Hello, and a huge welcome to Week 7 of the 2022 Vibrant Vintage Crochet-A-Long (VVCAL)! I’m so glad you’re here!
If you have not yet seen the Week 7 Instruction post, please head there first and see the instructions for the version that you are working. Below, you will find the Pulsar Motif pattern, in US, and UK Terms, Chart, Video, and Step by step photos.
Social Media Hashtags: #VVCAL and #CypressTextiles
2022 VVCAL Quick Links
- 2022 VVCAL Main Information Page
- 2022 VVCAL Tips and Tricks Page
- 2022 VVCAL Ravelry ebook Motifs link back to their blog posts. Favorite the hexagon, add it to your Ravelry queue, see others’ projects, and more!
- Vibrant Vintage CAL (Official) Facebook Group Post VVCAL WIP/FO pics, ask questions, post your FO pic of the previous years’ VVCAL blankets.
- CypressTextiles Tree Huggers Facebook Group – This is my main FB group (join!). Share your VVCAL progress pics in this group if you like, and I will share CAL highlights here, but the weekly action will be in the other group linked above.
- YouTube Channel (Subscribe!) – Here I will be posting CAL pattern videos weekly for the duration of the CAL.
Kepler Motif
Find the Ravelry Page for this motif here and add your project!

The Cosmos: Kepler
The Kepler Mission was an exploration of our night sky, named after Johannes Kepler, German astronomer. Here are some fun Kepler facts!
- Johannes Kepler is a key figure in the 17th-century Scientific Revolution, best known for his laws of planetary motion, and his books on Astronomy. His works provided one of the foundations for Newton’s theory of universal gravitation. Kepler lived in an era when there was no clear distinction between astronomy and astrology, but there was a strong division between astronomy and physics. Kepler also incorporated religious arguments and reasoning into his work, motivated by the religious conviction and belief that God had created the world according to an intelligible plan that is accessible through the natural light of reason. [More]
- NASA’s Kepler spacecraft was launched to search for Earth-like planets orbiting other stars. After nine years in deep space collecting data that revealed our night sky to be filled with billions of hidden planets – more planets even than stars – NASA’s Kepler space telescope was retired in 2018. Kepler leaves a legacy of more than 2,600 planet discoveries from outside our solar system, many of which could be promising places for life. Besides launching us into the golden age of exoplanets, Kepler has reinvigorated the study of stars. Kepler observed more than a half million stars over the course of its nine years in operation. [More]
- Some exoplanets discovered by Kepler were named after the spacecraft. Some of the most interesting discoveries are as follows: Kepler-10b: The First Unquestionably Rocky Alien Planet, discovered in 2011. The scorching-hot world, which is about 1.4 times the size of Earth, lies about 560 light-years away. Kepler-16b: The First ‘Tatooine Planet.’ The gas giant Kepler-16b is the first exoplanet ever found with two suns in its sky. Like Tatooine — the home world of Luke Skywalker in the “Star Wars” films — Kepler-16b orbits a pair of stars rather than a singleton like our own sun. The planet was spotted in September 2011; Kepler has since found others like it. Kepler-37b: The Smallest Alien Planet. The tiny alien planet Kepler-37b, which was announced in February 2013, is slightly larger than Earth’s moon and orbits its host star every 13 days. It likely has a surface temperature in excess of 700 degrees Fahrenheit. [More]
- Planetary systems discovered by Kepler are called Kepler systems. 11 new planetary systems were discovered, hosting 26 confirmed planets. The planets orbit close to their host stars and range in size from 1.5 times the radius of Earth to larger than Jupiter. Fifteen are between Earth and Neptune in size. Further observations will be required to determine which are rocky like Earth and which have thick gaseous atmospheres like Neptune. The planets orbit their host star once every six to 143 days. All are closer to their host star than Venus is to our sun. [More]
Kepler Motif Pattern
- 2022 VVCAL Main Page for measurement, gauge, and materials information
- Week 2 Instruction post to see how many motifs to make, and in what colors
- Tips and Tricks post if you have general questions
Note: Chart is meant as a visual guide to the written instruction and might not be able to stand alone due to special stitches.

Note: Video is spoken in US Terms. Watch on mute to avoid confusion for UK Terms,
Subscribe on YouTube for more videos like this one!
Stitch Guide (US Terms)
Note: Scroll down for UK Terms.
- beg beginning
- beg dc (1sc, ch1) – counts as 1 dc
- chN chain N number of times
- dc double crochet
- lp loop
- MR make ring: slip knot, ch3, ss in third ch from hook
- picot ch3, 1sc in top side bars of previous dc
- sc single crochet
- sp space (ch-sp = chain space)
- ss slip stitch
- st stitch
- yoh yarn over hook
Written Instructions & Step-by-step Photos (US Terms)
Rnd 1 MR, beg dc, 11dc, ss in beg dc. [12 dc]

Rnd 2 [1sc in next st, ch3, sk1] 6 times, ss in first sc. [6 sc. 6 sp]

Rnd 3 Beg dc in first ch-sp, [2dc in same ch-sp, picot, 2dc in same ch-sp, ch1, 1dc in next ch-sp] 6 times omitting final dc, ss in beg dc. [6 picot, 30 dc, 6 sp]

