwe stip = eerste hoek van de kant waaraan je vasthaakt
Blauwe lijn = stuk dat je vasthaakt
Paarse stip = tweede, derde of vierde hoek van de naad
H1/2/3 = Halve hexagon motieven
Oranje stip = begin van halve zeshoek
Bruine stip = einde van halve zeshoek
Aan elkaar haken van de motieven
Let op: Maak nog 231 zeshoek motieven, zet ze bij toer 5 aan elkaar, volg daarvoor onderstaande instructies. Kijk naar het schema voor de nummers van de motieven.
Speciale steken
PLT: Pull loop through (Trek een lusje door): haal de naald uit de lus, steek de naald in de overeenkomstige tegenoverliggende steek van het complete motief, trek de lus door de steek heen naar de voorkant van je werk. Maak geen halve vaste of losse. Ga gewoon verder met de volgende steek.
Instructies voor het aan elkaar zetten
Let op: zoals je kunt zien in de layout, heeft de deken 15 zeshoeken naast elkaar, die een zig-zag formatie vormen. Het schema toont echter maar 5 zeshoeken naast elkaar. Dit is alleen maar voor de duidelijkheid. Alle zeshoekmotieven worden op de manier aan elkaar gezet zoals in de layout getoond is.
Motief 1 Maak helemaal compleet af, zonder aan elkaar te zetten (zoals eerder ook al gemeld)
Motief 2-6 Zet bij toer 5 aan elkaar als volgt: (groene stip) 3 vasten in ruimte, vaste in alle steken tot volgende ruimte, (blauwe stip) 2 vasten in ruimte, PLT in hoekvaste van complete tegenoverliggende motief, vaste in dezelfde ruimte op het motief waaraan je werkt, PLT in overeenkomstige tegenoverliggende steek van het complete motief, (blauwe lijn) (vaste, PLT) in elke steek tot volgende ruimte, (rode stip) vaste in ruimte op het motief waaraan je werkt, PLT, 2 vasten in dezelfde ruimte van het motief waaraan je werkt, (vaste in elke steek tot volgende ruimte, 3 vasten in ruimte) 4 keer, laatste 3 vasten overslaan, halve vaste in eerste vaste, hecht af. [1 zijkant aan elkaar gezet]
Motief 7 Zet met toer 5 aan elkaar als volgt: (groene stip) 3 vasten in ruimte, vaste in elke steek tot volgende ruimte, (blauwe stip) 2 vasten in ruimte, PLT in hoekvaste van het complete motief, vaste in dezelfde ruimte van het motief waaraan je werkt, PLT in overeenkomstige tegenoverliggende steek van het complete motief. *(blauwe lijn) (vaste, PLT) in elke steek tot volgende ruimte, (paarse stip) vaste in ruimte, PLT in overeenkomstige steek op Motief 3, vaste in dezelfde ruimte, PLT in hoekvaste van tegenoverliggende hoek op Motief 2, vaste in dezelfde ruimte, PLT in volgende steek van Motief 2, herhaal vanaf * 2 keer. (Blauwe lijn) (vaste, PLT) in elke steek tot volgende ruimte, (rode stip) vaste in ruimte van motief waaraan je werkt, PLT, 2 vaste in dezelfde ruimte op het motief waaraan je werkt, vaste in elke steek tot volgende ruimte, halve vaste in eerste vaste, hecht af. [4 kanten aan elkaar gezet]
Motief 8 Zoals Motief 7, maar sla dan 1 van de paarse stip hoeken over, zoals te zien in het schema. [3 kanten aan elkaar gezet]
Motief 9 Zoals Motief 7. [4 kanten aan elkaar gezet]
Motief 10 Zoals Motief 7, maar sla dan 2 van de paarse stippen over, zoals te zien in het schema. [2 kanten aan elkaar gezet] Zet alle overgebleven motieven op deze manier in elkaar, tot alle 232 zeshoek motieven aan elkaar zitten zoals in de Layout weergegeven is.
Halve Zeshoek Motief
Let op: Werk toer 1-4 zoals aangegeven, zet met toer 5 dan de halve hexagonnen vast in de gaten aan de bove en onderkant van de deken. Kijk naar het schema.
Toer 1 (Goede kant): Maak een ring, beginstokje, 1 losse, (2stokjescluster, 2 lossen) 3 keer, laatste losse overslaan, stokje, keer om. [3 2stokjesclusters, 2 stokjes, 4 ruimtes]
Toer 2 Beginstokje in ruimte, (1 losse, 2 stokjes in dezelfde ruimte, 2 stokjes in de volgende ruimte) 3 keer, 1 losse, stokje in dezelfde ruimte, keer om. [14 stokjes, 4 ruimtes]
Toer 3 en 4 Beginstokje in ruimte, (1 losse, stokje in dezelfde ruimte, stokje in elke steek tot volgende ruimte, stokje in volgende ruimte) 3 keer, 1 losse, stokje in dezelfde ruimte, keer om. [26 stokjes, 4 ruimtes]
Zet alle 16 halve zeshoek motieven aan elkaar met toer 5 op deze manier:
Toer 5, H1 (zoals te zien in het schema): (Oranje stip) 2 vasten in ruimte, vaste in elke steek tot ruimte, (blauwe stip) 2 vasten in ruimte, PLT, vaste in dezelfde ruimte, PLT, en dan net zoals met de overige motieven in de deken: zet de volgende zijde aan elkaar, maak een paarse hoek, zet de volgende zijde aan elkaar, (bruine stip) (vaste, PLT) 2 keer in laatste ruimte, hecht af.
Toer 5, H2 (Oranje stip) (vaste, PLT) 2 keer in eerste ruimte, (zet zijde aan elkaar, maak een paarse hoek) 2 keer, zet zijde aan elkaar, (bruine stip) (vaste, PLT) 2 keer in laatste ruimte, hecht af.
Toer 5, H3 (Oranje stip) (vaste, PLT) 2 keer in eerste ruimte, zet zijde aan elkaar, maak een paarse hoek, zet zijde aan elkaar, maak een rode hoek, maak een gewone zijde, 2 vasten in laatste hoek, hecht af.
Toer 1 Begin aan een korte kant. 3 vasten in de hoek. 227 vasten – ongeveer 18 vasten langs elke halve zeshoek en 12 vasten langs elke hele zeshoek. *3 vasten in eerste vaste van halve zeshoek, (vaste in volgende 2 steken, halfstokje in volgende 2 steken, stokje in volgende 2 steken, dubbelstokje in volgende 3 steken, alle hoeksteken van hele zeshoeken overslaan, dubbelstokje in volgende 3 steken, stokje in volgende 2 steken, halfstokje in volgende 2 steken, vaste in volgende 2 steken, 1 steek overslaan) herhaal voor de lange zijdes voor de deken, sla de laatste “sla 1 steek over” over, herhaal vanaf * nog 1 keer, halve vaste in eerste vaste.
Toer 2 Gebruik de kleinere haaknaald. (3 vasten in hoeksteek, vaste in elke steek tot hoek) 4 keer, laatste 2 steken aan beide lange zijdes van de deken overslaan, halve vaste in eerste vaste. [1058 vasten]
Let op: als je de deken in een ander formaat maakt, moet toer 2 een veelvoud van 8 + 3 zijn tussen de 3 vasten hoeken.
Toer 3 *(Vaste, 3 lossen, vaste) in hoeksteek, (2 lossen, 1 overslaan, vaste) tot de volgende hoek, 2 lossen, herhaal vanaf * 3 keer, halve vaste in eerste vaste.
Toer 4 Begindubbelstokje in hoekruimte, ***(picot, dubbelstokje) 9 keer in dezelfde ruimte, *1 ruimte overslaan, vaste in volgende ruimte, 1 ruimte overslaan, (dubbelstokje, picot) 5 keer in volgende ruimte, 1 dubbelstokje in dezelfde ruimte, herhaal vanaf * tot laatste 3 ruimtes voor hoek, 1 ruimte overslaan, vaste in volgende ruimte, 1 ruimte overslaan, dubbelstokje in hoekruimte, herhaal vanaf *** 3 keer, laatste dubbelstokje bij laatste herhaling overslaan, halve vaste in begindubbelstokje, hecht af.
Copyright Informatie
Patronen of andere materialen mogen niet worden gereproduceerd – mechanisch, electronisch, of op welke andere manier dan ook, fotokopiëren mag dus ook niet – zonder geschreven toestemming van Rachele Carmona. Dit is van toepassing op alle materialen op, en alle andere sites die gebruikt worden door Rachele Carmona. Betaalde patronen zijn alleen voor persoonlijk gebruik. Je mag je gehaakte producten verkopen.
Русский перевод – Elvira Herrera (Emi Gurumi, IG, FB)
Геометрическое кружевное одеяло имеет очень простое описание и чистый дизайн. Для этого одеяло вы будете делать гексагональные мотивы и присоединять их по ходу работы в последним ряду. Далее, чтобы получить квадратное одеяло с прямыми краями добавим мотивы с формой половины гексагона и наполнители для неровных краях. Простой декоративный край завершает дизайн, замечательно подходит для подарка малышу и украсит любую комнату. Вы будете возвращаться к этому описанию не однократно. Hashtags: #GeometricLaceBlanket #CypressTextiles
Scheepjes River Washed (78% хлопок, 22% акрил; 50g/130m)
22 цветов x 1 моток каждого цвета
Scheepjes Stone Washed (78% хлопок, 22% акрил; 50g/130m)
12 цветов x 1 моток каждого цвета
Scheepjes Colour Crafter (100% акрил; 100g/300m)
Color 1708 x 2 skeins
Крючок 4,25 мм
Крючок 3,75 мм (для кружевного края)
Гобеленовая игла (чтобы спрятать концы ниток)
Гексагональный Мотив 5 дюймов ширины в самом широком месте. Готовое одеяло примерно 72 на 66 дюймов, но размеры легко можно изменить.
2сснвм связать 2 ссн вместе: (н, вставить крючок в п/проб, н, вытянуть п, н, протянуть нить через 2 п) 2 раза, н.,протянуть нить через все п.
бп воздушная петля
нач начало
нач ссн (сбн, 1 вп) – считать как 1 ссн
нач сс2н (сбн, 2 вп) – считать как 1 сс2н
ссн столбик с накидом
сс2н столбик с 2 накидами
псн полустолбик с накидом
п петля(и)
кольцо Сделать кольцо: 3 вп, сс в третьей петле от крючка
пико 3 вп, сбн в третьей п от крючка
пов повторить
ЛС/ИС лицевая сторона / изнаночная сторона изделия
сбн столбик без накида
проб пробел
сс соединительный столбик
н накид
след. следующий
Схема расположения мотивов
Примечание: для всех мотивов используется 34 мотков пряжи – Stone Washed / River Washed
Гексагональный Мотив
Примечание: Завершите 1 гексагональный мотив полностью, далее смотрите схему для присоединения мотивов в последним ряду каждого гексагона.
Ряд 1 Используя крючок большего размера (4,25мм) сделать кольцо, (нач ссн, ссн) —считать как 2сснвм— (2 вп, 2сснвм) пов 5 раз, 2 вп, сс в ссн. [6 2сснвм, 6 проб.]
Ряд 2 Нач ссн в проб, (1 вп, 2 ссн в том же самом проб, 2 ссн в след проб) пов 6 раз пропуская последнюю п, сс в нач ссн. [24 ссн, 6 проб]
Ряд 3 и 4 Нач ссн в проб, (1 вп, ссн в том же самом проб, ссн во всех п до след проб, ссн в проб) пов 6 раз пропуская последнюю п, сс в нач ссн. [48 ссн, 6 проб]
Ряд 5 (Примечание: Следуйте эти инструкции для 5го ряда только в первом мотиве. Остальные мотивы будут присоединены по ходу работы на этом ряду). (3 сбн в проб, сбн во всех п до проб) пов 6 раз, сс в первом сбн, срезать нить. [66 сбн]
Схема присоединения мотивов
Зелёный круг= Начало/Конец 5 ряда
Синий круг = Первый угол крепительного края
Синяя линия = Край крепления Joining side
Фиолетовый круг = Второй, третий, или четвёртый угол крепительного края
Красный круг = Последний угол крепительного края
H1/2/3 = мотивы с формой половины гексагона
Оранжевый круг = Начало мотива с формой половины гексагона
Коричневый круг= Конец мотива с формой половины гексагона
Соединение мотивов
Примечание: Продолжайте делать 231 гексагональных мотивов, соединя их в 5 ряду по ходу работы по следующим инструкциям. Смотреть схему для нумерованные мотивов.
Особенные петли
ППЧ Протянуть Петлю Через: снять петлю с крючка, вставить крючок в соответствующую петлю в готовом мотиве, заново подобрать п, Протянуть Петлю Через петлю в лицевую сторону изделия. Не делайте соединительную петлю или воздушную петлю. Просто продолжайте в следующей петлей как обычно по инструкции.
Инструкции соединения по ходу работы Примечание: Если смотреть по Схеме Расположения Мотивов, законченное одеяло сделано из 15 шестиугольников в ширину образуя зигзаг. Схема Присоединения Мотивов показывает всего 5 шестиугольников в ширину. Это всего лишь для демонстративный цели. Все Шестиугольные Мотивы будут присоединены как указано в Схеме Расположения Мотивов.
Мотив 1 Завершаем шестиугольник полностью без никакого присоединения (как было указано выше).
