Author: Rachele Carmona

Blanket Border Collection Volume 1 is Out Now!

Hello, lovely crafter! Today I am proud to announce that I have gathered nineteen of my blanket borders in one place and modified them so that they are written for any size blanket! This bundle of blanket borders is available as a convenient PDF, and I even included 2 PDFs, one with US Terms and one with UK Terms. PDF Collection You can find Border Collection: Volume 1 on Etsy and Ravelry, and both US and UK Terms PDFs are included in the purchase.

2016 VVCAL Reboot: Week 9 Instructions

Hello, and a huge welcome to Week 9 of the 2016 VVCVAL Reboot! I’m so glad you’re here! Quick Links to Each Week What to Expect Today Social Media Hashtags: #VVCAL and #CypressTextiles 2016 VVCAL Reboot Quick Links Optional Extra Round Optionally, you can add a round of (US) double crochet stitch which has the following advantages: There are infinite possibilities for color combinations, but I have the following examples for this DC round. Contrast Color Add a contrast color round for added opulence. In this example, I used the same colors that I used for the squares, but I used a different contrast color for each square. Here is another view after joining: I used contrast color borders in the following example as well, but these colors are a bit more subdued. In the following sample, I used the same color for each DC round, but I was using recycled yarn from thrifted sweaters, so the yarn color was a bit ombre. Here is the pattern for the DC Round: US Terms Ss in …

2016 VVCAL Reboot: Week 8 Instructions

Hello, and a huge welcome to Week 8 of the 2016 VVCVAL Reboot! I’m so glad you’re here! Quick Links to Each Week What to Expect Today Social Media Hashtags: #VVCAL and #CypressTextiles 2016 VVCAL Reboot Quick Links Week 8 Squares Teresa Carolyn Amanda Crystal Plain Granny Square Striped Granny Square Important Notes – Please Read Remember, the versions below are made from color packs, but you can use any yarn you want! Stash yarn with full balls – whatever yarn you like. You can follow the color pack that most closely matches the yarn weight you want to use. I just like to make sure that the squares can be made with the packs because it’s a fun way to use them. The first Plain Granny Square that you make will be the square that you use to make sure you get gauge with all of the other squares. Keep that first plain granny square handy so that you can match all of the other squares up to it for the duration of the …

Crochet Motif – Teresa Square

Welcome to the Teresa Square! VVCAL Pages Pin Me! – These squares were originally published for the Vibrant Vintage Crochet-along (VVCAL) in 2016. Related Links Teresa and Carolyn Squares Link to Carolyn Square Charted instruction: Written instruction US Terms: For UK Terms and Video Instruction, scroll down. Rnd 1 MR with 4 chs, beg dc, dc, (picot, 3dc) 7 times, picot, dc, ss in beg dc. [8 picot, 24 dc] Rnd 2 Beg dc in joining st, (ch4, sk 2 dc, dc) 7 times, ch4, ss in beg dc. [8 dc, 8 sp] Rnd 3 Beg dc in sp, (4dc in same sp, ch2, dc in next sp) 8 times omt final st, ss in beg dc. [40 dc, 8 sp] Rnd 4 (2sc in dc, 3sc, 2sc in next dc, ch2) 8 times, ss in first sc. [56 sc, 8 sp] Rnd 5 Beg dc in next st, * dc, 2hdc, 5sc, 2hdc, 2dc, (3dc, ch2, 3dc) in sp, rep from * 3 times omt final dc, ss to beg dc. [40 dc, 16 …

My Favorite VVCAL Crochet Motif – Crystal Square

Welcome to the Crystal Square! (My favorite VVCAL Square) Find the entire 2016, 2018, and 2020 VVCAL Square collection in my mega pack! VVCAL Pages Pin Me! – These squares were originally published for the Vibrant Vintage Crochet-along (VVCAL) in 2016. Related Links Charted instruction: Written instruction US Terms: For UK Terms and Video Instruction, scroll down. Special sts 4trcl * yo 2 times, insert hook in st, yo, pull up lp, (yo, draw yarn through 2 lps) 2 times, rep from * 3 times, yo, draw yarn through 5 lps beg 4trcl beg tr, * yo 2 times, insert hook in same st, yo, pull up lp, (yo, draw yarn through 2 lps) 2 times, rep from * 2 times, yo, draw yarn through 4 lps Written Instruction US Terms Rnd 1 MR, beg dc, 11dc, ss in beg dc. [12 dc] Rnd 2 Beg 4trcl, * (ch 3, 4trcl) 2 times, ch5, 4trcl, rep from * 3 times omt final 4trcl, ss in beg 4trcl. [12 4trcl, 12 sp] Rnd 3 Ss in …