Rnd 4 Release lp from hook, insert hook back to front through next st, grab lp, pull lp to back of work, ch1, [1sc in back lps of sc used to close picot on previous rnd, ch3, (1sc, ch3, 1sc) in next ch-1 sp, ch3] 6 times, ss in first sc. [18 sc, 18 sp]

Rnd 5 3sc in each sp around, ss in first sc. [54 sc]

Rnd 6 [1sc in next st, ch3, sk2, (1sc, ch3, 1sc) in next st, ch3, sk2, 1sc in next st, ch3, sk2] 6 times, ss in first sc. [24 sc, 24 sp]

Rnd 7 Ss in 1 ch, 1sc in same ch-sp, [ch3, 1sc in next ch-sp] 23 times, ch3, ss in first sc. [24 sc, 24 sp]

Rnd 8 Ss in 1 ch, 1sc in same ch-sp, * ch2, (1sc, ch2, 1sc) in next sc, [ch2, 1sc in next ch-sp] 4 times, rep from * 5 times omitting final sc, ss in first sc. [36 sc, 36 sp]

Rnd 9 [2sc in next ch-sp, 3sc in next ch-sp, 2sc in next ch-sp] 12 times, ss in first sc, cut yarn and weave ends. [84 sc]

Stitch Guide (UK Terms)
- beg beginning
- beg tr (1dc, ch1) – counts as 1 tr
- chN chain N number of times
- dc double crochet
- lp loop
- MR make ring: slip knot, ch3, ss in third ch from hook
- picot ch3, 1dc in top side bars of previous tr
- sp space (ch-sp = chain space)
- ss slip stitch
- st stitch
- tr treble crochet
- yoh yarn over hook
Written Instructions & Step-by-step Photos (UK Terms)
Rnd 1 MR, beg tr, 11tr, ss in beg tr. [12 tr]

Rnd 2 [1dc in next st, ch3, sk1] 6 times, ss in first dc. [6 dc. 6 sp]

Rnd 3 Beg tr in first ch-sp, [2tr in same ch-sp, picot, 2tr in same ch-sp, ch1, 1tr in next ch-sp] 6 times omitting final tr, ss in beg tr. [6 picot, 30 tr, 6 sp]

Rnd 4 Release lp from hook, insert hook back to front through next st, grab lp, pull lp to back of work, ch1, [1dc in back lps of dc used to close picot on previous rnd, ch3, (1dc, ch3, 1dc) in next ch-1 sp, ch3] 6 times, ss in first dc. [18 dc, 18 sp]

Rnd 5 3dc in each sp around, ss in first dc. [54 dc]

Rnd 6 [1dc in next st, ch3, sk2, (1dc, ch3, 1dc) in next st, ch3, sk2, 1dc in next st, ch3, sk2] 6 times, ss in first dc. [24 dc, 24 sp]

Rnd 7 Ss in 1 ch, 1dc in same ch-sp, [ch3, 1dc in next ch-sp] 23 times, ch3, ss in first dc. [24 dc, 24 sp]

Rnd 8 Ss in 1 ch, 1dc in same ch-sp, * ch2, (1dc, ch2, 1dc) in next dc, [ch2, 1dc in next ch-sp] 4 times, rep from * 5 times omitting final dc, ss in first dc. [36 dc, 36 sp]

Rnd 9 [2dc in next ch-sp, 3dc in next ch-sp, 2dc in next ch-sp] 12 times, ss in first dc, cut yarn and weave ends. [84 dc]

Links to Weekly Instruction Posts
Quick Links to Each Week: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20
Links to Published Hexagon Patterns
- Plain Hexie A
- Plain Hexie B
- Half Hexie A
- Half Hexie B
- Stella
- Solis
- Sirius
- Betelgeuse
- Vega
- Tabby’s Star
- Supernova
- Eclipse
- Pulsar
- Quasar
- Uranus
- Pluto
- Kepler (You are here!)
- Exoplanet
- Gliese
- Saturn
- Planet Nine
- Milky Way Galaxy
- Andromeda Galaxy
- Evil Eye Galaxy
- Antennae Galaxy
- Porpoise Galaxy
- Sunflower Galaxy
- Whirlpool Galaxy
- Aurora Borealis
- Nebula
- Halley’s Comet
- Meteor
- Orionis
- Leonis
- Galaxia
- Gravity
- Night Sky
- Universe
Pin the Kepler Motif!

Thank you so much for stopping in for this week of the 2022 VVCAL!
Happy Crafting,
Rachele C. – The Art of Crochet Blankets
2022 VVCAL Quick Links
- 2022 VVCAL Main Information Page
- 2022 VVCAL Tips and Tricks Page
- 2022 VVCAL Ravelry ebook Motifs link back to their blog posts. Favorite the hexagon, add it to your Ravelry queue, see others’ projects, and more!
- Vibrant Vintage CAL (Official) Facebook Group Post VVCAL WIP/FO pics, ask questions, post your FO pic of the previous years’ VVCAL blankets.
- CypressTextiles Tree Huggers Facebook Group – This is my main FB group (join!). Share your VVCAL progress pics in this group if you like, and I will share CAL highlights here, but the weekly action will be in the other group linked above.
- YouTube Channel (Subscribe!) – Here I will be posting CAL pattern videos weekly for the duration of the CAL.