Мотивы 2-6 Присоединяйте по ходу работы в 5 ряду по следующей инструкции: (зелёный круг) 3сбн в проб, сбн во всех п до след проб, (синий круг) 2 сбн в проб, ППЧ в сбн в углу завершенного шестиугольника, (синяя линия) (сбн, ППЧ) во всех п в соединительной стороны до след проб, (красный круг) сбн в проб в мотиве над которым работаем, ППЧ, 2сбн в тот же самом проб в мотиве над которым работаем, (сбн во всех п до след проб, 3 сбн в проб) повторить 4 раза пропуская последние 3 п, сс в первом сбн, срезать нить. [1 край прикреплён]
Мотив 7 Присоединяйте по ходу работы в 5 ряду по след. инструкции: (зелёный круг) 3 сбн в проб, сбн во всех п до след проб, (синий круг) 2 сбн в проб, ППЧ в сбн в углу завершенного соседнего мотива, сбн в том же самом проб в мотиве над которым работаем, ППЧ в соответствующей соседней п на завершенном мотиве, *(синяя линия) (сбн, ППЧ) во всех п по соединительный стороны до след проб, (фиолетовый круг) сбн в проб, ППЧ в соответствующей п на Мотиве 3, сбн в том же самом проб, ППЧ в сбн в углу соседнего Мотива 2, сбн в том же самом проб, ППЧ в след. п на Мотиве 2, повторить с * 2 раза, (синяя линия) (сбн, ППЧ) во всех п по соединительной стороны до след. проб, (красный круг) сбн в проб на мотиве над которым работаем, ППЧ, 2 сбн в том же самом проб в мотиве над которым работаем, сбн во всех п до след. проб, сс в первом сбн, срезать нить. [4 края прикреплены]
Мотив 8 Повторить Мотив 7 но, пропустить 1 из фиолетовых угловых кругов, смотреть Схему Присоединения Мотивов. [3 края прикреплены]
Мотив 9 Повторить Мотив 7. [4 края прикреплены] Мотив 10 повторить Мотив 7 но, пропустить 2 из фиолетовых угловых кругов, смотреть Схему Присоединения Мотивов. [2 края прикреплены] Продолжайте присоединять мотивы как указано выше, пока не присоедините все 232 Шестиугольных Мотивов по Схеме выше.
Половино-гексагональные мотивы
Примечание: провяжите от 1-4 ряда как указано, на 5 ряду присоедините Половино-Гексагональный Мотив к одеялу запольная неровные края сверху и снизу. Смотреть Схему Присоединения Мотивов.
Ряд 2 Нач ссн в проб, (1 вп, 2 ссн в том же самом проб, 2 ссн в след проб) пов 3 раза, 1 вп, ссн в том же самом проб, повернуть работу. [14 ссн, 4 проб]
Рад 3 и 4 Нач ссн в проб, (1 вп, ссн в том же самом проб, ссн в каждой п до след проб, ссн в проб) пов 3 раза, 1 вп, ссн в том же самом проб, повернуть работу. [26 ссн, 4 проб]
Присоедините все 16 Половино-Гексагональных Мотивов в 5 ряду по инструкции:
Ряд 5, H1 (смотреть Схему Присоединения Мотивов) (Оранжевый круг) 2 сбн в проб, сбн во всех п до след проб, (синий круг) 2 сбн в проб, ППЧ, сбн в том же самом проб, ППЧ, как в предыдущих Мотивов в одеяле: прикрепите след край, провяжите фиолетовый круг и прикрепитесь след край, (коричневый круг) (сбн, ППЧ) 2 раза в последнем проб, срезать нить.
Ряд 5, H2 (Оранжевый круг) (сбн, ППЧ) 2 раза в первом проб, (прикрепить край, проработать фиолетовый круг) 2 раза, прикрепить край, (коричневый круг) (сбн, ППЧ) 2 раза в последнем проб, срезать нить.
Ряд 5, H3 (Оранжевый круг) (сбн, ППЧ) 2 раза в первом проб, прикрепить край, проработать фиолетовый круг, прикрепить край, проработать красный круг, проработать след край обычно, 2 сбн в последнем проб, срезать нить.
Декоративный край
Круг 1 Начиная с одним из краев покороче, проработайте 3 сбн в углу, 227 сбн — 18 сбн на каждый Половино-Гексагональный Мотив и 12 сбн на обычный Гексагональный Мотив. * 3 сбн в первой п Половино-Гексагонального Мотива, (сбн в след 2 п, псн в след 2 п, ссн в след 2 п, сс2н в след 3 п, пропустить все угловые п обычных Гексагональных Мотивов, сс2н в след 3 п, ссн в след 2 п, псн в след 2 п, сбн в след 2 п, пропустить 1 п) пов вдоль всей длинной стороны одеяла, пропустить последний «пропустить 1 п», пов с * 1 раз, сс в первой п.
Круг 2 Поменять на крючок меньше. (3 с сбн в угловой п, сбн во всех п до след угла) 4 раза пропуская 2 п в обеих длимых сторон одеяла, сс в первом сбн. [1058 сбн]
Примечание: Если вы решили изменить размер одеяла, Ряд 2 Декоративного Края должен иметь петли разделяемы на 8 плюс 3 межу углами где прорабатываются 3 сбн.
Ряд 3 * (сбн, 3 вп, сбн) в угловой п, (2 вп, пропустить 1, сбн) до след угла, 2 вп, пов с * 3 раза, сс в первой п.
Ряд 4 Нач сс2н в угловой п, *** (пико, сс2н) 9 раз в той же самой п, * пропустить 1 проб, сбн в след проб, пропустить 1 проб, (сс2н, пико) 5 раз в след проб, сс2н в той же самой п, пов с * до последних 3 проб до угла, пропустить 1 проб, сбн в след проб, пропустить 1 проб, сс2н в угловой п, пов с *** 3 раза пропуская последний сс2н на 3 кругу, сс в нач сс2н, срезать нить.
Информация авторских прав
Запрещено копировать описание или любые другие материалы — механическим, электронным или иным способом, включая фотокопии — без получения письменного разрешения Рашеле Кармона (Rachele Carmona). Так же касается всего контента на,, и все иные веб-сайты созданы Rachele Carmona. Платные описание предназначены только для личного пользования. Разрешено продавать готовые вязанные изделия.
يعتبر باترون البطانية الهندسية المخرمة باستخدام الكروشيه بأنه تصميم بسيط وسادة . لهذه البطانية ، عليك القيام بحياكة شكل زخرفي سداسي و بالخطوة الأخيرة عليك القيام بوصلهم ببعضهم حسب رغبتك ، لاحقا عليك القيام بإضافة انصاف الزخارف السداسية لإعطائها الاطار ولتعبئة الجوانب المتعرجة . لأنهاء التصميم اضفنا أطاراً مزخرف ، بتناسب و حفلات استقبال المولود الجديد أو ان ينير أي غرفة تضيعنه بها . ستجدين نفسك احببت هذا البترون وتعودين لحياكته مرارا و تكرارا.
Hashtags: #GeometricLaceBlanket #CypressTextiles
المواد المستخدمة :
سنارة مقاس 4.25 مم مقاس أمريكي .
سنارة مقاس 3.75 مم مقاس أمريكي (تم استخدامها للإطار فقط) .
إبره نسيج لنسج بواقي الخيط .
يصل قياس القطعة الواحدة حوالي 5in (12.7cm ) في أوسع نطاق .
قياسات القطعة النهائية حوالي72×66 in (183 x 168 cm ) ومن السهل جدا تعديل الحجم بالقياسات المرغوبة .
دليل الغرز : (حسب المصطلحات الأمريكية ) الالفاظ ذات اللون الداكن ستدرج مرارا عليك العودة الى هنا كلما اردت استيضاحا
2dcclكلوستر من غرزتين عامود ( لف الخيط على السنارة ، ادخل السنارة بالفراغ الذي ب) الغرزة /الحلقة(، لف الخيط على السنارة ، اسحب الخيط من الفراغ ، اعد هذا التكرار مرتين (ستبقى 3 لفات على السنارة ) لف الخيط على السنارة واسحب من كل اللفات )
beg البداية.
beg dc غرزة عامود البداية (غرزة حشو ، سلسلة )- تعد على انها غرزة عامود بلفه .
beg trغرزة عامود بلفتين البداية ( غرزة حشو ، سلسلتين ) – تعد على انها غرزة عامود بلفتين .
dcغرزه عامود بلفة .
hdc غرزة نصف عامود.
lp(s)اللفة .
MRاصنع حلقه ( 3 سلاسل ، غرزة منزلقه في الغرزة الثالثة من السنارة).
picotبيكو ( 3 سلاسل ، غرزة حشو في الغرزة الثالثة من السنارة).
rptكرر أو اعد التكرار .
RS/WSالجانب الايمن \ الجانب الخلفي من العمل .
sc غرزة الحشو .
sp الفراغ.
ss غرزة منزلقه.
st(s) الغرزة أو الغرز .
trغرزة عامود بلفتين .
yohلف الخيط على السنارة .
خيوط شركة Scheehjes River Washed (78% قطن ،22%أكريليك؛ 50غم/130متر)
22 لون X 1 شلة من كل لون = 22 شلة خيوط بالمجموع .
خيوط شركة Scheehjes Stone Washed (78% قطن ،22%أكريليك؛ 50غم/130متر)
ملاحظة : اصنعِ كل الوحدات من ال34 شلة ، واستخدمي 3 شلل للاطار .
الوحدة السداسية :
ملاحظة: اصنع وحدة سداسية واحدة فقط للنهاية؛ باقي الوحدات ستكتمل عند توصيلها ببعضها .
السطر 1: بإستخدام السنارة الكبيرة MR (إصنع حلقة)، (عامود البداية، عامود بلفة) – تحسب هذه الغرز على انها الكلوستر الأولى-
(2 سلسلة، كلوستر)5 مرات ، 2 سلسلة ، منزلقة في العامود .} 6 كلوستر، 6 فراغ{
السطر 2: عامود البداية في الفراغ ،عامود بلفه (1 سلسلة، 2 عامود بلفه في نفس الفراغ ) ، (2 عامود بلفة ، سلسلة ، 2 عامود بلفه) 5 مرات ، منزلقة في عامود البداية . } 24 عامود بلفة، 6 فراغات{.
السطر 3 و 4 :عامود البداية في الفراغ ،( 1 سلسلة، عامود بلفة بنفس الفراغ ، عامود بلفه في كل الغرز لكل الفراغات اللاحقة ، غرزة عامود بالفراع الأخير ) 6 مرات واحذف الغرزة الاخيرة ، منزلقة في عامود البداية .} 48 عامود ، 6 فراغات {.
السطر 5: ( للعلم : استخدم هذا الدليل للوحدة السداسية الأولى فقط باقي الوحدات عند وصلها ستشكل السطر الخامس تلقائيا)
( 3حشو في الفراغ ، حشو في كل الغرز اللاحقة الى ان تصل لأخر غرزة ) 6 مرات ، منزلقة في اول حشو ، اقطع الخيط. } 66 حشو {.
مخطط التشبيك :
مفتاح الرسم
النقاط الخضراء = بداية-نهاية السطر 5
النقاط الزرقاء = زاوية البداية لجانب الاتصال
الخط الازرق = جانب الاتصال
النقاط البنفسجية = زوايا الاتصال الثانية، الثالثة والرابعة .
النقاط الحمراء = الجانب الاخير من الاتصال .
= نصف وحدة سداسية .H1/2/3
النقاط الخمرية = نهاية نصف السداسي .
النقاط البرتقالية = بداية نصف السداسي .
تشبيك الوحدات :
ملاحظة : اصنع 216 وحدة سداسية اضافية ، قم بتشبيكهم بالطريقة التي تحب حسب السطر 5، لتكملة الوحدات المتبقية اتبع الشرح التالي. قم بالعودة الى مخطط التشبيك لمعرفة تعداد الوحدات.
غرز خاصة
اسحبي اللفة للخارج ؛ حرر اللفة من السنارة ،ادخل السنارة في الغرزة المقابلة للوحدة الكاملة المراد تشبيكها، اسحبي اللفة المحررة في الوحدة الاولى الى داخل الغرز من الجهة الامامية للعمل ،لا تصنعي منزلقه او سلسلة فقط ببساطة اكملي اللفة للغرز القادمة كما العادة .
ضم الوحدات حسب التعليمات
ملاحظة:كما هو موضح في عرض المخطط، البطانية النهائية تتكون من 15 وحدة سداسية ،والتي تصنع تشكيل متعرج ، مخطط التشبيك يوضح فقط 5 وحدات سداسية .هذا للأغراض العرض فقط . كل الوحدات سيتم تشبيكها كما الخطة الموضحة في عرض المخطط.
الوحدة الأولى : قم بحياكتها بالكامل، بدون أي تشيبك ( كما وضحنا سابقا).
