Hello, and a huge welcome to Week 15 of the 2022 Vibrant Vintage Crochet-A-Long (VVCAL)! The PDF is released! Enjoy!
PDF Version
Announcement! The 2022 VVCAL full PDF is now available to purchase from Etsy and Ravelry.
- 42-Page PDF of the entire 2022 VVCAL
- 36 full mix-and-match hexagons plus 2 half hexagons
- 2 joining options plus border
- All motifs have charted and written instructions
- 2.5 pages of tips and tricks
- Full layouts, motif progress tracker checklist, and yarn information for Scheepjes Catona Colour Pack, SW/RW Colour Pack (1 or 2 packs), and Metropolis Pack
- Guidance and blank layout for Colour Crafter and Chunky Monkey stash yarn
If you have not yet seen the Week 15 Instruction post, please head there first and see the instructions for the version that you are working. Below, you will find the Orionis Motif pattern, in US, and UK Terms, Chart, Video, and Step by step photos.
Social Media Hashtags: #VVCAL and #CypressTextiles
2022 VVCAL Quick Links
- 2022 VVCAL Main Information Page
- 2022 VVCAL Tips and Tricks Page
- 2022 VVCAL Ravelry ebook Motifs link back to their blog posts. Favorite the hexagon, add it to your Ravelry queue, see others’ projects, and more!
- Vibrant Vintage CAL (Official) Facebook Group Post VVCAL WIP/FO pics, ask questions, post your FO pic of the previous years’ VVCAL blankets.
- CypressTextiles Tree Huggers Facebook Group – This is my main FB group (join!). Share your VVCAL progress pics in this group if you like, and I will share CAL highlights here, but the weekly action will be in the other group linked above.
- YouTube Channel (Subscribe!) – Here I will be posting CAL pattern videos weekly for the duration of the CAL.
Orionis Motif
Find the Ravelry Page for this motif here and add your project!

The Cosmos: Orionis
The constellation Orion is one of the most active stellar nurseries in the Milky Way Galaxy. Here are some interesting facts about the stars of Orion!
- Orion’s constellation consists of 81 stars – 7 main stars and a huge red one, named Betelguese. The brightest star in Orion is Rigel; however, Betelgeuse occasionally outshines it. Rigel (Beta Orionis) is the night sky’s 7th brightest star and represents the hunter’s left knee. It is actually a triple star system that is 17 times more massive than our sun, 70 times its width, and shines 85,000 times brighter. Betelgeuse (Alpha Orionis) is the sky’s 10th brightest star and depicts the top right shoulder of Orion. It is a red supergiant, about 10 million years old, and is expected to end its life in a supernova explosion. [More]
- The 3 bright stars in the constellation’s middle represent Orion’s sword belt, namely Alnilam (Epsilon Orionis), Mintaka (Delta Orionis), and Alnitak (Zeta Orionis). The equator of the sky passes close to the upper star of his belt, so that half of Orion is in the Northern hemisphere, and the other half is in the Southern hemisphere. Once you find the Belt stars, you can also locate the Orion Nebula, otherwise known as M42. When you look at it, you’re gazing toward a stellar nursery, a place where new stars are born. It contains hundreds of newborn stars and brown dwarfs. Casually glancing below the three stars of Orion’s belt, you should be able to make out the Orion Nebula as a smudge in a dark, light pollution-free sky with your naked eye. The Orion Nebula — a formation of dust, hydrogen, helium and other ionized gases rather than a star — is the middle “star” in Orion’s sword, which hangs off of Orion’s Belt. [More]
- With one exception, all of the main stars in Orion are bright young blue giants or supergiants, ranging in distance from Bellatrix (Gamma Orionis) to Alnilam (Epsilon Orionis). The exception is the star Betelgeuse, which is a red giant and one of the largest stars known. Observers with a keen eye should be able to see the difference in color between Betelgeuse and all the other stars in Orion. [More]
- The stars in Orion are gradually moving apart, but they are located at such great distances from us that the constellation will remain recognizable a long time after most of the other constellations, whose stars are closer to earth, have morphed into new shapes. One event which could cause a dramatic image change, however, would be Betelgeuse going supernova, which is predicted to happen sometime in the next million years. This will initially cause a light to shine as bright as the full moon in Orion, but a few weeks later that will fade, leaving a dark place where Orion’s shoulder once lay. As internationally recognized star expert James B. Kaler explains, “it will make a God-awful mess of the constellation Orion.” [More]
Orionis Motif Pattern
Scroll down past written instruction for chart and video.
- 2022 VVCAL Main Page for measurement, gauge, and materials information
- Tips and Tricks post if you have general questions
Stitch Guide (US Terms)
Note: Scroll down for UK Terms.
- 2dccl 2dc cluster: (yoh, insert hook in st/sp, yoh, pull up lp, yoh, draw yarn through 2 lps) 2 times, yoh, draw yarn through 3 lps
- 2trcl 2tr cluster: * yoh twice, insert hook in st/sp, yoh, pull up lp, (yoh, draw yarn through 2 lps) twice, rep from * once, yoh, draw yarn through 3 lps
- 3dcpc 3dc in st/sp, release lp from hook, insert hook front to back through first dc, grab lp, pull through to front of work to close popcorn
- beg beginning
- beg 2dccl (beg dc, dc) in st/sp indicated – when joining rnd, ss into full dc st
- beg 2trcl (beg tr, 1tr) in st/sp – Counts as 1 2trcl
- beg dc OR beg hdc (1sc, ch1) – counts as 1 dc or 1 hdc
- chN chain N number of times
- dc double crochet
- hdc half double crochet
- lp loop
- MR make ring: slip knot, ch3, ss in third ch from hook
- sc single crochet
- sp space (ch-sp = chain space)
- ss slip stitch
- st stitch
- tr treble crochet
- yoh yarn over hook
Written Instructions & Step-by-step Photos (US Terms)
Rnd 1 MR, 6sc, ss in first sc. [6 sc]

