All posts tagged: freeform crochet

Freeform Crochet Basics: The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide

Hello, lovely! Lately I’ve been thinking of you. Who are you, and where are you on your creative crochet journey? Are you just starting out and still learning the basics? Do you have years of crochet under your belt, but you love sticking to those simple rhythmic designs for a little #craftastherapy? Are you looking for a way to push the boundary of your hook and yarn, and let your creativity flow? No matter where you are on your journey, you probably feel like creativity is deeply connected to your soul and cultivating happiness. Keeping that creative feeling fresh is so important to get out – and stay out – of those low energy points of life. It happens to all of us. The creative funk. If you want a creative refresher, I have an idea for you. If you haven’t tried it, you should definitely take a few afternoons to see how you like freeform crochet. The freedom of expressing yourself with fiber art will get those creative juices flowing again. [Related: Scheepjes Cahlista …