الوحدات 2 – 6: قم بالتشبيك كما ذكرنا بالسطر الخامس كما التالي (النقطة الخضراء)3 حشو في الفراغ ، حشو في كل الغرز اللاحقة الى ان تصل الى الفراغ التالي. (النقطة الزرقاء)2 حشو في الفراغ ،اسحبي اللفة للخارج في الزاوية حشو في الوحدة المقابلة المتكاملة، حشو في الوحدة المعمول بها ،اسحبي اللفة للخارج في الوحدة المقابلة واصنع غرزة في الوحدة المقابلة المتكاملة، (الخط الأزرق)(حشو، اسحبي الخيط من اللفة) في كل الغرز على الجانب المراد تشبيكه الى ان نصل للفراغ اللاحق ،(النقطة الحمراء)حشو في الفراغ داخل الوحدة المعمول بها ، اسحبي اللفة للخارج ،2 حشو في نفس الفراغ في الوحدة المعمول بها (حشو في كل الغرز الى ان نصل للفراغ اللاحق،3 حشو في الفراغ)4 تكرارات احذف 3 حشو ،منزلقة في غرزة الحشو الإبتدائية ، اقطع الخيط . <تم تشبيك جانب>
الوحدة 7 : قم بالتشبيك كما ذكرنا بالسطر الخامس كما التالي (النقطة الخضراء)3 حشو في الفراغ ، حشو في كل الغرز اللاحقة الى ان تصل الى الفراغ التالي. (النقطة الزرقاء)2 حشو في الفراغ ،اسحبي اللفة للخارج في الزاوية حشو في الوحدة المقابلة المتكاملة، حشو في الوحدة المعمول بها ،اسحبي اللفة للخارج في الوحدة المقابلة واصنع غرزة في الوحدة المقابلة المتكاملة، (الخط الأزرق)(حشو، اسحبي الخيط من اللفة) في كل الغرز على الجانب المراد تشبيكه الى ان نصل للفراغ اللاحق ،(النقطة البنفسجية) حشو في الفراغ ، اسحي الخيط للخارج في الوحدة 3 المقابلة ،حشوفي نفس الفراغ، اسحب الخيط للخارج في الزاوية و في غرزه الحشو التي على الزاوية للوحدة 2 المقابلة ، حشو في الفراغ ،اسحبي الخيط للخارج في الغرزة اللاحقة في الوحدة 2 اعد الخطوات 2 (الخط الأزرق)(حشو، اسحبي الخيط من اللفة) في كل الغرز على الجانب المراد تشبيكه الى ان نصل للفراغ اللاحق ،(النقطة الحمراء)حشو في الفراغ داخل الوحدة المعمول بها ، اسحبي اللفة للخارج ،2 حشو في نفس الفراغ في الوحدة المعمول بها (حشو في كل الغرز الى ان نصل للفراغ اللاحق ، منزلقة في غرزة الحشو الابتدائية ، اقطع الخيط . <4 جوانب تم تشبيكها>
الوحدة 8 : اعد خطوات الوحدة 7 لكن احذف واحد من زاوية النقاط البنفسجية كما هو موضح في مخطط التشبيك. <3 جوانب تم تشيكيها>
الوحدة 9 : اعد خطوات الوحدة 7 < 4 جوانب تم تشبيكها>
الوحدة 10 : اعد خطوات الوحدة 7 لكن احذف 2 من زاوية النقاط البنفسجية كما هو موضح في مخطط التشبيك. <2 جوانب تم تشيكيها>
اشبك بقية الوحدات بهذه الطريقة حتى تنهي كامل التشبيك ل 217 من الوحدات السداسية كما هو موضح في مخطط التشبيك .
وحدات انصاف السداسي
ملاحظة :اعمل السطور من 1 – 4 كما التوجيهات ، في السطر 5 ، اشبك انصاف الوحدات لتعبئة الفراغات في اعلى واسفل حواف البطانية ، عد الى مخطط التشبيك .
السطر 1 ( الجانب الخلفي ) اصنع حلقة ، عامود البداية ،سلسلة 1،( كلوستر ، 2 سلسلة )3 مرات احذف السلسلة الاخيرة “عامود بلفة ، اقلبي العمل < 3 كلوستر ،2 عامود بلفة، 4 فراغات >
السطر 2 عامود البداية في الفراغ،(1 سلسلة،2 عامود بلفة بنفس الفراغ، 2 عامود بلفة في الفراغ اللاحق )3 مرات ،1 سلسلة ،عامود بلفة بنفس الفراغ ، اقلب العمل .<14 عامود بلفة ،4 فراغات >
السطر 3 و 4 عامود البداية في الفراغ (سلسة1،عمود بلفة في نفس الفراغ ، عامود بلفة في كل الغرز الى ان نصل للفراغ اللاحق، عامود بلفة في الفراغ اللاحق ) 3 مرات ، 1 سلسلة ،عامود بلفة بنفس الفراغ، اقلب العمل .< 26 عامود بلفة ، 4 فراغات >
صل كل الوحدات (انصاف السداسي )من السطر الخامس على هذه الطريقة :
:H1، 5السطر
(كما هو موضح في مخطط التشبيك ) ( النقطة البرتقالية )2 حشو في الفراغ، حشو في كل الغرز على طول الى الوصول للفراغ اللاحق ،( النقطة الزرقاء)2 حشو في الفراغ، اسحب الخيط للخارج ،حشو في في الفراغ،اسحب الخيط للخارج ،كما الوحدة السابقة من جسم البطانية ؛صل الجانب اللاحق ،قم بحياكة زاوية النقطة البنفسجية ،وصل الجانب اللاحق،( النقطة الخمرية)(حشو ، اسحب الخيط للخارج )2 مرة في الفراغ النهائي ، اقطع الخيط.
:H2، 5السطر
(النقطة البرتقالية)(حشو ،اسحب الخيط للخارج )2 مرة في الفراغ الأول،(صل الجانب ،قم بحياكة زاويه النقطة البنفسجية )2 مرة ،صل الجانب ،(النقطة الخمرية)(حشو ،اسحب الخيط للخارج )2 مرة في الفراغ النهائي، اقطع الخيط .
:H3، 5السطر
(النقطة البرتقالية)(حشو ،اسحب الخيط للخارج )2 مرة في الفراغ الأول،(صل الجانب ،قم بحياكة زاويه النقطة البنفسجية )،صل الجانب، قم بحياكة زاويه النقطة الحمراء، قم بحياكة الجانب التالي لوحدة ،2 حشو في الفراغ النهائي، اقطع الخيط .
الجولة 1 : عند البداية الزم الجانب الاقصر ، اصنع 3 حشو في الزاوية ، 227 حشو وضعهم بصورة تقريبية18 حشو في كل وحدة نصف سداسي و 12 حشو على طول وحدة السداسي المتكاملة ، *3 حشو في اول حشو من وحدة النصف سداسي ،(حشو في الغرزتين اللاحقتين ، نصف عامود في الغرزتين اللاحقتين، عامود في الغرزتين اللاحقتين، عامود بلفتين في3 الغرز اللاحقة ، تجاهل كل غرز الزوايا الخاصة ب وحدات السداسي المتكاملة ، عامود بلفتين في3 الغرز اللاحقة، عامود في الغرزتين اللاحقتين ، نصف عامود في الغرزتين اللاحقتين، حشو في الغرزتين اللاحقتين، تجاهل 1 غرزة)قم باعادة النمط لتملئ الغرز على طول جوانب البطانية ، “احذف التجاهل الاخير “، اعد من *1 مرة ، منزلقة في الحشو الابتدائية .
الجولة 2 : قم بالتبديل الى السنارة الاصفر .(3حشو في غرزة الزاوية ،حشو في كل الغرز على طول الى ان نصل للزاوية اللاحقة ) 4 مرات تجاهل 3 غرز على جانبي الحواف الطويلة من البطانية ، منزلقة في غرزة الحشو الابتدائية .<1058حشو
ملاحظة: ان كنت قد غيرت قياسات البطانية ، فإن الجولة الثانية من الاطار بحاجة الى مضاعفات من 8 غرز+3 ما بين ال 3 حشو المتواجدة بالزوايا .
الجولة 3 : *(حشو ،3 سلسلة،حشو )في غرزة الزاوية ،(2 سلسلة ،تجاهل غرزة ،حشو )على طول الى ان تصل الى الزاوية اللاحقة ،2 سلسلة ، اعد من *3مرات ، منزلفة في غرزة الحشو الابتدائية .
الجولة 4 : عامود بلفتين البداية في فراغ الزاوية ،***(بيكو ، عامود بلقتين )9 مرة في نفس الفراغ ، تجاهل 1 فراغ ،حشو في الفراغ التالي ، تجاهل 1 فراغ ، عامود بلفتين ، بيكو ) 5 مرة في الفراغ التالي ، عامود بلفتين في نفس الفراغ ، كرر كمن * الى نهاية 3 فراغات قبل الزاوية ، تجاهل 1 فراغ ، حشو في الفراغ التالي ، تجاهل 1 فراغ ، عامود بلفتين فب فراغ الزاوية ، اعد من ***3 مرات احذف العامود بلفتين الاخير في التكرار الثالث ، منزلقة في غرزة العامودة بلفتين البداية ، اقطع الخيط.
معلومات حقوق الملكية
Rachele Carmona يمنع اعادة نسر هذا البترون او أي مادة سواء بالتصوير او الكترونيا او باي صيغة اخرى بدون موافقه خطية من
.البنرونات المدفوعة للاستخدام الشخصي فقط بإمكانك بيع قطع الكروشية التي انهيت من حياكتها,, وهذا مطبق على كل محتوى الموقع
El patrón de manta de ganchillo de encaje geométrico es un diseño muy simple y plano. Para esta manta, estará haciendo motivos hexagonales y uniéndolos a medida que avanza en la vuelta final. Luego, a la manta se le dará forma cuadrada con motivos de medio hexágono y un relleno para los lados en zigzag. Un simple borde de encaje completa el diseño, perfecto para un baby shower o para alegrar cualquier habitación. Se encontrará tejiendo este patrón una y otra vez.
Hashtags: #GeometricLaceBlanket #CypressTextiles
Materiales y Tamaño
Scheepjes River Washed (78% algodón, 22% Acrílico; 50g/130m)
22 colores x 1 madeja de cada color
Scheepjes Stone Washed (78% algodón, 22% Acrílico; 50g/130m)
El motivo mide aproximadamente 5 pulgadas en el punto más ancho. La pieza terminada mide aproximadamente 72×66 pulgadas y se puede redimensionar fácilmente.
Guía de Puntos (US Terms)
pp2v punto piña de 2 varetas: (tomar 1 laz, insertar el ganchillo en el pt./E, tomar una nueva laz, pasar el hilo hacia adelante, tomar una nueva laz, pasar el hilo a través de 2 bucles) 2 veces, tomar una última laz, pasar el hilo a través de todos los bucles en el ganchillo
cad cadena(s), cadeneta(s)
v de inicio (pb, 1 cad) – cuenta como 1 v
vd de inicio (pb, 2 cad) – cuenta como 1 vd
v vareta, punto alto, punto entero
mv media vareta, medio punto alto, medio punto entero
laz lazada(s)
Anillo 3 cad, pd en la tercera cad desde el ganchillo
picot 3 cad, pb en la tercera cad desde el ganchillo
rep. repetir
LD/LR lado derecho / lado revés de la labor
pb punto bajo, medio punto
E espacio(s)
pd punto deslizado, punto raso, punto enano
pt(s). punto(s), puntada(s)
vd vareta doble, punto alto doble, punto entero doble
sig. siguiente(s)
sal. saltar
Esquema de Diseño
Nota: Hacer todos los motivos con 34 madejas de Scheepjes Stone Washed y River Washed.
Nota: Hacer 1 hexágono completo y continuar con la sección de unión para hacer los hexágonos restantes.
Vuelta 1 Usando el ganchillo más grande, hacer un anillo, (v de inicio, v) – cuenta como 1 pp2v – (2 cad, pp2v) 5 veces, 2 cad, pd en la v. [6 pp2v, 6 E]
Vuelta 2 V de inicio en el E, (1 cad, 2 v en el mismo E, 2 v en el sig. E) 6 veces omitiendo el pt. final, pd en la v de inicio. [24 v, 6 E]
Vueltas 3 y 4 V de inicio en el E, (1 cad, v en el mismo E, v en todos los puntos hasta el sig. E, v en el sig. E) 6 veces omitiendo el pt. final, pd en la v de inicio. [48 v, 6 E]
Vuelta 5 (Nota: Usar estas instrucciones sólo para el primer hexágono. Los siguientes motivos se unirán a medida que avanza en la vuelta 5.) (3 pb en el E, pb en todos los pts. hasta el sig. E) 6 veces, pd en el primer pb, cortar el hilo. [66 pb]
Esquema de Unión
Círculo verde = Inicio/Final de la vuelta 5
Círculo azul = Primera esquina del lado de unión
Línea azul = lado de unión
Círculo Morado = Segunda, tercera o cuarta esquina del lado de unión
Círculo rojo = Esquina final del lado de unión
H1/2/3 = Medio hexágono
Círculo naranjo = Inicio del medio hexágono
Círculo café = Final del medio hexágono
Unión de Motivos
Nota: Hacer 231 Hexágonos más, uniéndolo a medida que avanza en la vuelta 5 para completar el motivo usando las siguientes instrucciones. Ver el esquema de Unión para los números de los motivos.
Puntos Especiales
“PLT Join” = PBA Pasar el bucle a través: Sacar el punto del ganchillo y dejarlo en espera, insertar el ganchillo en el pt. adyacente que corresponde en el motivo completado, retomar el pt. dejado en espera, pasarlo a través del punto hacia el delantero de la labor. No hacer pd o cad. Simplemente seguir con el sig. pt. como es usual.
Instrucciones para unir mientras avanza
Nota: Como se muestra en el Esquema de Diseño, la manta terminada tiene 15 hexágonos de ancho, haciendo una forma de zigzag. El esquema de unión sólo muestra 5 hexágonos de ancho. Esto es sólo como demostración. Todos los hexágonos se unirán en el diseño como se muestra en el Esquema de Diseño.
Motivo 1 Trabajarlo entero, sin ninguna unión (como se dijo anteriormente).