2016 VVCAL Reboot: Week 7 Instructions

Hello, and a huge welcome to Week 7 of the 2016 VVCVAL Reboot! I’m so glad you’re here! Quick Links to Each Week What to Expect Today Social Media Hashtags: #VVCAL and #CypressTextiles 2016 VVCAL Reboot Quick Links Week 7 Squares Emily Wanda Rose Sarah Plain Granny Square Striped Granny Square Important Notes – Please Read Remember, the versions below are made from color packs, but you can use any yarn you want! Stash yarn with full balls – whatever yarn you like. You can follow the color pack that most closely matches the yarn weight you want to use. I just like to make sure that the squares can be made with the packs because it’s a fun way to use them. The first Plain Granny Square that you make will be the square that you use to make sure you get gauge with all of the other squares. Keep that first plain granny square handy so that you can match all of the other squares up to it for the duration of the …

Crochet Motif – Rose Square

Welcome to the Rose Square! VVCAL Pages Pin Me! – These squares were originally published for the Vibrant Vintage Crochet-along (VVCAL) in 2016. Related Links Charted instruction: Written instruction US Terms: For UK Terms and Video Instruction, scroll down. Rnd 1 MR, elongate working lp, (puff st, ch 3) 4 times, ss in first puff st. [4 puff st, 4 sp] Rnd 2 (Sc, ch1, 5dc, ch1, sc) in 4 sps, ss in first sc. [20 dc, 8 sc, 8 sp]  Rnd 3 * sc in ch, ch4, sk2, sc, ch4, sc in ch, ch6, rep from * 3 times omt final 3 ch, tr in first sc. [12 sc, 12 sp] Rnd 4 Beg dc around tr, * ch3, 4dc in same sp, sc in next sp, ch5, sc in next sp, 4dc in corner sp, rep from * 3 times omt final st, ss in beg dc. [32 dc, 8 sc, 8 sp] Rnd 5 Beg dc in first sp, * ch3, dc in same sp, (ch1, dc) 4 times, sc in sp, …

Crochet Motif – Emily Square

Welcome to the Emily Square! VVCAL Pages Pin Me! – These squares were originally published for the Vibrant Vintage Crochet-along (VVCAL) in 2016. Related Links Charted instruction: Written instruction US Terms: For UK Terms and Video Instruction, scroll down. Written Instruction (US Terms) Rnd 1 MR with 5ch, 16sc, ss in first sc. [16 sc] Rnd 2 Beg pcorn, (ch 7, sk1, pcorn) 7 times, ch4, tr in beg pcorn. [8 pcorn, 8 sp] Rnd 3 Beg dc around tr, * ch3, 5dc in same sp, ch3, sc in next sp, ch3, 5dc in next sp, rep from * 3 times omt final st, ss in beg dc. [40 dc, 16 sp] Rnd 4 Ss in first ch, beg dc in sp, * ch3, 4dc in same sp, ch4, sc in next sp, ch3, sc in next sp, ch4, 4dc in next sp, rep from * 3 times omt final st, ss in beg dc. Rnd 5 (3sc in sp, 4sc, 3sc in next sp 3 times, 4sc) 4 times, ss in first sc. [80 …

2016 VVCAL Reboot: Week 6 Instructions

Hello, and a huge welcome to Week 6 of the 2016 VVCVAL Reboot! I’m so glad you’re here! Quick Links to Each Week What to Expect Today Social Media Hashtags: #VVCAL and #CypressTextiles 2016 VVCAL Reboot Quick Links Week 6 Squares Lupita Laura William Alma Plain Granny Square Striped Granny Square Important Notes – Please Read Remember, the versions below are made from color packs, but you can use any yarn you want! Stash yarn with full balls – whatever yarn you like. You can follow the color pack that most closely matches the yarn weight you want to use. I just like to make sure that the squares can be made with the packs because it’s a fun way to use them. The first Plain Granny Square that you make will be the square that you use to make sure you get gauge with all of the other squares. Keep that first plain granny square handy so that you can match all of the other squares up to it for the duration of the …

Laura Square

Welcome to the Laura Square! VVCAL Pages Pin Me! These squares were originally published for the Vibrant Vintage Crochet-along (VVCAL) in 2016. Related Links Charted instruction: Written instruction US Terms: For UK Terms and Video Instruction, scroll down. Rnd 1 MR, 8sc, ss in first sc. [8 sc] Rnd 2 Beg pcorn in first sc, (ch3, pcorn) 7 times, ch3, ss in beg pcorn. [8 pcorn, 8 sp] Rnd 3 Beg 4dccl in sp, * (ch3, 4dccl) 2 times in next 8 sps omt final 4dccl, ss in beg 4dccl. [16 4dccl, 16 sp] Rnd 4 Beg dc in sp, * ch2, 3dc in same sp, 3hdc in next sp, 3sc in next sp, 3hdc in next sp, 3dc in next sp, rep from * 3 times omt final st, ss in beg dc. [24 dc, 24 hdc, 12 sc, 4 sp] Rnd 5 (3sc in sp, 15sc) 4 times, ss in first sc. [72 sc] Rnd 6 * (Sc, tr, sc) in corner st, (tr, sc) 8 times, tr, rep from * 3 times, …

