All posts tagged: accessories

*New* Scheepjes  Accessories!

Hi, y’all! I recently opened some super happy mail and felt I just had to share! Scheepjes Yarns has unveiled a new line of crafty accessories, and I had the wonderful opportunity to un-box a gifty package of them.  As I started tearing through the festive holiday wrapping paper (thank you, Scheepjes!!), I stopped myself and decided to make my very first ever video. This is huge! I’ve gotten numerous requests along the way to make videos, and always felt out of touch with technology and completely not savvy.. But I gave it my best shot and it can only get better from here (lol) ❤️ I’ve had my account set up and ready for launch for about two months now, just waiting for the right time to hit that Launch button. Well, what’s a better way to open my Patreon site than with my first video?  Head over and check out the reveal of all the Scheepjes goodies complete with links on how to use some of the accessories that you see in …