Motivos 2-6 Unir mientras avanza en la vuelta 5 como sigue: (círculo verde) 3 pb en el E, pb en todos los pts. hasta el sig. E, (círculo azul) 2 pb en el E, PBA en el pb de la esquina del motivo completo adyacente, pb en el mismo E en el motivo en progreso, PBA en el pt. adyacente correspondiente del sig. motivo completo, (línea azul) (pb, PBA) en todos los pts. del lado de unión hasta el sig. E, (círculo rojo) pb en el E en el motivo en progreso, PBA, 2 pb en el mismo E en el motivo en progreso, (pb en todos los pts. hasta el sig. E, 3 pb en el E) 4 veces omitiendo los últimos 3 pb, pd en el primer pb, cortar el hilo. [1 lado unido]
Motivo 7 Unir mientras avanza en la vuelta 5 como sigue:(círculo verde) 3 pb en el E, pb en todos los pts. hasta el sig. E, (círculo azul) 2 pb en el E, PBA en el pb de la esquina del motivo completo adyacente, pb en el mismo E en el motivo en progreso, PBA en el pt. adyacente correspondiente del sig. motivo completo, * (línea azul) (pb, PBA) en todos los pts. del lado de unión hasta el sig. E, (círculo morado) pb en el E, PBA en el pt. correspondiente en el Motivo 3, pb en el mismo E, PBA en el pb de la esquina de la esquina adyacente en el motivo en el pt. correspondiente en el Motivo 2, pb en el mismo E, PBA en el sig. pt. en el Motivo 2, rep. desde * 2 veces, (línea azul) (pb, PBA) en todos los pts. del lado de unión hasta el sig. E, (círculo rojo) pb en el E en el motivo en progreso, PBA, 2 pb en el mismo E en el motivo en progreso, pb en todos los pts. hasta el sig. E, pd en el primer pb, cortar el hilo. [4 lados unidos]
Motivo 8 Trabajar como el Motivo 7, pero omitiendo 1 círculo morado de las esquinas, como se ve en el Esquema de Diseño. [3 lados unidos]
Motivo 9 Trabajar como el Motivo 7. [4 lados unidos]
Motivo 10 Trabajar como el Motivo 7, pero omitiendo 2 círculos morados de las esquinas , como se ve en el Esquema de Diseño. [2 lados unidos] Unir los motivos restantes de esta manera, hasta que todos los 232 Hexágonos estén unidos, de acuerdo al Esquema de Diseño.
Medio Hexágono
Nota: Trabajar las filas 1-4 como se indica, luego en la fila 5, unir el Medio Hexágono para llenar los espacios en los bordes superior e inferior. Ver el Esquema de Unión.
Fila 1 (LD) Hacer un anillo, v de inicio, 1 cad, (pp2v, 2 cad) 3 veces omitiendo la última cad, v, girar. [3 pp2v, 2 v, 4 E]
Fila 2 V de inicio en el E, (1 cad, 2 v en el mismo E, 2 v en el sig. E) 3 veces, 1 cad, v en el mismo E, girar. [14 v, 4E]
Filas 3 y 4 V de inicio en el E, (1 cad, v en el mismo E, v en todos los puntos hasta el sig. E, v en el sig. E) 3 veces, 1 cad, v en el mismo E, girar. [26 v, 4 E]
Unir los 16 Medios Hexágonos en la fila 5 de esta manera:
Fila 5, H1 (como se muestra en el Esquema de Unión) (Círculo naranjo) 2 pb en el E, pb en todos los pts. hasta el sig. pt., (círculo azul) 2 pb en el E, PBA, pb en el mismo E, PBA, como en el motivo anterior en el cuerpo de la manta: unir el sig. lado, trabajar el círculo morado de la esquina, y unir el sig. lado, (círculo café) (pb, PBA) 2 veces en el último E, cortar el hilo.
Fila 5, H2 (Círculo naranjo) (Pb, PBA) 2 veces en el primer E, (unir el lado, trabajar el círculo morado de la esquina) 2 veces, unir el lado, (círculo café) (pb, PBA) 2 veces en el último E, cortar el hilo.
Fila 5, H3 (Círculo naranjo) (Pb, PBA) 2 veces en el primer pt., unir el lado, trabajar el círculo morado de la esquina, unir el lado, trabajar el círculo rojo de la esquina, trabajar el sig. lado liso, 2 pb en el último E, cortar el hilo.
Vuelta 1 Comenzando en un lado corto, hacer 3 pb en la esquina, 227 pb – hacer aproximadamente 18 pb en cada Medio Hexágono y 12 pb en cada Hexágono completo, *3 pb en el primer pb del Medio Hexágono, (pb en los sig. 2 pts., mv en los sig. 2 pts., v en los sig. 2 pts., vd en los sig. 3 pts., sal. todos los puntos de la esquina de los Hexágonos completos, vd en los sig. 3 pts., v en los sig. 2 pts., mv en los sig. 2 pts., pb en los sig. 2 pts., sal. 1 pt.) rep. hasta rellenar el lado largo de la manta, omitir el último “sal. 1 pt.”, rep. desde * 1 vez más, pd en el primer pb.
Vuelta 2 Cambiar al ganchillo más pequeño. (3 pb en el pt. de la esquina, pb en todos los pts. hasta la sig. esquina) 4 veces saltando 2 pts. en ambos lados largos de la manta, pd en el primer pb. [1058 pb] Nota: Si está redimensionando la manta, la vuelta 2 del borde debe tener una cantidad múltiplo de 8 más 3 entre los 3 pb de las esquinas.
Vuelta 3 *(pb, 3 cad, pb) en el pt. de la esquina, (2 cad, sal. 1 pt., pb) hasta la sig. esquina, 2 cad, rep. desde * 3 veces, pd en el primer pb.
Vuelta 4 vd de inicio en el E de la esquina, ***(picot, vd) 9 veces en el mismo E, *sal. 1 E, pb en el sig. E, sal. 1 E, (vd, picot) 5 veces en el sig. E, vd en el mismo E, rep. desde * hasta el tener 3 E sin trabajar antes de la esquina, sal. 1 E, pb en el sig. E, sal. 1 E, vd en el E de la esquina, rep. desde *** 3 veces, omitiendo la última vd en la tercera repetición, pd en la vd de inicio, cortar el hilo.
Información de Derechos de Autor
Ningún patrón u otro material puede ser reproducido – ya sea mecánicamente, electrónicamente o por cualquier otro medio, incluido el fotocopiado – sin permiso escrito de Rachele Carmona. Esto se aplica a todo el contenido en, y todos los otros sitios utilizados por Rachele Carmona. Los patrones pagados son sólo para uso personal. Usted puede vender sus artículos de ganchillo terminados.
Traduction Française – Christine McGuinness (EssieMakes, IG, FB)
Le plaid « geometric lace » est un modèle très simple. Pour cette couverture, vous créerez des motifs hexagonaux et vous les rejoindrez au fur et à mesure lors du dernier rang. Ensuite, vous formerez le rectangle à l’aide de demi-hexagones et un motif de remplissage pour les côtés en zig-zag. Une simple bordure en dentelle complète le modèle, ce plaid est idéal lors d’une fête prénatale (« Baby Shower ») ou pour égayer une pièce. Vous vous surprendrez à revenir vers ce modèle régulièrement.
Hashtags: #GeometricLaceBlanket #CypressTextiles
Fournitures et Taille
Scheepjes River Washed (78% Coton, 22% Acrylique; 50g/130m)
22 couleurs x 1 pelote de chaque couleur
Scheepjes Stone Washed (78% Coton, 22% Acrylique; 50g/130m)
Chaque motif mesure environ 127mm au point le plus large Le plaid finis mesure environ 183 cm x 168 cm et peut être redimensionner facilement.
Description des Points (US Terms)
2Br-Ens 2 Brides Rabattues Ensembles: (faire un jeté, insérer le crochet dans la maille/espace, faire un jeté et tirer une boucle, faire un jeté et couler 2 boucles) 2 fois, Faire un jeté et rabattre toutes les boucles ensembles.
Bride Montée (ms, 1 ml) – compte pour 1 Br
Double Bride Montée (mc, 2 ml) – compte pour 1 DBr
Br Bride
Demi-Br Demi Bride
Former un cercle: 3 ml et fermer en rond avec 1 mc dans la troisième maille à partir du crochet
Picot 3 ml, ms dans la troisième maille à partir du crochet
ms maille serrée
ml maille en l’air
mc maille coulée
DBr Double Bride
Schéma de Placement
Note: Faire tous les motifs avec 31 pelotes. Utiliser 3 pelotes pour la bordure.
Motif Hexagone
Note: Faire 1 Hexagone complet et continuer vers l’étape Assemblage pour les hexagones restants.
Rang 1 Avec le crochet le plus gros, Former un cercle, (Bride Montée, Br) – compte pour 2Br-Ens – (2 ml, 2Br-Ens) 5 fois, 2 ml, mc dans la Br [6 2Br-Ens, 6 espaces]
Rang 2 Bride Montée dans l’espace, (1 ml, 2 Br dans le même espace, 2 Br dans l’espace suivant) 6 fois en omettant la dernière maille, mc dans la Bride Montée [24 Br, 6 espaces]
Rangs 3 et 4 Bride Montée dans l’espace, ( 1 ml, Br dans le même espace, Br dans toutes les mailles jusqu’au prochain espace, Br dans l’espace suivant) 6 fois en omettant la dernière maille, mc dans la Bride Montée [48 Br, 6 espaces]
Rang 5 (Note: suivre ces instructions pour le premier motif uniquement. Les motifs suivant seront assemblés, lors du rang 5, directement en cours de travail) (3 ms dans l’espace, ms dans toutes les mailles jusqu’au prochain espace) 6 fois, ms dans la première ms [66 ms]
Schéma d ’Assemblage
Rond Vert = Début / Fin du Rang 5
Rond Bleu = Premier coin du côté à assembler
Ligne Bleue = côté à assembler
Rond Violet = Deuxième, troisième ou quatrième coin du côté à assembler
Rond Rouge = Dernier coin du côté à assembler
H1/2/3 = Motifs demi-hexagone
Rond Orange = Début du demi-hexagone
Rond Bordeaux = Fin du demi-hexagone
Assembler les Motifs
Note: Faire 231 hexagones de plus et les assembler, lors du rang 5, directement en cours de travail en suivant les instructions suivantes. Se référer au Schéma d’Assemblage pour les numéros des motifs)
Mailles Spéciales
Tirer La Boucle: Sortir le crochet de la boucle, insérer le crochet dans la maille adjacente du motif complété, rattraper la boucle et la tirer à travers la maille vers l’endroit du travail. Ne pas faire de mc. Continuer simplement avec la maille suivante.
Instructions pour assembler directement en cours de travail Note: Comme vous pouvez voir dans le Schéma de Placement, la couverture finie comporte 15 hexagones horizontalement formant un zig-zag. L’exemple donne dans le schéma d’assemblage ne comporte que 5 motifs ; ceci n’est qu’un exemple. Tous les hexagones seront joints suivant le schéma de placement.
Motif 1 Faire le 1er motif entièrement sans joindre comme explique précédemment.
Motif 2-6 Assembler, lors du rang 5, directement en cours de travail comme suit: (rond vert) 3 ms dans l’espace, ms dans les dans toutes les mailles jusqu’au prochain espace, (rond bleu) 2 ms dans l’espace, tirer la boucle dans la maille serrée du coin (voir explications ci-dessus) du motif adjacent, ms dans le même espace du motif en cours, tirer la boucle dans la maille du motif adjacent, (ligne bleue) (ms, tirer la boucle) dans toutes les mailles du côté à assembler jusqu’au prochain espace, (rond rouge) ms dans l’espace du motif en cours, tirer la boucle, 2 ms dans le même espace du motif en cours, (ms dans les dans toutes les mailles jusqu’au prochain espace, 3 ms dans l’espace) 4 fois en omettant les 3 dernières ms, mc dans la première ms, couper le fil [1 côté joint]
Motif 7 Assembler, lors du rang 5, directement en cours de travail comme suit: (rond vert) 3 ms dans l’espace, ms dans les dans toutes les mailles jusqu’au prochain espace, (rond bleu) 2 ms dans l’espace, tirer la boucle dans la maille serrée du coin du motif adjacent, ms dans le même espace du motif en cours, tirer la boucle dans la maille du motif adjacent, *(ligne bleue) (ms , tirer la boucle) dans toutes les mailles du côté à assembler jusqu’au prochain espace, (rond violet) ms dans l’espace, tirer la boucle dans la maille correspondante du motif 3, ms dans l’espace, tirer la boucle dans la maille serrée du coin du motif 2, ms dans l’espace, tirer la boucle dans la maille suivante du motif 2, répéter depuis * 2 fois, (ligne bleue) (ms, tirer la boucle) dans toutes les mailles du côté à assembler jusqu’au prochain espace, (rond rouge) ms dans l’espace du motif en cours, tirer la boucle, 2 ms dans le même espace du motif en cours, ms dans les dans toutes les mailles jusqu’au prochain espace, mc dans la première ms, couper le fil [4 côtés joints]
Motif 8 Procéder de la même manière que pour motif 7 en omettant un des coins (rond violet) comme sur le Schéma d ’Assemblage [3 côtés joints]
Motif 9 Procéder de la même manière que pour motif 7 [4 côtés joints]
Motif 10 Procéder de la même manière que pour motif 7 en omettant deux des coins (rond violet) comme sur le Schéma d ’Assemblage [2 côtés joints] Joindre les motifs suivants de cette manière, jusqu’à ce que tous les 217 hexagones soient joints suivant le Schéma d ’Assemblage
Motif Demi-Hexagone
Note: Faire les rangs 1-4 comme suis. Puis au rang 5, assembler les demi-hexagones pour remplir les espaces en haut et en bas de la couverture. Se référer au Schéma d’Assemblage.