William Square

Welcome to the William Square! VVCAL Pages Pin Me! These squares were originally published for the Vibrant Vintage Crochet-along (VVCAL) in 2016. Related Links Charted instruction: Written instruction US Terms: For UK Terms and Video Instruction, scroll down. Rnd 1 MR, beg dc, (ch1, 3dc) 3 times, ch1, 2dc, ss in beg dc. [12 dc, 4 sp] Rnd 2 Beg dc in sp, * ch1, 3dc in same sp, ch1, 3dc in next sp, rep from * 3 times omt final st, ss in beg dc. [24 dc, 8 sp] Rnd 3 Beg dc in sp, * ch1, 3dc in same sp, ch2, (dc, ch1, dc) in next sp, ch2, 3dc in corner sp, rep from * 3 times omt final st, ss in beg dc. [32 dc, 16 sp] Rnd 4 Beg dc in sp, * ch1, 3dc in same sp, ch3, (dc, ch1, dc) in next sp, ch3, 3dc in corner sp, rep from * 3 times omt final st, ss in beg dc. [32 dc, 16 sp] Rnd 5 Beg tr in …

2016 VVCAL Reboot: Week 5 Instructions

Hello, and a huge welcome to Week 5 of the 2016 VVCVAL Reboot! I’m so glad you’re here! Quick Links to Each Week What to Expect Today Social Media Hashtags: #VVCAL and #CypressTextiles 2016 VVCAL Reboot Quick Links Week 5 Squares Mae Johnny Andrea Lincoln Plain Granny Square Striped Granny Square Important Notes – Please Read Remember, the versions below are made from color packs, but you can use any yarn you want! Stash yarn with full balls – whatever yarn you like. You can follow the color pack that most closely matches the yarn weight you want to use. I just like to make sure that the squares can be made with the packs because it’s a fun way to use them. The first Plain Granny Square that you make will be the square that you use to make sure you get gauge with all of the other squares. Keep that first plain granny square handy so that you can match all of the other squares up to it for the duration of the …

Crochet Motif – Johnny Square

Johnny Square VVCAL Pages Pin Me! Related Links Charted instruction: Written instruction US Terms: For UK Terms and Video Instruction, scroll down. Rnd 1 MR, beg dc, ch3, (3dc, ch3) 3 times, 2dc, ss in beg dc. [12 dc, 4 sp] Rnd 2 Beg dc in sp, (ch3, 3dc in same sp, ch1, 3dc in next sp) 4 times omt final dc, ss in beg dc. [24 dc, 8 sp] Rnd 3 (3sc in sp, 7sc) 4 times, ss in first sc. [40 sc] Rnd 4 Beg tr in corner st, * 2dc in same st, 9dc, (2dc, tr) in corner st, rep from * 3 times omt final st, ss in beg dc. [52 dc, 4 tr] Rnd 5 (3sc in corner st, 13sc) 4 times, ss in first sc. [64 sc] Rnd 6 Beg dc in corner st, * ch3, dc in same st, (ch1, sk1, dc) 7 times, ch1, dc in corner st, rep from * 3 times omt final st, ss in beg dc. [36 dc, 36 sp] Rnd 7 (3sc …

2016 VVCAL Reboot: Week 4 Instructions

Hello, and a huge welcome to Week 4 of the 2016 VVCVAL Reboot! I’m so glad you’re here! Quick Links to Each Week What to Expect Today Social Media Hashtags: #VVCAL and #CypressTextiles 2016 VVCAL Reboot Quick Links Week 4 Squares Faye Raymond Gabriella Beth Plain Granny Square Striped Granny Square Important Notes – Please Read Remember, the versions below are made from color packs, but you can use any yarn you want! Stash yarn with full balls – whatever yarn you like. You can follow the color pack that most closely matches the yarn weight you want to use. I just like to make sure that the squares can be made with the packs because it’s a fun way to use them. The first Plain Granny Square that you make will be the square that you use to make sure you get gauge with all of the other squares. Keep that first plain granny square handy so that you can match all of the other squares up to it for the duration of the …

Crochet Motif – Beth Square

Beth Square VVCAL Pages Pin Me! Related Links Charted instruction: Written instruction US Terms: For UK Terms and Video Instruction, scroll down. Rnd 1 MR, 8sc, ss in first sc. [8 sc] Rnd 2 (1sc in next st, ch2, 1sc in next st) 4 times, ss in first sc. [8 sc, 4 sp] Rnd 3 Beg dc in sp, * ch3, 2dc in same sp, ch1, 2dc in next sp, rep from * 3 times omt final st, ss in beg dc. [16 dc, 8 sp] Rnd 4 Beg dc in sp, * (2dc, picot, 3dc) in same sp, ch1, 1dc in next sp, rep from * 3 times omt final st. [4 picot, 24 dc, 4 sp] Rnd 5 Working in sp to the right, beg tr around both ch sps from Rnds 3 and 4 treating them as one, * ch3, 2tr in same sp, ch5, 2tr in next sp, working around both chs as before, rep from * 3 times omt final st, ss in beg tr. [16 tr, 8 sp] Rnd …