All posts tagged: chunky monkey

Merryweather Square Free Pattern – A Granny Square Day Gift

Hello, friend! It was a phenomenal Granny Square Day today, and I can tell you I spent way too much time on Instagram watching everyone post. Hashtag worth it!! Granny Square Giveaway Update I had over 260 people enter my giveaway celebrating Granny Square Day, and I will announce the 3 winners tomorrow. Look out for a blog post shortly with all the highlights and the fun giveaway info. I will be making virtual blankets with the squares that folks entered as well! Head to #vvcalGSD2019 to see the entries! Merryweather Square As a thank you to everyone who participated in the giveaway, and to all of the folks that shared the love by talking about it in their stories and IG / Facebook feeds, as well as just a HUGE thank you to everyone who follows this site, I decided to release a brand new free pattern today. I named her Merryweather after the blue fairy on Sleeping Beauty, and I think it is just so fitting. Here, you can see my full Merryweather …