Rang 1 (envers du motif) Former un cercle, Bride Montée, 1 ml, (2Br-Ens, 2ml) 3 fois en omettant la dernière ml, Br, tourner le travail [3 2Br-Ens, 2 Br, 4 espaces]
Rang 2 Bride Montée dans l’espace, (1 ml, 2 Br dans le même espace, 2 Br dans l’espace suivant) 3 fois, 1 ml, 1 Br dans le même espace, tourner le travail [14 Br, 4 espaces]
Rang 3 et 4 Bride Montée dans l’espace, (1 ml, Br dans le même espace, Br dans toutes les mailles jusqu’au prochain espace, Br dans l’espace suivant) 3 fois, 1 ml, 1 Br dans le même espace, tourner le travail [26 Br, 4 espaces]
Joindre les demi-hexagones au rang 5 de la manière suivante:
Rang 5 H1 (se référer au schéma d’assemblage) (rond orange) 2 ms dans l’espace, ms dans toutes les mailles jusqu’au prochain espace, (rond bleu) 2 ms dans l’espace, tirer la boucle, ms dans le même espace, tirer la boucle, puis comme les autres motifs de la couverture précédents, joindre le côté suivant, joindre le coin (rond violet) puis le côté d’après, (rond bordeaux) (ms, tirer la boucle) 2 fois dans le dernier espace, couper le fil.
Rang 5 H2 (rond orange) (ms, tirer la boucle) 2 fois dans le premier espace, (joindre le côté puis le coin rond violet) 2 fois, joindre le côté, (rond bordeaux) (ms, tirer la boucle) 2 fois dans le dernier espace, couper le fil.
Rang 5 H3 (rond orange) (ms, tirer la boucle) 2 fois dans le premier espace, joindre le côté puis le coin rond violet, joindre le côté puis le coin rond rouge, joindre le côté suivant, 2 ms dans le dernier espace, couper le fil.
Rang 1 en commençant par 1 des petits côtés, 3 ms dans le coin, 227 ms – faire environ 18 ms pour chaque demi-hexagones et 12 ms pour chaque hexagones, * 3 ms dans le la première ms du demi-hexagone, (ms dans les 2 mailles suivantes, demi-Br dans les 2 mailles suivantes, Br dans les 2 mailles suivantes, DBr dans les 3 mailles suivantes, sauter tous les mailles des coins des hexagones, DBr dans les 3 mailles suivantes, Br dans les 2 mailles suivantes, demi-Br dans les 2 mailles suivantes, ms dans les 2 mailles suivantes, sauter 1 maille) répéter pour remplir les côtés les plus long de la couverture, omettre la dernière « sauter 1 maille », répéter depuis * 1 fois, mc dans la première ms.
Rang 2 Changer de taille de crochet et prendre le plus petit. (3 ms dans la maille en coin, ms dans toutes les mailles jusqu’au prochain espace) 4 fois sautant 2 mailles sur les 2 côtés les plus longs de la couverture, mc dans la première maille [1058 ms]
Note : si vous changez les dimensions de cette couverture, rang 2 de la bordure doit avoir un nombre de mailles multiple de 8 plus 3 mailles entre les coins de 3ms
Rang 3 * (1 ms, 3 ml, 1ms) dans la maille serrée du coin, (2 ml, sauter 1 maille, 1 ms) jusqu’au coin suivant, 2 ml, répéter depuis * 3 fois, mc dans la première ms.
Rang 4 Double Bride Montée dans l’arceau du coin, *** (picot, DBr) 9 fois dans le même espace, * sauter un espace, 1 ms dans l’espace suivant, sauter 1 espace, (DBr, picot) 5 fois dans l’espace suivant, DBr dans le même espace, répéter depuis * jusqu’au 3 espaces précèdent le coin, sauter 1 espace, 1 ms dans l’espace suivant, sauter 1 espace, DBr dans l’arceau du coin, répéter depuis *** 3 fois en omettant la dernière DBr de la troisième répétition, mc dans la Double Bride Montée, couper le fil.
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Aucun modèle ou autre matériel ne peut être reproduit – de manière mécanique, électronique, ou par tout autre moyen, y compris une photocopie – sans l’autorisation écrite de Rachele Carmona. Cela s’applique à tout le contenu de, et de tous les autres sites utilisés par Rachele Carmona. Les modèles payés sont à usage personnel uniquement. Vous pouvez vendre vos articles finis.
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Note: Huge thank you to the amazing folks who provided translations – they are credited below.
The Geometric Lace crochet blanket pattern is a very simple and plain design. For this blanket, you will be making hexagon motifs and joining them as you go on the final round. Then the blanket is squared off with half hexagon motifs and a filler for the zig-zag sides. A simple lace border completes the design, perfect for a baby shower or to brighten any room. You will find yourself coming back to this pattern again and again.
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Scheepjes River Washed (78% Cotton, 22% Acrylic; 50g/130m), 22 colors x 1 skein of each color = 22 skeins total
Motif measures about 5in at widest point. Finished piece measures about 72x66in, and is easily resized
Stitch Guide (UK Terminology)
2trcl 2 treble crochet cluster: (yoh, insert hook in st/sp, yoh, pull up lp, yoh, draw through 2 lps) 2 times, yoh, draw through all lps
ch chain
beg beginning
beg tr (dc, ch 1) – counts as 1 tr
beg dtr (dc, ch 2) – counts as 1 dtr
dc double crochet
dtr double treble crochet
htr half treble crochet
lp(s) loop(s)
MR Make Ring: Ch3, ss in third ch from hook
picot ch3, dc in third ch from hook
rep repeat
RS/WS right side/wrong side of work
sp space
ss slip stitch
st(s) stitch(es)
tr treble crochet
yoh yarn over hook
Layout Schematic
Note: Make all motifs with River Washed and Stone Washed. Colour Crafter is for border only.
Hexagon Motif
Note: Make 1 complete Hexagon Motif and continue to joining section to make remaining Hexagon Motifs.
Rnd 1 Using larger hook, MR, (beg tr, tr) – counts as a 2trcl – (ch2, 2trcl) 5 times, ch2, ss in tr. [6 2trcl, 6 sps]
Rnd 2 Beg tr in sp, (ch1, 2tr in same sp, 2tr in next sp) 6 times omitting final st, ss in beg tr. [24tr, 6 sps]
Rnds 3 and 4 Beg tr in sp, (ch1, tr in same sp, tr in all sts to next sp, tr in next sp) 6 times omitting final st, ss in beg tr. [48 tr, 6 sps]
Rnd 5 (Note: Use this instruction for the first motif only. Subsequent motifs will be joined as you go on Rnd 5.) (3dc in sp, dc in all sts to next sp) 6 times, ss in first dc, cut yarn. [66 dc]
Joining Schematic
Green Circle = Start/End of Rnd 5
Blue Circle = First corner of joining side
Blue Line = Joining side
Purple Circle = Second, third, or fourth corner of joining side
Red Circle = Final corner of joining side
H1/2/3 = Half Hexagon Motifs
Orange Circle = Start of Half Hexagon
Maroon Circle = End of Half Hexagon
Join Motifs
Note: Make 231 more Hexagon Motifs, joining them as you go on Round 5 to the completed motifs using the following instructions. Refer to the Joining Schematic for motif numbers.
Special Stitches
PLT Pull Loop Through: Release lp from hook, insert hook into corresponding adjacent st on completed motif, grab lp, Pull Loop Through the st to the front of the work. Do not slip st or chain. Simply carry on with the next st as normal.
Join as you go Instructions
Note: As shown in Layout Schematic, the finished blanket is 15 hexagons across, making a zig-zag formation. The Joining Schematic only shows 5 hexagons across. This is for demonstration purposes only. All Hexagon Motifs will be joined in the layout as shown in the Layout Schematic.
Motif 1 Work complete, without any joining (as stated previously).
Motifs 2-6 Join as you go on Rnd 5 as follows: (green circle) 3dc in sp, dc in all sts to next sp, (blue circle) 2dc in sp, PLT in corner dc of completed adjacent motif, dc in same sp on motif in progress, PLT in corresponding adjacent st on completed motif, (blue line) (dc, PLT) in all sts across joining side to next sp, (red circle) dc in sp on motif in progress, PLT, 2dc in same sp on motif in progress, (dc in all sts to next sp, 3dc in sp) 4 times omitting final 3dc, ss in first dc, cut yarn. [1 side joined]
Motif 7 Join as you go on Rnd 5 as follows: (green circle) 3dc in sp, dc in all sts to next sp, (blue circle) 2dc in sp, PLT in corner dc of completed adjacent motif, dc in same sp on motif in progress, PLT in corresponding adjacent st on completed motif, * (blue line) (dc, PLT) in all sts across joining side to next sp, (purple circle) dc in sp, PLT in corresponding st on Motif 3, dc in same sp, PLT in corner dc of adjacent corner on Motif 2, dc in same sp, PLT in next st on Motif 2, rep from * 2 times, (blue line) (dc, PLT) in all sts across joining side to next sp, (red circle) dc in sp on motif in progress, PLT, 2dc in same sp on motif in progress, dc in all sts to next sp, ss in first dc, cut yarn. [4 sides joined] Motif 8 Work as for Motif 7, but omit 1 of the purple circle corners as seen in Joining Schematic. [3 sides joined] Motif 9 Work as for Motif 7. [4 sides joined] Motif 10 Work as for Motif 7, but omit 2 of the purple circle corners as seen in Joining Schematic. [2 sides joined] Join remaining motifs in this manner, until all 232 Hexagon Motifs are joined according to the Layout Schematic.
Half Hexagon Motif
Note: Work Rows 1-4 as instructed, then on Row 5, join Half Hexagon Motif to fill in gaps on top and bottom edge of blanket. Refer to Joining Schematic.
Row 1 (RS) MR, beg tr, ch1, (2trcl, ch2) 3 times omitting final ch, tr, turn. [3 2trcl, 2 tr, 4 sps]
Row 2 Beg tr in sp, (ch1, 2tr in same sp, 2tr in next sp) 3 times, ch1, tr in same sp, turn. [14tr, 4 sps]
Rows 3 and 4 Beg tr in sp, (ch1, tr in same sp, tr in all sts to next sp, tr in next sp) 3 times, ch1, tr in same sp, turn. [26 tr, 4 sps]
Join all 16 Half Hexagon Motifs on Row 5 in this manner:
Row 5, H1 (as shown on Joining Schematic) (Orange circle) 2dc in sp, dc in all sts across to next sp, (blue circle) 2dc in sp, PLT, dc in same sp, PLT, as with previous motifs on blanket body: join next side, work purple circle corner, and join next side, (maroon circle) (dc, PLT) 2 times in final sp, cut yarn.
Row 5, H2 (Orange circle) (dc, PLT) 2 times in first sp, (join side, work purple circle corner) 2 times, join side, (maroon circle) (dc, PLT) 2 times in final sp, cut yarn.
Row 5, H3 (Orange circle) (dc, PLT) 2 times in first sp, join side, work purple circle corner, join side, work red circle corner, work next side plain, 2dc in final sp, cut yarn.
Rnd 1 Beginning with a short side, work 3dc in the corner, 227dc – place roughly 18dc across each Half Hexagon Motif and 12dc across each Full Hexagon Motif, * 3dc in the first dc of the Half Hexagon Motif, (dc in next 2 sts, htr in next 2 sts, tr in next 2 sts, dtr in next 3 sts, sk all corner sts of Full Hexagon Motifs, dtr in next 3 sts, tr in next 2 sts, htr in next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts, sk 1 st) rep across to fill in long sides of blanket, omit final “sk 1 st”, rep from * 1 time, ss in first dc. Rnd 2 Switch to smaller hook. (3dc in corner st, dc in all sts across to next corner) 4 times skipping 2 sts on both long sides of blanket, ss in first dc. [1058 dc] Note: If you are resizing this blanket, Rnd 2 of the Border needs to have a multiple of 8 sts plus 3 between the 3dc corners. Rnd 3 * (dc, ch3, dc) in corner st, (ch2, sk1, dc) across to next corner, ch2, rep from * 3 times, ss in first dc. Rnd 4 Beg dtr in corner sp, *** (picot, dtr) 9 times in same sp, * sk1 sp, dc in next sp, sk 1 sp, (dtr, picot) 5 times in next sp, dtr in same sp, rep from * across to final 3 sps before corner, sk 1 sp, dc in next sp, sk 1 sp, dtr in corner sp, rep from *** 3 times omitting final dtr on third rep, ss in beg dtr, cut yarn.
Copyright Information
No pattern or other material may be reproduced — mechanically, electronically, or by any other means, including photocopying — without written permission of Rachele Carmona. This applies to all content on,, and all other sites used by Rachele Carmona. Paid patterns are for personal use only. You may sell your finished crocheted items.
Hey, y’all! I partnered with Julie Yeager Designs for her lovely and generous 2019 Block a Week series. For this awesome opportunity, I put together a little 12in motif called One Love II. It’s based on the original One Love Granny Square that I released for Granny Square Day 2017.
Here is the original One Love Granny Square. You can see I have adapted it to be larger for Julie’s BAW series, because all of those featured blocks are 12in and use worsted weight yarn. Super convenient to mix and match!
One Love II Granny Square
I hope you enjoy this simple yet textured square for this Valentine’s Day season of love, friendship, and community. One love!
For a 12 inch block: Use worsted weight yarn and a size 5.5mm (I) hook.
For a 10 inch block: Use DK weight yarn and a size 4.25mm (G) hook.
