Hello, and a huge welcome to Week 16 of the 2024 Vibrant Vintage Crochet-A-Long (VVCAL)! I’m so glad you’re here! I love spending this time with the VVCAL community. We are going to have so much fun relaxingly working through these motifs each week.
Quick Links to Each Week: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20
PDF Version
2024 VVCAL PDF – My Online Shop // Etsy // Ravelry
- 36 hexies to mix and match
- 3 Joining methods
- Wide Lace Border
- US and UK Terms included
Of course I have also created a value bundle for you – 2022 and 2024 VVCALs US and UK Terms (4 PDFs) – Available on Etsy.
What to Expect Today
- 3 blog posts: This week’s Post with instructions for each blanket version (this post), and our two flower design hexagon motif patterns for this week
- Patterns include: Written instructions in US and UK Terms, chart, step-by-step photos, and YouTube video (spoken in US Terms).
Social Media Hashtags: #VVCAL and #CypressTextiles

2024 VVCAL Quick Links
- 2024 VVCAL Main Information Page
- 2024 VVCAL Tips and Tricks Page
- 2024 VVCAL Ravelry ebook Motifs link back to their blog posts. Favorite the hexagon, add it to your Ravelry queue, see others’ projects, and more!
- Vibrant Vintage CAL (Official) Facebook Group Post VVCAL WIP/FO pics, ask questions, post your FO pic of the previous years’ VVCAL blankets.
- CypressTextiles Tree Huggers Facebook Group – This is my main FB group (join!). Share your VVCAL progress pics in this group if you like, and I will share CAL highlights here, but the weekly action will be in the other group linked above.
- YouTube Channel (Subscribe!) – Here I will be posting CAL pattern videos weekly for the duration of the CAL.
Important Note for Joining
We will be joining our motifs during weeks 18 and 19. For this VVCAL, I really wanted to give the option for the SC join as you go with PLT, because I love the look, and so many of you do as well.

In order to achieve this join, the final round of the motifs cannot be worked completely, because during weeks 18 and 19 we will be joining them as we go on that final round. If you are working the SC with PLT Join as you go, where all of the motifs touch instead of having a joining yarn in between, only work the first 2 sides of the final round on all of your motifs, up to but not including the third corner, and do not cut the yarn. During Weeks 18 and 19, we will complete the remaining sides and join them together.
If you are working the SC with PLT Join as you go, here is an example of how your motifs will look when you are finished:

Note that the first 2 sides are worked, and the next step will be to make the 3sc corner, which is where we will pick up when we join. I like to roll up my motif so that the attached yarn balls don’t get all tangled. About halfway through the VVCAL, the full PDF with layouts will be released, and you can start joining then if you like! More on that later down the line.

For all other joining methods, work the final round completely, and cut yarn.
Now, find your version below and get started!
Catona 10g Colour Pack version
Note: I am working the SC join as you go with PLT Join for this version demo, so I have left a longer tail and I will be picking out the final round later on to join.
Make 7 full and 2 half hexies total:
- 1 x Plain Hexie A in color 504
- 2 x Plain Hexie B in colors 387 and 514
- 1 x Half Hexie A in color 386
- 1 x Half Hexie B in color 386
- 2 x Dahlia in colors 249 and 106
- 2 x Baby’s Breath in colors 410 and 519
Full Motif Update
Note: This week, get gauge with Plain Hexie A by making sure it measures as the diagram below, unblocked. All other hexies should be compared back to this one throughout the CAL to get gauge. You will need to get 1 motif from 1 x 10g ball.

Catona Spring Palette version
Make 2 full and 2 half hexies total:
Note: I am introducing an alternative to Half Hexie A and B, called Half Hexie C. I will be working my demo with 2 of Half Hexie C each week instead of 1 each of A and B. You can choose either option depending on which you like more!
- 1 x Half Hexie A in color 505
- 1 x Half Hexie B in color 505
- OR 2 x Half Hexie C in color 505
- 1 x Dahlia in color 518
- 1 x Baby’s Breath in color 205
Full Motif Update
Note: This week, get gauge with Plain Hexie A by making sure it measures as the diagram below, unblocked. All other hexies should be compared back to this one throughout the CAL to get gauge. You will need to get 1 motif from 1 x 10g ball.

1 Pack SW/RW 10g Colour Pack version
Make 2 full and 2 half hexies total:
- 1 x Half Hexie A in color 828
- 1 x Half Hexie B in color 828
- 1 x Dahlia in color 814
- 1 x Baby’s Breath in color 947
Full Motif Update
Note: This week, get gauge with Plain Hexie A by making sure it measures as the diagram below, unblocked. All other hexies should be compared back to this one throughout the CAL to get gauge. You will need to get 1 motif from 1 x 10g ball.