Rnd 2 Beg 2trcl in next st, [(ch2, 2trcl in same st) 3 times, ch2, sk1, 2trcl in next st] 3 times omt final 2trcl, ss in beg 2trcl. [12 2trcl, 12 sp]

Rnd 3 Beg 2dccl in first ch-sp, [(ch2, 2dccl in same ch-sp) 3 times, 1sc in next ch-sp, 2dccl in next ch-sp] 6 times omt final 2dccl, ss in beg 2dccl. [24 2dccl, 6 sc, 18 sp]

Rnd 4 Ss in 1ch, 1sc in same ch-sp, [ch2, (3dcpc, ch2, 3dcpc) in next ch-sp, ch2, 1sc in next ch-sp, ch4, 1sc in next ch-sp] 6 times omt final sc, ss in first sc. [12 3dcpc, 12 sc, 24 sp]

Rnd 5 Beg hdc in first ch-sp, [1hdc in same ch-sp, (1hdc, ch2, 1hdc) in next ch-sp, 2hdc in next ch-sp, 5hdc in next ch-sp, 1hdc in next ch-sp] 6 times omt final hdc, ss in beg hdc. [66 hdc, 6 sp]

Rnd 6 [2sc, 3sc in next ch-sp, 9sc] 6 times, ss in first sc, cut yarn and weave ends. [84 sc]

Stitch Guide (UK Terms)
- 2trcl 2tr cluster: (yoh, insert hook in st/sp, yoh, pull up lp, yoh, draw yarn through 2 lps) 2 times, yoh, draw yarn through 3 lps
- 2dtrcl 2dtr cluster: * yoh twice, insert hook in st/sp, yoh, pull up lp, (yoh, draw yarn through 2 lps) twice, rep from * once, yoh, draw yarn through 3 lps
- 3trpc 3tr in st/sp, release lp from hook, insert hook front to back through first tr, grab lp, pull through to front of work to close popcorn
- beg beginning
- beg 2trcl (beg tr, 1tr) in st/sp indicated – when joining rnd, ss into full tr st
- beg 2dtrcl (beg dtr, 1dtr) in st/sp – Counts as 1 2dtrcl
- beg tr OR beg htr (1dc, ch1) – counts as 1 tr or 1 htr
- chN chain N number of times
- dc double crochet
- dtr double treble crochet
- htr half treble crochet
- lp loop
- MR make ring: slip knot, ch3, ss in third ch from hook
- sp space (ch-sp = chain space)
- ss slip stitch
- st stitch
- tr treble crochet
- yoh yarn over hook
Written Instructions & Step-by-step Photos (UK Terms)
Rnd 1 MR, 6dc, ss in first dc. [6 dc]