Stitch Guide (US Terms)
2dccl 2 dc cluster: (yoh, insert hook in st indicated, yoh, pull up lp, yoh, draw yarn through 2 lps on hook) 2 times, yoh, draw yarn through all 3 lps on hook
beg dc beginning double crochet: (sc, ch1) – counts as 1 dc
ch chain
dc double crochet
lp loop
rem remaining
rep repeat
sc single crochet
ss slip stitch
sk skip
sp space
st stitch
yoh yarn over hook
Special Stitches
heart top – worked over 4 sts: (yoh, insert hook in first st, yoh, pull up lp, yoh, draw yarn through 2 lps on hook) 3 times, (yoh, insert hook in second st, yoh, pull up lp, yoh, draw yarn through 2 lps on hook) 2 times, yoh, draw yarn through all 6 lps on hook, ch 4, (yoh, insert hook in third st, yoh, pull up lp, yoh, draw yarn through 2 lps on hook) 2 times, (yoh, insert hook in fourth st, yoh, pull up lp, yoh, draw yarn through 2 lps on hook) 3 times, yoh, draw yarn through all 6 lps on hook
Rnd 1 Slip knot, ch3, ss in third ch from hook to make ring. All in ring: Beg dc, 11dc, ss in beg dc. [12 dc]
Rnd 2 (Beg dc, 3dc) in next st, (ch2, sk2, 4dc in next st) 3 times, ch2, ss in beg dc. [16 dc, 4 sp]
Rnd 3 (Ch3, make heart top over 4 dc sts, ch3, sc in ch2 sp) 4 times, ch3, ss in top of first cluster of heart top. Note: first ch3 does not count as st. [4 heart top, 4 sc, 8 ch-3 sp]
Rnd 4 [Beg dc, dc, (ch2, 2dccl) 5 times] all in ch-4 sp, * sc in ch-3 sp, ch3, sc in next sp, make corner as follows: [(2dccl, ch2) 5 times, cl] in ch-4 sp, rep from * 2 times, sc in ch-3 sp, ch3, sc in next sp, sk beg dc, ss in dc. [24 cl, 8 sc, 24 sp]
Rnd 5 * Sc in ch-2 sp, (ch3, sc in next ch-2 sp) 2 times, ch3, sc in same sp, (ch3, sc in next sp) 2 times, 4dc in second ch of ch-3 sp, rep from * 3 times, ss in first sc. [16 dc, 24 sc, 20 sp]
Rnd 6 Ss in first ch of sp, * sc in ch-sp, ch3, sc in next ch-sp, (3dc, ch2, 3dc) in corner sp, (sc in next sp, ch3) 2 times, make heart top over next 4 dc, ch3, rep from * 3 times, ss in first sc. [4 heart top, 16 sc, 20 sp]
Rnd 7 (Beg dc, 2dc) in sp, * dc in next 3 dc, (2dc, ch2, 2dc) in corner sp, dc in next 3 dc, 3dc in next 2 sps, 3sc in next sp, 3dc in next 2 sps, rep from * 3 times omitting last 3 dc on final rep, ss in beg dc. [88 dc, 12 sc, 4 sp]
Rnd 8 (Sc in all sts to corner, 3sc in corner sp) 4 times, sc in all sts to beg, ss in first sc. [112 sc]
Rnd 9 (Beg dc, 3dc) in next st, * ch2, sk6, (3dc, ch2, 3dc) in corner st, (ch2, sk6, 4dc in next st) 3 times, rep from * 3 times omitting last 4 dc on final rep, ss in beg dc. [72 dc, 20 sp]
Rnd 10 (Beg dc, dc) in first dc, * (ch2, 2dccl in next dc) 3 times, sc in next sp, ch3, (3dc, ch2, 3dc) in corner sp, ch3, [sc in sp, (2dccl in next dc, ch2) 3 times, 2dccl in next dc] 2 times, sc in next sp, 2dccl in next dc, rep from * 3 times omitting last 2dccl of final rep, sk beg dc, ss in dc. [48 2dccl, 24 dc, 16 sc, 48 sp]
Rnd 11 * 3sc in next 3 sps, 2sc in next sp, sc in 3 sts, 3sc in corner sp, sc in 3 sts, 2sc in next sp, 3sc in next 4 sps, 2sc in next sp, 3sc in next sp, rep from * 3 times, ss in first sc, cut yarn and finish off. [156 sc]
Multi color version
Check out the square in 2 colors – you can make the little hearts pop!
Try it in all cream, or in pink and cream and it will be a delight. Enjoy!
Happy Granny Square Day 2017! If you’ve been under a rock, and aren’t sure what this is, peruse the IG hashtag and you won’t be disappointed. Susan of IG @suregal27 has coordinated this wonderful opportunity for everyone to make a virtual granny square blanket via the hashtag. If you have a favorite square pattern, make one, take a pic, and post it under the tag! Join in on the fun!
Find the pattern FREE on Ravelry as a PDF, or I have pasted it below! Thank you and enjoy! If you make this, hashtag #onelovegrannysquare on social media <3
Scheepjes Stone Washed – I’ve used Stone Washed XL and a US size 5.5mm (I) for the photos, but any weight yarn with your favorite hook will be lovely.
Using 5.5mm hook and aran weight yarn, square measures 9in
Using 3.5mm hook and fingering weight yarn, square measures 5.25in
abbreviations (US Terminology)
ch chain
ch-sp chain space
dc double crochet
hdc half double crochet
lp loop
rem remaining
rep repeat
RS right side of piece
sc single crochet
ss slip stitch
sk skip
sp space
st stitch
tr treble crochet
WS wrong side of piece
yoh yarn over hook
special stitches
beg dc beginning double crochet: sc, ch 1 – counts as 1 dc
cl cluster: (yoh, insert hook in st/sp, yoh, pull up lp, yoh, draw yarn through 2 lps on hook) 2 times, yoh, draw yarn through all 3 lps on hook
heart top (yoh, insert hook in first st, yoh, pull up lp, yoh, draw yarn through 2 lps on hook) 3 times, (yoh, insert hook in second st, yoh, pull up lp, yoh, draw yarn through 2 lps on hook) 2 times, yoh, draw yarn through all 6 lps on hook, ch 4, (yoh, insert hook in first st, yoh, pull up lp, yoh, draw yarn through 2 lps on hook) 2 times, (yoh, insert hook in second st, yoh, pull up lp, yoh, draw yarn through 2 lps on hook) 3 times, yoh, draw yarn through all 6 lps on hook
one love square
Rnd 1 Slip knot, ch 3, ss in third ch from hook to make ring. All in ring: Beg dc, 11 dc, ss in beg dc. [12 dc]
Rnd 2 (Beg dc, 3 dc) in next st, (ch 2, sk 2, 4 dc in next st) 3 times, ch 2, do not join. [16 dc, 4 ch-sp]
Rnd 3 (Ch 3, make heart top over 4 sts, ch 3, sc in ch-2 sp) 4 times, ch 3, ss in top of first cluster of heart top. Note: first ch-3 does not count as st. [4 heart top, 4 sc, 8 ch-3 sp]
Rnd 4 [Beg dc, dc, (ch 2, cl) 5 times] all in ch-4 sp, * sc in ch-3 sp, ch 3, sc in next ch-sp, make corner as follows: [(cl, ch 2) 5 times, cl] in ch-4 sp, rep from * 2 times, sc in ch-3 sp, ch 3, sc in next ch-sp, sk beg dc, ss in dc. [24 cl, 8 sc, 4 ch-3 sps, 20 ch-2 sp]
Rnd 5 * Sc in ch-2 sp, (ch 3, sc in next ch-sp) 2 times, ch 3, sc in same ch-sp, (ch 3, sc in next ch-sp) 2 times, 4 dc in ch-3 sp, rep from * 3 times, ss in first sc. [16 dc, 24 sc, 20 ch-3 sp]
Rnd 6 Ss in first ch of ch-sp, * sc in ch-sp, ch 3, sc in next ch-sp, (3 dc, ch 2, 3 dc) in corner sp, (sc in next ch-sp, ch 3) 2 times, make heart top over next 4 dc, ch 3, rep from * 3 times, ss in first sc. [4 heart top, 16 sc, 16 ch-3 sp, 4 ch-2 sp]
Note: As an optional alternative design, stop here and cut yarn for a lacy motif that you can join at the 8 points around. Swoon!
Rnd 7 (Beg dc, 2 dc) in ch-sp, * dc in next 3 dc, (2 dc, ch 2, 2 dc) in corner sp, dc in next 3 dc, 3 dc in next 2 ch-sps, 3 sc in next ch-sp, 3 dc in next 2 ch-sps, rep from * 3 times omitting last 3 dc on final rep, ss in beg dc. [88 dc, 12 sc, 4 ch-sp]
Note: You could also stop here for a dc join as you go and it would look wonderful!
Rnd 8 (Sc in all sts to corner, 3 sc in corner sp) 4 times, sc in all sts to beg, ss in first sc, cut yarn and finish off. [112 sc]
Deutsche Übersetzung – Josephine Stemmer (HineHandmade, IG, FB)
Die Anleitung für die geometrische Spitzendecke ist ein einfaches und eindeutiges Design. Für dieses Design wirst Du Sechsecke machen und sie dann mit der letzten Runde jedes Sechseckes direkt zusammen häkeln. Die Decke bekommt dann noch gerade Kanten mithilfe von halben Sechsecken, um die Lücken der Zick-zack Seiten zu füllen. Eine einfache Spitzenumrandung macht das Design perfekt. Perfekt für eine Babyparty oder um jeden Raum aufzuhellen. Du wirst die Decke immer und immer wieder häkeln wollen.
Sheepjes River Washed (78% Baumwolle, 22% Acrylfasern; 50g/130m)
In 22 Farben je ein Knäuel = 22 Knäuel gesamt
Sheepjes Stone Washed (78% Baumwolle, 22% Acrylfasern; 50g/130m)
In 12 Farben je ein Knäuel = 12 Knäuel insgesamt
US Größe 4.25mm Nadel
US Größe 3.75mm Nadel (wird nur für die Umrandung benötigt)
Sticknadel, um die Fadenenden zu vernähen.
Maschenprobe und Größen
Die Sechsecke werden ca. 13 cm (ca. 5 Zoll) an ihrem breitesten Punkt.
Die fertige Decke wird ca. 180 x 170cm (ca. 72×66 Zoll), und kann sehr leicht an die gewünschte Größe angepasst werden.
2StbB 2 Stäbchen Büschel: (U, Nadel in M/Zwr, U, Schlinge hoch ziehen, U, durch 2 Schlingen ziehen) x2. U, durch all Schlingen ziehen
Lm Luftmasche
Anf Anfang
Anf Stb (fM, 1Lm)- zählt als 1Stb
Anf DStb (fM, 2Lm) – zählt als 1DStb
Stb Stäbchen
hStb halbes Stäbchen
Schl(n) Schlinge(n)
RM Ring machen: 3Lm, Km in 3. M von Nadel
Picot 3Lm, fM in 3. Lm von Nadel
wdh wiederholen
RS/LS rechte Seite/linke Seite der Arbeit
Zwr Zwischenraum
Km Kettmasche
M Masche(n)
DStb Doppelstäbchen
U Umschlag
R Reihe
Rd Runde
Notiz: Mache alle Sechsecke mit 31 Knäuel. Nutze 3 Knäuel für die Umrandung
Notiz: Mache 1 komplettes Sechseck und gehe dann zu dem zusammenhäkel Teil der Anleitung, um die restlichen Sechsecke zu machen.
Rd 1 mit größerer Nadel, RM, (Anf Stb, Stb) – zählt als 2StbB – (2Lm, 2StbB) x5, 2Lm, Km in Stb [6 2StbB, 6 Zwr]
Rd 2 Anf Stb in Zwr, (1Lm, 2Stb in selben Zwr, 2Stb in nächsten Zwr) x6 wobei letzte M ausgelassen wird, Km in Anf Stb. [24Stb, 6 Zwr]
Rd 3 und 4 Anf Stb in Zwr, (1Lm, Stb in selben Zwr, Stb in alle M bis zum nächsten Zwr, Stb in nächsten Zwr) x6 wobei die letzte M ausgelassen wird, Km in Anf Stb. [48Stb, 6Zwr]
Rd 5 (Notiz: Nutze diese Anleitung nur für das erste Sechseck. Folgende Sechsecke werden direkt in der 5. Runde zusammengehäkelt) (3fM in Zwr, fM in all M bis zum nächsten Zwr) x6, Km in erste fM, Faden abschneiden. [66 fM]
Zusammenhäkel Schema
Grüner Kreis = Anfang/Ende von Runde 5
Blauer Kreis = erste Ecke der Verbindungsseite
Blaue Linie = Verbindungsseite
Lila Kreis = zweite, dritte oder vierte Ecke der Verbindungsseite
Roter Kreis = letzte Ecke der Verbindungsseite
H1/2/3= halbes Sechseck
Orangener Kreis = Anfang des halben Sechseck
Weinroter Kreis = Ende des halben Sechseck
Sechsecke zusammenhäkeln
Notiz: Mache 231 weitere Sechsecke, und häkel sie in der fünften Runde an die fertigen Sechsecke mithilfe der unten stehenden Anleitung. Beziehe Dich auf das Zusammenhäkel Schema bezüglich der Sechseck Nummer.
Besondere Maschen
Sdz Schlinge durchziehen: nimm die Schlinge von der Nadel, führe die Nadel in die entsprechende Masche des fertigen Sechsecks, nimm die Schlinge wieder auf, ziehe die Schlinge durch die Masche zur vorderen Seite deiner Arbeit. Mache keine Kettmasche oder Luftmaschen. Mache nun die nächste Masche ganz normal.
Anleitung um direkt zusammen zu häkeln
Notiz: wie im Anordnungsschema gezeigt wird, ist die fertige Decke 15 Sechsecke breit, was ein Zickzackrand ergibt. Das Zusammenhäkelschema zeigt nur 5 Sechsecke Breite. Das ist nur zu Demonstrationszwecken. Alle Sechsecke werden wie im Anordnungsschema zusammen gehäkelt.