2 Packs SW/RW 10g Colour Pack version
I am not making this demo so I won’t have photos, but motif color numbers and layouts will be provided if you want to use 2 packs!
Make 6 full and 2 half hexies total:
- 1 x Plain Hexie A in color 955
- 1 x Plain Hexie B in color 828
- 1 x Half Hexie A in color 813
- 1 x Half Hexie B in color 813
- 2 x Dahlia in colors 814 and 947
- 2 x Baby’s Breath in colors 947 and 946
Note: This week, get gauge with Plain Hexie A by making sure it measures as the diagram below, unblocked. All other hexies should be compared back to this one throughout the CAL to get gauge. You will need to get 1 motif from 1 x 10g ball.

Terrazzo 10g Colour Pack version
Note: I am working the SC join as you go with PLT Join for this version demo, so I have left a longer tail and I will be picking out the final round later on to join.
Make 2 full hexies and 2 half hexies total:
Note: I am introducing an alternative to Half Hexie A and B, called Half Hexie C. I will be working my demo with 2 of Half Hexie C each week instead of 1 each of A and B. You can choose either option depending on which you like more!
- 1 x Half Hexie A in color 711
- 1 x Half Hexie B in color 711
- 1 x Dahlia in color 744
- 1 x Baby’s Breath in color 740
Full Motif Update
Note: This week, get gauge with Plain Hexie A by making sure it measures as the diagram below, unblocked. All other hexies should be compared back to this one throughout the CAL to get gauge. You will need to get 1 motif from 1 x 10g ball.

Metropolis 10g Colour Pack version
Photo coming soon!
Make 8 full and 2 half hexies total:
- 1 x Plain Hexie A in color 011
- 1 x Plain Hexie B in color 033
- 1 x Half Hexie A in color 053
- 1 x Half Hexie B in color 053
- 3 x Dahlia in colors 063, 074, and 080
- 3 x Baby’s Breath in colors 033, 063, and 074
Full Motif Update
Photo coming soon!
Note: This week, get gauge with Plain Hexie A by making sure it measures as the diagram below, unblocked. All other hexies should be compared back to this one throughout the CAL to get gauge. You will need to get 2 motifs from 1 x 10g ball.

Scrumptious Spring Palette version
Make 2 full and 2 half hexies total:
- 1 x Half Hexie A in color 302
- 1 x Half Hexie B in color 302
- OR 2 x Half Hexie C in color 302
- 1 x Dahlia in color 309
- 1 x Baby’s Breath in color 312
Full Motif Update
Note: This week, get gauge with Plain Hexie A by making sure it measures as the diagram below, unblocked. All other hexies should be compared back to this one throughout the CAL to get gauge. Note: Since this version does not use 10g balls, it doesn’t matter as much that your hexagons meet the spec below. As long as they are all the same size as your Plain Hexie A, you will be golden.

Thank you so much for stopping in for this week of the 2024 VVCAL! Be sure to share you progress on FB and IG, and Pin as well to share!

2024 VVCAL Quick Links
- 2024 VVCAL Main Information Page
- 2024 VVCAL Tips and Tricks Page
- 2024 VVCAL Ravelry ebook Motifs link back to their blog posts. Favorite the hexagon, add it to your Ravelry queue, see others’ projects, and more!
- Vibrant Vintage CAL (Official) Facebook Group Post VVCAL WIP/FO pics, ask questions, post your FO pic of the previous years’ VVCAL blankets.
- CypressTextiles Tree Huggers Facebook Group – This is my main FB group (join!). Share your VVCAL progress pics in this group if you like, and I will share CAL highlights here, but the weekly action will be in the other group linked above.
- YouTube Channel (Subscribe!) – Here I will be posting CAL pattern videos weekly for the duration of the CAL.
You may also enjoy these completed CALs
Happy crafting,
Rachele C.
Support My Work
You’re supporting by just being here! You can read my blog (Start Here!), like and comment on socials, and message me for a chat. All of this supports my work free of charge!
- Affiliate links – Shopping through my links supports me at no additional cost to you as I get a small commission through my affiliates. Jimmy Beans Wool // WoolWarehouse // Amazon.com
- Buy my pattern book – I wrote a super neat crochet blanket pattern book, published under Penguin Random House. You can buy it here!
- Browse my self-published patterns – I have over a hundred patterns on Etsy and Ravelry
- Creative Art Blanket Course – Check it out on Podia
Where to Find Me
- Instagram: @cypresstextiles
- Facebook Page: CypressTextiles
- YouTube Channel: Rachele Carmona
- Pinterest: CypressTextiles
- Tumblr: CypressTextiles
- Etsy: CypressTextiles
- Ravelry: Rachele Carmona
- Podia: Creative Art Blanket Course