Rnd 2 Beg 2dtrcl in next st, [(ch2, 2dtrcl in same st) 3 times, ch2, sk1, 2dtrcl in next st] 3 times omt final 2dtrcl, ss in beg 2dtrcl. [12 2dtrcl, 12 sp]

Rnd 3 Beg 2trcl in first ch-sp, [(ch2, 2trcl in same ch-sp) 3 times, 1dc in next ch-sp, 2trcl in next ch-sp] 6 times omt final 2trcl, ss in beg 2trcl. [24 2trcl, 6 dc, 18 sp]

Rnd 4 Ss in 1ch, 1dc in same ch-sp, [ch2, (3trpc, ch2, 3trpc) in next ch-sp, ch2, 1dc in next ch-sp, ch4, 1dc in next ch-sp] 6 times omt final dc, ss in first dc. [12 3trpc, 12 dc, 24 sp]

Rnd 5 Beg htr in first ch-sp, [1htr in same ch-sp, (1htr, ch2, 1htr) in next ch-sp, 2htr in next ch-sp, 5htr in next ch-sp, 1htr in next ch-sp] 6 times omt final htr, ss in beg htr. [66 htr, 6 sp]

Rnd 6 [2dc, 3dc in next ch-sp, 9dc] 6 times, ss in first dc, cut yarn and weave ends. [84 dc]

Note: Chart is meant as a visual guide to the written instruction and might not be able to stand alone due to special stitches.

Note: Video is spoken in US Terms. Watch on mute to avoid confusion for UK Terms,
Subscribe on YouTube for more videos like this one!
Links to Weekly Instruction Posts
Quick Links to Each Week: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16/17/18/19/20
Links to Published Hexagon Patterns
- Plain Hexie A
- Plain Hexie B
- Half Hexie A
- Half Hexie B
- Stella
- Solis
- Sirius
- Betelgeuse
- Vega
- Tabby’s Star
- Supernova
- Eclipse
- Pulsar
- Quasar
- Uranus
- Pluto
- Kepler
- Exoplanet
- Gliese
- Saturn
- Planet Nine
- Milky Way Galaxy
- Andromeda Galaxy
- Evil Eye Galaxy
- Antennae Galaxy
- Porpoise Galaxy
- Sunflower Galaxy
- Whirlpool Galaxy
- Aurora Borealis
- Nebula
- Halley’s Comet
- Meteor
- Orionis (You are here!)
- Leonis
- Galaxia
- Gravity
- Night Sky
- Universe
Pin the Orionis Motif!

Thank you so much for stopping in for this week of the 2022 VVCAL!
Happy Crafting,
Rachele C. – The Art of Crochet Blankets
2022 VVCAL Quick Links
- 2022 VVCAL Main Information Page
- 2022 VVCAL Tips and Tricks Page
- 2022 VVCAL Ravelry ebook Motifs link back to their blog posts. Favorite the hexagon, add it to your Ravelry queue, see others’ projects, and more!
- Vibrant Vintage CAL (Official) Facebook Group Post VVCAL WIP/FO pics, ask questions, post your FO pic of the previous years’ VVCAL blankets.
- CypressTextiles Tree Huggers Facebook Group – This is my main FB group (join!). Share your VVCAL progress pics in this group if you like, and I will share CAL highlights here, but the weekly action will be in the other group linked above.
- YouTube Channel (Subscribe!) – Here I will be posting CAL pattern videos weekly for the duration of the CAL.