Sechseck 1 Häkel es komplett, ohne zusammenhäkeln (wie oben schon geschrieben).
Sechsecke 2-6 Direkt zusammenhäkeln in Runde 5 wie folgt: (grüner Kreis) 3fM in Zwr, fM in alle Maschen bis zum nächsten Zwr, (blauer Kreis) 2fM in Zwr, Sdz in Eckmasche des nächsten fertigen Sechsecks, fM in selben Zwr des entstehenden Sechsecks, Sdz in entsprechende nächste Masche des fertigen Sechsecks, (blaue Linie) (fM, Sdz) in alle Maschen der Verbindungsseite bis zum nächsten Zwr, (roter Kreis) fM in Zwr des entstehenden Sechsecks, Sdz, 2fM in gleichen Zwr des entstehenden Sechsecks, (fM in alle Maschen bis zum nächsten Zwr, 3fM in Zwr) x4 wobei die letzten 3fM weggelassen werden, Km in erste fM, Faden abschneiden. [1 Seite zusammengehäkelt]
Sechseck 7 Direkt zusammenhäkeln in Runde 5 wie folgt: (grüner Kreis) 3fM in Zwr, fM in alle Maschen bis zum nächsten Zwr, (blauer Kreis) 2fM in Zwr, Sdz in Eckmasche des nächsten fertigen Sechsecks, fM in selben Zwr des entstehenden Sechsecks, Sdz in entsprechende nächste Masche des fertigen Sechsecks, *(blaue Linie) (fM, Sdz) in alle Maschen der Verbindungsseite bis zum nächsten Zwr, (lila Kreis) fM in Zwr, Sdz in die entsprechende Masche des Sechsecks 3, fM in gleichen Zwr, Sdz in Eckmasche der angrenzenden Ecke von Sechseck 2, fM in selben Zwr, Sdz in nächste Masche von Sechseck 2, wdh von * x2, (blaue Linie) (fM, Sdz) in alle Maschen der Verbindungsseite bis zum nächsten Zwr, (roter Kreis) fM in Zwr des entstehenden Sechsecks, Sdz, 2fM in selben Zwr des entstehenden Sechsecks, fM in alle Maschen bis zum nächsten Zwr, Km in erste fM, Faden abschneiden. [4 Seiten zusammengehäkelt]
Sechseck 8 Arbeite wie Sechseck 7, aber lasse eine lila Kreis-Ecke weg, wie in dem Zusammenhäkel Schema zu sehen. [3 Seiten zusammengehäkelt]
Sechseck 9 Arbeite wie Sechseck 7. [4 Seiten zusammengehäkelt]
Sechseck 10 Arbeite wie Sechseck 7, aber lasse zwei der lila Kreis-Ecken weg, wie in dem Zusammenhäkel Schema zu sehen. [2 Seiten zusammengehäkelt]
Häkel die übrigen Sechsecke so zusammen, bis alle 232 Sechsecke wie in dem Anordnungsschema verbunden sind.
Halbes Sechseck
Notiz: arbeite Reihen 1-4 wie hier angegeben, in Reihe 5 häkelst du das halbe Sechseck direkt in die Lücken oben und unten an deiner Decke. Orientiere dich an dem Zusammenhäkeln Schema.
R 1 (RS) RM, Anf Stb, 1Lm, (2StbB, 2Lm) x3 wobei die letzte Lm ausgelassen wird, Stb, umdrehen. [3 2StbB, 2Stb, 4Zwr]
R 2 Anf Stb in Zwr, (1Lm, 2Stb in selben Zwr, 2Stb in nächsten Zwr) x3, 1Lm, Stb in selben Zwr, umdrehen [14 Stb, 4 Zwr]
R 3 und 4 Anf Stb in Zwr, (1Lm, Stb in selben Zwr, Stb in alle Maschen bis zum nächsten Zwr, Stb in nächsten Zwr)x3, 1Lm, Stb in selben Zwr, umdrehen [26 Stb, 4 Zwr]
Häkele alle 16 halben Sechsecke in Reihe 5 wie folgt direkt zusammen:
R 5, H1 (wie in dem Zusammenhäkel Schema) (orangener Kreis) 2fM in Zwr, fM in alle Maschen bis zum nächsten Zwr, (blauer Kreis) 2 fM in Zwr, Sdz, wie bei den bisherigen Sechsecken der Decke: verbinde nächste Seite, arbeite lila Kreis-Ecke, und verbinde nächste Seite, (Weinroter Kreis) (fM, Sdz) x2 in letzten Zwr, Faden abschneiden.
R 5, H2 (orangener Kreis) (fM, Sdz)x2 in ersten Zwr, (verbinde Seite, arbeite lila Kreis-Ecke)x2, verbinde Seite, (weinroter Kreis), (fM, Sdz)x2 in letzten Zwr, Faden abschneiden.
R 5, H3 (orangener Kreis) (fM, Sdz)x2 in ersten Zwr, verbinde Seite, arbeite lila Kreis-Ecke, verbinde Seite, arbeite rote Kreis-Ecke, arbeite nächste Seite normal. 2fM in letzten Zwr, Faden abschneiden.
Rd 1 Beginne mit einer kurzen Seite, arbeite 3fM in die Ecke, 227fM – platziere ca je 18fM entlang der halben Sechsecke und je 12 fM entlang der ganzen Sechsecke, *3fM in erste fM des halben Sechsecks, (fM in nächste 2 M, hStb in nächste 2 M, Stb in nächste 2 M, DStb in nächste 3 M, überspringe alle EckM der ganzen Sechsecke, DStb in nächste 3 M, Stb in nächste 2 M, hStb in nächste 2 M, fM in nächste 2 M, überspringe 1 M) wdh entlang der langen Seite der Decke, lasse letzte “überspringe 1 M” weg, wdh von *x1, Km in erste fM.
Rd 2 Wechsel zur kleineren Nadel. (3fM in EckM, fM in alle M bis zur nächsten Ecke)x4 dabei je 2 M an den langen Seiten überspringen, Km in erste fM. [1058 fM]
Notiz: Wenn Du die Decke in einer anderen Größe machst, muss Rd 2 der Umrandung ein Vielfaches von 8M plus 3 zwischen den 3fM Ecken haben.
Rd 3 *(fM, 3Lm, fM) in EckM, (2Lm, 1 überspringen, fM) bis zur nächsten Ecke, 2Lm, wdh von* x3, Km in erste fM.
Rd 4 Anf DStb in EckM, ***(Picot, DStb) x9 in selben Zwr, *1 Zwr überspringen, fM in nächsten Zwr, 1 Zwr überspringen, (DStb, Picot) x5 in nächsten Zwr, DStb in selben Zwr, wdh von * bis zu letzten 3 Zwr vor der Ecke, 1 Zwr überspringen, 1fM in nächsten Zwr, 1 Zwr überspringen, 1DStb in EckZwr, wdh von *** x3 wobei das letzte DStb in der dritten Wdh ausgelassen wird, Km in Anf DStb, Faden abschneiden.
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The Geometric Lace crochet blanket pattern is a very simple and plain design, perfect for a baby shower or to brighten any room. You will find yourself coming back to this pattern again and again.
Flowery version of hexagon – for a more textured look!
Find this pattern in a convenient and concise printable, ad-free PDF format on Ravelry for a small fee. This helps support CypressTextiles free patterns.
Geometric Lace Blanket Translations
This pattern is in English and US Terms. Looking for UK Terms or another language?
Note: Huge thank you to the amazing folks who provided translations – they are credited below.
Wanting to start your Geometric Lace blanket, but don’t know where to begin when it comes to color placement? This guide will help give you some ideas for color palette and placement, and you can use it as a springboard for your piece. Hope y’all enjoy!
This post contains affiliate links marked with an asterisk *. Shopping through these links will earn me a small commission that will help support CypressTextiles free patterns. And it costs nothing extra! Woohoo!
Geometric Lace Blanket Color Palette
These are just a small sampling of my color palette for Geometric Lace work in progress. My motifs look wrapped like this because I am joining as I go on the final round, so in order to play with placement layout a bit, I worked each motif up to the final round, then wrapped enough yarn for joining.
How did I do this?? I worked one hexagon complete, then frogged the final round, and wrapped the yarn around the motif, counting the wraps. I added a few wraps to on each motif be sure, and now I can move my motifs around the floor to test placement. Of course, if you know me, you know I am like the opposite of a perfectionist, so I don’t dwell on placement at all, but it is fun to lay them out and take photos.
Geometric Lace Blanket Yarn Information
To make this blanket, I am using Scheepjes | River Washed in all 22 colors, and Stone Washed in 12 colors. One ball each of everything for a total of 34 balls. All of the motifs are made using these 34 balls. I have a surprise border coming in a different Scheepjes yarn!
Trust me, with these yarns, you can put 10 random colors in your shopping cart and it’ll make a smashing palette.
Social media hashtags: #geometriclaceblanket and #cypresstextiles
Painting with Yarn
As you can see from the photo above, the first thing I do when a lot of my motifs are finished is sort of lay them out in the general area where they will end up. I really liked the color placement in my Happy Little Tree blanket pattern, so I drew inspiration from that.
After I have an idea of the color placement, I start filling it all in. The photos below show the progression. Every time I lay out the motifs to place them, it’s a little bit different because the exact placement isn’t something I’m super committed to. I get the idea down, then I feel it out from there.
Geometric Lace Crochet Blanket Pattern
The Geometric Lace crochet blanket pattern is a very simple and plain design. For this blanket, you will be making hexagon motifs and joining them as you go on the final round. Then the blanket is squared off with half hexagon motifs and a filler for the zig-zag sides. A simple lace border completes the design, perfect for a baby shower or to brighten any room. You will find yourself coming back to this pattern again and again. Note: This pattern is updated from my original Geometric Lace pattern published in 2013. Click here to see every Geometric Lace Blanket I ever made.
Yarn Information
To make this blanket, I am using Scheepjes | River Washed in all 22 colors, and Stone Washed in 12 colors. One ball each of everything for a total of 34 balls. All of the motifs are made using these 34 balls. I have a surprise border coming in a different Scheepjes yarn!
Trust me, with these yarns, you can put 10 random colors in your shopping cart and it’ll make a smashing palette. Hope y’all enjoy this one!
Have a look on Ravelry to see all of the photos and your projects – there are over 100 projects added over the years. This project really is a celebration of color, and I’m proud to say that sentiment shows through in your projects. Please check them out as I’m quite enamored with everyone’s projects. Beautiful sense of community.
Thanks for coming with me on this six-week pattern update journey. I am ever grateful for your support. This project brought me out of a creative funk, and I passed the positive creative energy on to you all through the pattern. Make one hexagon and let the energy flow.
Pattern Introduction
The Geometric Lace crochet blanket pattern is a very simple and plain design. For this blanket, you will be making hexagon motifs and joining them as you go on the final round. Then the blanket is squared off with half hexagon motifs and a filler for the zig-zag sides. A simple lace border completes the design, perfect for a baby shower or to brighten any room. You will find yourself coming back to this pattern again and again.
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Scheepjes River Washed (78% Cotton, 22% Acrylic; 50g/130m), 22 colors x 1 skein of each color = 22 skeins total
Motif measures about 5in at widest point. Finished piece measures about 72x66in, and is easily resized
Stitch Guide (US Terminology)
2dccl 2 double crochet cluster: (yoh, insert hook in st/sp, yoh, pull up lp, yoh, draw through 2 lps) 2 times, yoh, draw through all lps
ch chain
beg beginning
beg dc (sc, ch 1) – counts as 1 dc
beg tr (sc, ch 2) – counts as 1 tr
dc double crochet
hdc half double crochet
lp(s) loop(s)
MR Make Ring: Ch3, ss in third ch from hook
picot ch3, sc in third ch from hook
rep repeat
RS/WS right side/wrong side of work
sc single crochet
sp space
ss slip stitch
st(s) stitch(es)
tr treble crochet
yoh yarn over hook
Geometric Lace Blanket Layout Schematic
Pattern Instructions
Note: Make all motifs with 31 skeins. Use 3 skeins for border.
Hexagon Motif
Note: Make 1 complete Hexagon Motif and continue to joining section to make remaining Hexagon Motifs.
Rnd 1 Using larger hook,MR, (beg dc, dc) – counts as a 2dccl – (ch2, 2dccl) 5 times, ch2, ss in dc. [6 2dccl, 6 sps]
Rnd 2 Beg dc in sp, (ch1, 2dc in same sp, 2dc in next sp) 6 times omitting final st, ss in beg dc. [24dc, 6 sps]
Rnds 3 and 4 Beg dc in sp, (ch1, dc in same sp, dc in all sts to next sp, dc in next sp) 6 times omitting final st, ss in beg dc. [48 dc, 6 sps]
Rnd 5 (Note: Use this instruction for the first motif only. Subsequent motifs will be joined as you go on Rnd 5.)(3sc in sp, sc in all sts to next sp) 6 times, ss in first sc, cut yarn. [66 sc]
Joining Schematic
Green Circle = Start/End of Rnd 5
Blue Circle = First corner of joining side
Blue Line = Joining side
Purple Circle = Second, third, or fourth corner of joining side
Red Circle = Final corner of joining side
H1/2/3 = Half Hexagon Motifs
Orange Circle = Start of Half Hexagon
Maroon Circle = End of Half Hexagon
Join Motifs
Note: Make 231 more Hexagon Motifs, joining them as you go on Round 5 to the completed motifs using the following instructions. Refer to the Joining Schematic for motif numbers.
Special Stitches
PLT Pull Loop Through: Release lp from hook, insert hook into corresponding adjacent st on completed motif, grab lp, Pull Loop Through the st to the front of the work. Do not slip st or chain. Simply carry on with the next st as normal.
