All posts tagged: interview

Inside Crochet, Issue 97

Hey, y’all! Exciting news: I was interviewed for the mini “Blog We Love” feature in Inside Crochet, issue 97. And when I say I rode the confidence-boost wave of this magazine interview for at least a month, I’m not the least bit kidding. The proof is where I’ve been doing the majority of my *squeeeeeee*-ing as of late: my IG stories lol [Related: Check out Inside Crochet!] I’ll let you all read the issue for yourself to see the full interview, but it was so much fun, and got me thinking about big picture ideas like why I do what I do. Sometimes it’s refreshing to get back on track with that “forest” stuff, especially when starting a new endeavor like opening a yarn shop gets you stuck in the trees 🙂 Another fabulous thing about this interview, and the main thing I want to share today, was having to sift through all of my makes to select three photos. Oh my goodness… *Backstory moment* …If you didn’t know, I used to be “BabyLove Brand” …