Join as you go Instructions
Note: As shown in Layout Schematic, the finished blanket is 15 hexagons across, making a zig-zag formation. The Joining Schematic only shows 5 hexagons across. This is for demonstration purposes only. All Hexagon Motifs will be joined in the layout as shown in the Layout Schematic.
Motif 1 Work complete, without any joining (as stated previously).
Motifs 2-6 Join as you go on Rnd 5 as follows: (green circle) 3sc in sp, sc in all sts to next sp, (blue circle) 2sc in sp, PLT in corner sc of completed adjacent motif, sc in same sp on motif in progress, PLT in corresponding adjacent st on completed motif, (blue line) (sc, PLT) in all sts across joining side to next sp, (red circle) sc in sp on motif in progress, PLT, 2sc in same sp on motif in progress, (sc in all sts to next sp, 3sc in sp) 4 times omitting final 3sc, ss in first sc, cut yarn. [1 side joined]
Motif 7 Join as you go on Rnd 5 as follows: (green circle) 3sc in sp, sc in all sts to next sp, (blue circle) 2sc in sp, PLT in corner sc of completed adjacent motif, sc in same sp on motif in progress, PLT in corresponding adjacent st on completed motif, * (blue line) (sc, PLT) in all sts across joining side to next sp, (purple circle) sc in sp, PLT in corresponding st on Motif 3, sc in same sp, PLT in corner sc of adjacent corner on Motif 2, sc in same sp, PLT in next st on Motif 2, rep from * 2 times, (blue line) (sc, PLT) in all sts across joining side to next sp, (red circle) sc in sp on motif in progress, PLT, 2sc in same sp on motif in progress, sc in all sts to next sp, ss in first sc, cut yarn. [4 sides joined]
Motif 8 Work as for Motif 7, but omit 1 of the purple circle corners as seen in Joining Schematic. [3 sides joined]
Motif 9 Work as for Motif 7. [4 sides joined]
Motif 10 Work as for Motif 7, but omit 2 of the purple circle corners as seen in Joining Schematic. [2 sides joined]
Join remaining motifs in this manner, until all 232 Hexagon Motifs are joined according to the Layout Schematic.
Half Hexagon Motif
Note: Work Rows 1-4 as instructed, then on Row 5, join Half Hexagon Motif to fill in gaps on top and bottom edge of blanket. Refer to Joining Schematic.
Row 1 (RS) MR, beg dc, ch1, (2dccl, ch2) 3 times omitting final ch, dc, turn. [3 2dccl, 2 dc, 4 sps]
Row 2 Beg dc in sp, (ch1, 2dc in same sp, 2dc in next sp) 3 times, ch1, dc in same sp, turn. [14dc, 4 sps]
Rows 3 and 4 Beg dc in sp, (ch1, dc in same sp, dc in all sts to next sp, dc in next sp) 3 times, ch1, dc in same sp, turn. [26 dc, 4 sps]
Join all 16 Half Hexagon Motifs on Row 5 in this manner:
Row 5, H1 (as shown on Joining Schematic) (Orange circle)2sc in sp, sc in all sts across to next sp, (blue circle) 2sc in sp, PLT, sc in same sp, PLT, as with previous motifs on blanket body: join next side, work purple circle corner, and join next side, (maroon circle) (sc, PLT) 2 times in final sp, cut yarn.
Row 5, H2 (Orange circle) (Sc, PLT) 2 times in first sp, (join side, work purple circle corner) 2 times, join side, (maroon circle) (sc, PLT) 2 times in final sp, cut yarn.
Row 5, H3 (Orange circle) (Sc, PLT) 2 times in first sp, join side, work purple circle corner, join side, work red circle corner, work next side plain, 2sc in final sp, cut yarn.
Geometric Lace Blanket Border
Rnd 1 Beginning with a short side, work 3sc in the corner, 227sc – place roughly 18sc across each Half Hexagon Motif and 12sc across each Full Hexagon Motif, * 3sc in the first sc of the Half Hexagon Motif, (sc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, dc in next 2 sts, tr in next 3 sts, sk all corner sts of Full Hexagon Motifs, tr in next 3 sts, dc in next 2 sts, hdc in next 2 sts, sc in next 2 sts, sk 1 st) rep across to fill in long sides of blanket, omit final “sk 1 st”, rep from * 1 time, ss in first sc.
Rnd 2 Switch to smaller hook. (3sc in corner st, sc in all sts across to next corner) 4 times skipping 2 sts on both long sides of blanket, ss in first sc. [1058 sc]
Note: If you are resizing this blanket, Rnd 2 of the Border needs to have a multiple of 8 sts plus 3 between the 3sc corners.
Rnd 3 * (Sc, ch3, sc) in corner st, (ch2, sk1, sc) across to next corner, ch2, rep from * 3 times, ss in first sc.
Rnd 4 Beg tr in corner sp, *** (picot, tr) 9 times in same sp, * sk1 sp, sc in next sp, sk 1 sp, (tr, picot) 5 times in next sp, tr in same sp, rep from * across to final 3 sps before corner, sk 1 sp, sc in next sp, sk 1 sp, tr in corner sp, rep from *** 3 times omitting final tr on third rep, ss in beg tr, cut yarn.
Geometric Lace Blanket Color Palette Ideas
I have made 47 Geometric Lace blankets. I know! Here’s my secret to creating a color palette for this wide variety of pieces. When you do custom work, customers will have inspiration photographs, paintings, décor, or something else that tells you where they want to go with the color spread. Looking for more posts focused on color tips? Enjoy them!
Putting the color placement together
Try to choose a yarn that has a wide color range, like Scheepjes Colour Crafter (Wool Warehouse Affiliate)
Crochet 1 motif to represent each color (or most of them)
Lay them on the ground in a pleasing way, because this will lend to the final layout – Consider using a whiteboard (Amazon Affiliate) as a backdrop to make it easier and fresher
When you make your blanket and you join the motifs together, be sure to fade the colors to match your plan
Below, you will find several general color palettes, and the hexagon motifs I made as samples, then a little gallery of the finished objects. One thing you will find so interesting is that several pieces look so different, even though the main color palette is the same.
Geometric Lace Color Palettes 1
This palette proved so popular, and it’s all due to the first Geometric Lace that you see pictured here in the Rainbow palette at bottom left. It turns out these rich colors are loved by many!
“Pastel or Neutral”
After the rainbow palette took off, I started getting some polar opposite requests for very tonal, faded color combinations. These sweethearts are a great juxtaposition with the heavy geometry of this design.
“Cool Blues and Aquas”
Oh my goodness, I made this version of the blanket several times, and it was just so fun and refreshing each time.
“Fresh Roses”
I have 1 photo here, but this palette was used a few times! It is so cute and playful.
“Fresh and Earthy”
One of my favorite palettes, the one at bottom far right is just a neat combo that came from the paintings in the nursery of the tiny recipient. Hope you enjoyed the palettes I showed here today! Take them and run with it. Geometric Lace is so versatile too. Enjoy!
Geometric Lace: Monochrome Palette
My first monochrome piece! These blues and aquas paired with the white lace look like a lovely seascape. I have since used this color palette three more times and loved it more each time!
Making a monochrome piece starts with gathering every shade in your yarn stash plus white, grey, or some other neutral for the edging. Once you have your dark to light range, you can get started.
I like to begin with my color extremes – in opposing corners, I put the darkest and lightest shades – ending with white. Then I start layering in my other shades from there. My joining method (expressed in detail in my Geometric Lace pattern!) allows you to jump around the blanket, adding in shades as you see fit to best shade the piece.
Dramatic and classic Black to White fade – Absolutely an indulgence creating this one.
Whichever color you choose, these monochrome beauties are so opulent and always a hit! I suggest it for a calming home décor piece. It’s a great stash buster, too!
Copyright Information
No pattern or other material may be reproduced — mechanically, electronically, or by any other means, including photocopying — without written permission of Rachele Carmona. This applies to all content on,, and all other sites used by Rachele Carmona. Paid patterns are for personal use only. You may sell your finished crocheted items.
More Geometric Lace Blanket No. 48 Photos
Enjoy these progress photos and finished object photos of the Geometric Lace Blanket that I made as the sample for this crochet pattern.
And now the blanket is complete. Unbelievable! And doesn’t it look like a tree in this photo. Took my breath away.
Geometric Lace Blanket is near and dear to me, as it’s the second pattern I ever wrote – in 2013 – and now I feel like it grew with me, and now I can re-release it to you all. What a warm feeling.
Here is how my Geometric Lace Blanket No. 48 started. As a basket of pretty yarns and a creative planning sesh.
Geometric Lace Blanket: Behind the Scenes
Yesssss! If you’ve been following my since my BabyLove Brand days (wow, I’d like to shake your hand if so!) Then you know that the second pattern I ever wrote was called Geometric Lace, a colorful hexagon pattern with a simple lace border. Click here to see all of the other 47 Geometric Lace blankets I made during my four years of custom work.
My goal was to turn that basket of all my Scheepjes Stone Washed and River Washed stash into a new Geometric Lace Blanket. If you have been reading my posts of late, I talked about how I went through a rough patch in the Fall of 2018. I was in a really dark place creatively, and since being creative is pretty much my livelihood, it wasn’t a good place to be.
You can look through my posts, but the gist of it is, I got to feeling like I was just turning a big crank and churning out design after design after design. It wasn’t even feeling like art anymore, but more like just the cold process of cogs spinning and then spitting out a pattern. I felt like I was spiraling down into a destructive place where I’m no longer an artist, but a machine. Have a thought, press a button, publish a pattern, move on. No imagination, no enjoyment, no creativity.
So this year, it’s New Yarn, New Me. I’ve decided I’m not going to self-publish anything this year – or at least until many months pass. Instead, I’m going to dive deep into the most popular of my patterns, which happen to be the ones that I truly am in love with. I can’t wait to shake hands with these old friends, as I have spent so much time abandoning my designs the moment they are born.
The Plan
This year I am expanding my You Can Crochet This! pattern series. I promised myself that in 2019, instead of releasing new designs, I will take one design per month and feature it, taking a deep dive into pattern and expanding it in every way possible. Then I’ll add it to my You Can Crochet This! designs. I have a firm belief that getting reacquainted with old and beloved patterns will reignite my creative energy.
So what can you expect from these expanded designs?? This is what I am working toward:
Pattern in both US and UK Terms – posted as a free pattern on my website (Pattern translations into German, French, Arabic, Spanish, Dutch, and Swedish posted as separate pages also available on my blog)
Step by step photos
Videos of each pattern element
Charts where possible
Detailed written instruction
Stitch guide contains links to videos of stitches
Paid PDF condensed easy-print version on my shop platforms
Etsy, Craftsy, and LoveCrochet: English (US Terms only)
Ravelry: English (US Terms and UK Terms) with all translations in PDF format as well
Eventually I want to get all of my patterns to follow this format, but for now, just the ones that I feature each month will be added in. I think this will open doors for so many more crafters to enjoy my patterns. Offering the free pattern on my website to those who need the help of expanded step by step photos and videos, and then paid PDF option for those wanting a condensed version, plus all of the translations that folks are kind enough to help me with – I am so excited for this development!
I’m even throwing in some leftover Cutie Pies I have from other projects. If you’ve never seen the Cutie Pie Colour Packs – click here.
New Me, New WIP
Here’s what the Geometric Lace hexagon motifs look like. I love these yarns btw. I pulled out all of the XL weight yarn for a different project, and I have oooodles of the original weight to paint with.
Painting With Fiber
Getting my paints ready. My fiber artist palette looks like a bunch of hexagons wrapped up in enough yarn for joining. Aside from these colors there are about 24 more if you can believe it. This is why Geometric Lace Blanket is one of my absolute favorites, and also why I have made 47 of them – because it was my most requested custom piece.
Enjoy these pics of the Geometric Lace Blanket No 48.
Substitute this little hexie for the plain one in the original pattern for a fresh look!
Floral hexagon! Use this pattern as a cute little variation on your Geometric Lacepattern blankets. See a blanket I made with this motif over here on my Etsy.
The original GeoLace hex is pictured above on the right hand side, and you can see the left floral version has a little more spice to it. The petal-like edges will straighten when you join your motifs, so don’t worry!
Alright, let’s get started. (US Terms)
Special Stitch – DC cluster as follows: **YO, insert hook in space, YO, draw up loop, YO, draw yarn through 2 loops on hook, repeat from **, YO, draw yarn through 3 loops on hook.
Chain 3 and join to make ring, or use magic ring if desired.
Round 1: All in ring: SC, Chain 1, DC, Chain 2, (DC cluster, Chain 2) 5 times, join in first complete DC of round.
Round 2: In first chain 2 space: (SC, Chain 2, 2 DC), (2 DC, Chain 1, 2 DC) in next 5 chain spaces, DC in beginning chain space to complete first “corner”. Join in first chain of round.
Round 3: SC in same chain 1 space, [skip 2 DC, (2 DC, chain 1, 2 DC) in between this DC and the next, SC in next chain space] 5 times, (2 DC, chain 1, 2 DC) for final “corner”, join in beginning SC.
Round 4: All in same SC as join: (SC, chain 3, 3 TR) **SC in next chain 1 space, (3 TR, Chain 2, 3 TR) in next SC, repeat from ** 4 times. SC in next chain space, 2 TR in first SC (where you worked your first sts of this round) to complete first “corner”, join in second chain of round.
Round 5: Work 3 SC in first chain space, SC in all TR and SC around, putting 3 SC in 5 more chain spaces. Join in beginning SC. Cut yarn and finish off! Yay! 🙂
Hope you enjoyed this post and all of the Geometric Lace Blanket design details !